3.54 FAQ-288 How to change the default value of Recalculate dropdown when open dialog?

Last Update: 1/23/2025


When you perform an analysis on some columns or a worksheet, the Recalculate mode is by default set to Manual when open the dialog, and its indicator will be shown as a green lock icon in the result sheet. When there is any change in source data or parameter settings, to recalculate results you have to manually click the lock icon and choose Recalculate.

To globally set the recalculate mode to Auto, set system variable @DAM=1 (by default is 2) in Script Window or Command Window before any analysis was performed. Therefore, the default Recalculate dropdown value upon opening dialog is Auto instead.

Note: the system variable @DAM will affect X function based tools and operation based tools. Worksheet Query tool will not be controlled by this system variable and its default value will be kept as None.

Column Formula

When you perform column calculation using F(x) cell, the Recalculate lock is shown as a green lock icon next to the column heading. The system variable to control column function recalculation is determined by @AUFL. By default @AUFL is 0, meaning "check whether there is formula with recalculation lock in the column, if there is, keep the recalculate mode, otherwise set Auto as recalculate mode.

To globally set the default recalculate mode to Auto, Manual, set @AUFL=1 or @AUFL=2 in Script Window or Command Window before entering the formula.

Set @AUFL=3 to None mode so no recalculation lock is added. When input changes, output will not auto update. But the benefit is you can freely edit values in output column.

You can permanently change the value of @DAM and @AUFL in Origin. Refer to the FAQ for more details.

Keywords:recalculate, mode, auto, analysis, column formula

Minimum Origin Version Required: 2015 SR0