3.2 System Variable List


System Variables are used in Origin to control various behaviors, generally at a much lower level than settings found in Preference: Options.

There are several hundred system variables. A typical Origin user may need to set only a few of them based on their particular needs. Unless recommended by an FAQ or by technical support, there is usually no need for a user to check or set system variable.

Setting a System Variable

All system variables have a default value, and a set of supported values. To change the value of a system variable, do the following:

  1. Open the Set System Variables dialog from the Preferences: Set System Variables... menu.
  2. Scan the variable list to see if you had previously set/changed the system variable of interest. Note that variable names in column 1 are sorted by alphabetic order.
  3. If your system variable under consideration is already in the list, simply type in the new/desired value.
  4. If the variable is not in the list, scroll to the bottom of the list, then click on the empty row and type in the variable name. DO NOT type the '@' character. Only type the name of the variable, such as ASC.
  5. The dialog will display the default value in 2nd column when you click there. Change this value to the desired new value. Note that the variable name color indicates if the value is default or has been set by user.
  6. Press OK to close the dialog. Note that the value change goes into effect only AFTER you close the dialog.

Resetting a System Variable

To roll back a system variable to the default value, do the following:

  1. Open the Set System Variables dialog from the Preferences: Set System Variables... menu.
  2. Right-click on the row corresponding to the variable, and select Delete from the context menu.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog. The system variable value will be rolled back to the default value.

F Note that if you wish to leave the entry in the table, and simply want to revert to default value, you can change the value in the second column to the default value for that variable.

Checking the value of a System Variable

To simply check the value of a system variable, open the Command or Script Window, preface the variable name with @, then follow with "=" and press Enter:

@ASC=20 // the current value of the system variable is returned

Persistent versus Non-Persistent Variables

Of the several hundred system variables, a small number are of the Persistent type. These are marked as Persistent in the table below. All other system variables are non-Persistent.

The difference does not matter if you set or reset the variable from the Set System Variables dialog as described above.

But if you set the value using Command or Script Window such as:


then the value is saved for future sessions only if the variable is the Persistent type. If the variable is non-Persistent, then the value assigned from script or command window will be valid only for the current session.

For Persistent system variables, when the value is changed either from the dialog or from script, the new value is stored in the Windows Registry at:


To list Origin's Persistent system variables:

list @; // lists all Persistent system variables stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\OriginLab\SysVar
// this registry-stored list includes only user-customized values
list -svr; // lists all Persistent system variables in Origin, including registry-stored variables.

For more information, see these topics:

The tables below list all available system variables in alphabetic order and are divided into sections by first letter.


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@A int RW 0 0,1,2 6.1052 It indicates the angular unit to be used:

0 = Radians
1 = Degrees
2 = Gradians

@AB int RW 172 Natural number 6.3003 It specifies the axis break gap size as percent of one percent of the axis length.

Note:@AB=200 means the half-width of the break is equal to 1 percent of the entire axis length. @AB is only applied to version earlier than 9.1.

@ABO bool RW 0 0,1 2017 Determines Apps Gallery tab position.

0 = Whether floating or docked, automatically position tabs horizontally or vertically as Gallery panel is resized.
1 = Whether floating or docked, fix tab position horizontally.

Note: You must set value of @ABO in Preferences: System Variables..., then restart Origin.

@ABW bool RW 0 0,1 2024 auto-black-white @ABW=0(default) controls Graph Element Forground Color Auto. If both @GVC =1, and @ABW=1, then Origin will check the Background Virtual Color and decide if auto=white or auto=black.

When @GVC=1,set back to auto, @ABW=0, object with auto color will follow plot color, @ABW=1, object will not follow plot color.
When @GVC=0, set back to auto, no matter @ABW=0 or 1, object will always follow plot color.

@ACA bool R 0 0,1 2025 It is used to check the license status (node-locked and concurrent) and disable web-based Data Connectors before Origin is active. Web-based connectors include Data: Connector to File: Google Sheet, Data: Connect to Web, Connect to Cloud menu and Open from Cloud button.

It will return 0 if Origin is active. If it return 1, web-based connectors cannot be accessed. See also this FAQ.

@AD int RW 0 0,1 7.0267 It controls axis minor tick behavior for date increment:

0 = Date increment is not rounding to day of week
1 = Date increment is rounding to day of week
Note:@AD is created especially for displaying weekly minor tick labels.

@ADCS int RW 1 0,1 2024 it enable axes dialog common show tab
@ADL int RW 127 0 to 127 2016 Controls which coordinate axes use new axis dialog, by controlling bits. Use this to roll back to use of the old Axis dialog for certain graph types. Use with LabTalk bitxor and bitor functions:

1 = Waterfall
2 = Cartesian
4 = Polar
8 = Ternary
16 = Ternary3D
32 = SmithChart
64 = Radar

@adl=bitxor(@adl,1); // roll back to old Axis DB for waterfall graphs
@adl=bitor(@adl,1); // restore new DB for waterfall graphs
@ADM int RW 0 0,1 7.5764 It controls whether to show prefix/suffix on minor tick label:

0 = Do not show
1 = Show

@ADOC int RW 3 -1,0,1,2,3 8.1088 It specifies ActiveX Data Objects(ADO) cursor type for importing ADO recordsets:

-1 = Unspecified
0 = Forward only
1 = Keyset
2 = Dynamic
3 = Static

@ADPO bool RW 1 0,1 2016 It controls whether to allow partially deleting output sheets:

0 = Old behavior, when you delete a flat/report sheet which contains operations will delete both flat and report sheets
1 = New behavior, you can delete a single flat/report sheet

@ADR int RW 1 0,1,2,3 2025 it control whether to round axis's tick of date time format:

0 = no
1 = round tick
2 = round from/to
3 = round both

@AFH bool RW 1 0,1 2024b Control whether to skip hidden rows when auto-fill data.

1 = skip hidden rows/columns. Note that for numbers and text with numeric suffix, auto-fill will be enumeration rather than duplication, which is different from Excel behavior.
0 = rollback to old behavior. That is, auto-fill all rows/columns even though some are hidden.

@AFP bool RW 1 0,1 2023b If @AFP=1, text property text.follow=1 by default when adding new annotations. It will not affect existing annotation in existing project file.
@AGF bool RW 1 0,1 2018B When you add graph or matrix as new sheet, the hunt dialog will look up the last modified window of proper type and use it to pre-fill. This system variable controls whether to look at other folders when initialization.

0 = Only look up the windows in current folder.
1 = Also look at other folders in current project.


@AGO int RW 0 0 to 7 2022b Apps Gallery Options:

1 = show Add Apps icon on user's tab
2 = hide Data Connector tab
4 = hide All tab
Note: @AGO is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects

@AGS bool RW 1 0,1 2018B It controls whether to use Add Matrixsheet Hunt mechanism to add graph as sheet.

0 = Old behavior. When you right-click on the sheet tab to select Add Graph as Sheet, the Graph Browser will open to let you select a graph window and add into the workbook as a sheet.
1 = New behavior. When you right-click on the sheet tab to select Add Graph as Sheet, the hunt dialog will pop up. You can click on the desired graph window to select it and click on Done button to add the graph as a new sheet.

@AHBC bool RW 0 0,1 2019b It controls whether to automatically expand panels such as "Project Explorer" docked at the left edge of the work space.

0 = automatically expand panels such as Project Explorer, "Messages Log" and Smart Hint Log when the mouse hovers over any of these tabs,
1 = Expand and fold panels such as Project Explorer, Messages Log and Smart Hint Log by clicking on the tabs
Note: The system variable should work after restart the Origin


@AHP bool RW 0 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether to have arrow head hotspot position depend on the shape:

0 = Arrow head hot spot position does not depend on the shape
1 = Arrow head hot spot position depends on the shape

@AIB bool RW 1 0,1 2019 From Origin 2019, the start row index of analysis output column(s) will match the index of input column. For exammple, if the input data starts from second row and you perform integration on it, the result columns should start from 2nd row as well. The 1st row will be filled with missing. Set @AIB = 0 to roll back old behavior, which is, always starts from the first row no matter the input column starts from first row or not.
@AIC bool RW 1 0,1 2017 SR1 It controls whether to ignore hidden range (columns or rows) in analysis tool which input range is "XYRange" or "XYZRange" type.

0 = do not ignore hidden column
1 = ignore hidden range

@AIP bool RW 1 0,1 2018 If a dataset is hidden from worksheet, it will be ignored in both plotting and analysis routine (control by @AIC). If a plot is hidden from graph, on the other hand, it will also be ignored from analysis process by default. This system variable is used to control whether to ignore the hidden plots from analysis.

0 = do not skip hidden plots
1 = ignore hidden plots

@AIT int RW 500 2019b If context menu Auto Import: On Project Open/On Change from Data Connector icon is checked, data is re-imported automatically when you re-open the project or the source file is updated. This system variable controls the time delay (in ms) to do the auto import.


@ALD bool RW 0 0,1 2023b It controls whether show dialog when click the Attach to Plots button. @ALD = 0 means no dialog


@ALOG bool RW 0 0,1 2018b It controls whether to turn on the Audit Log by default for future projects.

0 = the Audit Log is disable for the new project by default
1 = turn on the Audit Log on New project by default.


@ALP bool RW 0 0,1 2023b It controls whether to make the labels attached to plots follow the translation mode change of source legend text.

0 = The labels attached to plots fix its translation mode, which means the labels won't change anymore even you changed the Label Source fo the legend.
1 = Old behavior. The labels atatched to plots will follow the change of legend.

@ALT bool RW 1 0,1 9.0 It controls the test method for checking auto update redundancy:

0 = Test three linked cells in input columns
1 = Test all linked cells in input columns
Note: test all linked cells in input columns might be slow.

@AM int RW 100 Natural number 8.0891 It specifies the size of analysis marker:

25 = Tiny
50 = Small
100 = Medium
150 = Large
Note: when you use Data Selector to select a range of data to perform analysis, you will see analysis marker appear on the plot.

@AMH bool RW 0 0,1 9.0 It decides whether to rescan number of subheader lines in multiple blocks data:

0 = Disable rescan, the number of subheader lines is as default set in headerline settings
1 = Always rescan number of subheader lines

@AMID bool RW 1 0,1 2023b It controls the improvement for Major and Minor Tick Placement for Date-Time Scale. @AMID = 0 to disable it and roll back to old behavior
@AML int RW 25 Natural number 8.0988 It is used to specify the maximum number of supported levels in ANOVA.
@AMRD bool RW 0 0,1 2022 It is used to set minor ticks allow round date

1 = minor ticks allow round date. Old behavior
0 = minor ticks prevent round date

@AMV int RW 1 0,1,2 8.0891 It specifies analysis marker visibility:

0 = Hidden
1 = Show partial
2 = Show all
Note: when you use Data Selector to select a range of data to perform analysis, you will see analysis marker appear on the plot.

@AOU bool RW 0 0,1 8.0987 It controls whether to use new axis object update codes:

0 = Do not use update codes
1 = Use update codes
Note: new axis object update must be defined for @AOU to have effects.

@APPS RW 75 Positive integer 2022b App Icon horizontal spacing
@APPV int RW 22 Positive integer 2022b App Icon vertical spacing


@APR bool RW 0 0,1 8.0891 It controls whether to apply active plot resolution setting to all plots:

0 = Apply to active plot only
1 = Apply to all plots

@APUT int RW 0 0,1 2022 if @APUT = 1, add plot by data range will always use template gap
@AR bool RW 1 0,1 6.0285 It controls whether arrow/line/curved line object is attached to Layer&Scales or Layer Frame when it is drawn inside layer frame. See details here.

0 = Attach to Layer Frame
1 = Attach to the Layer and Scales
Note: Lines created by the LabTalk Draw command will always be attached to layer/scale in regardless of the values of @AR.

@ARLS bool RW 0 0,1 2020b Controls the order in which Reference Line fill patterns are drawn.

0 = Draw patterns according to numerical order of reference lines (e.g draw fill between lines at X=1 and X=10 before drawing fill between lines X=5 and X=15).
1 = Draw patterns according to the order in which they appear in the Reference Lines table (Reference Lines tab of Axis dialog).

@ARR bool RW 0 0,1 2020b It controls whether the rectangle/circle/polygon/region/polyline/freehand object is attached to Layer&Scales or Layer Frame when it is drawn inside layer frame. See details here.

0 = Attach to Layer Frame
1 = Attach to the Layer and Scales

@ART bool RW 0 0,1 2020b It controls whether rotate the tick labels when they are overlapped and the Rotate is set to Auto:

0 = old behavior. Do not rotate tick labels even the tick labels are overlapped
1 = Rotate tick labels when any labels are overlapped.
First, try to rotate tick labels from 0 to 45; if still overlapped, set the Rotate to 90; if still overlapped, hide some tick labels.

@ARX bool RW 0 0,1 2020b It controls whether the text object is attached to Layer&Scales or Layer Frame when it is drawn inside layer frame. See details here.

0 = Attach to Layer Frame.
1 = Attach to the Layer and Scales

@ASC int RW 20 Natural number 8.50013 It specifies the minimum project size (in megabytes) to trigger autosaving checking (Autosave Project Every x Minutes and Autosave Unsaved Project on Preference: Options > Open/Close tab). "Autosave Project Every x Minutes" behavior is controlled by several system.project properties
@ASCM bool RW 1 0,1 2022 It controls whether save Categorical Map when saving analysis template

1 = always save Categorical Map
0 = old behavior

@ASH bool RW 0 0,1 2022b It controld whether to ignore hidden rows for simple assignment, @ASH = 1 to skip hidden rows
@ASKH int RW 12 Natural number 2018 When a project crashes before saving, a backup file is autosaved. This system variable determine how much hour this autosave unsaved project will be kept. @ASKH < 0 means the backup file will not be deleted.
@ASL int RW 0 0,1 2023b If @ASL = 0, hidden column label will not show again after recalculate. Set @ASL = 1 for old behavior
@ASR bool RW 0 0,1 2024b @ASR = 1 to make add sparkline always rescale
@AT bool RW 1 0,1 7.0286 It controls whether to allow all text and no numeric file to be imported during ASCII import:

0 = Do not allow ASCII import unless there is numeric data in the text
1 = Allow the import of all text regardless of the existence of numeric data

@ATCM bool RW 1 0,1 2017 It determines whether to clean the masking information when saving the Analysis Template

0 = keep the masking info while saving the Analysis Template
1 = clean the masking info while saving the Analysis Template

@ATDM int RW 400 Natural number 8.0725 It specifies if the column does not have @ATDM rows, then this column will not be shown in Dataset listing for Text type.

Notes: @ATDM and @ATDS have to be both satisfied in order for the column to be treated as text column. Value of @ATDM increased from 100 to 400 for Origin 9.3 (2016).

@ATDS int RW 20 Natural number 8.0725 It specifies if the first @ATDS number of rows does not have text, then this column will not be shown in Dataset listing for Text type.

Note: @ATDM and @ATDS have to be both satisfied in order for the column to be treated as text column.

@ATGT int RW 0 0,1,2 2023 It help to improve Group Column Plot Labels alignment issue If Gap Between Subsets. @ATGT controls which table to draw as grid, 0 is auto, 1 is bottom, 2 is top.
@ATLC bool RW 1 0,1 2018b Sometimes copying Origin graph to CorelDRAW may lost text in axis table label due to Clipping fails to be handled by CorelDRAW correctly. User can use metafile to workaround this problem, or turn off clipping by the system variable @ATLC.

1 = enable axis table label drawing clipping,
0 = disable axis table label drawing clipping

@ATSS bool RW 1 0,1 2018 By default there is one space before separator in axis unit of axis title. This system variable controls whether to keep the space before separator

0 = remove space before separator
1 = have one space before separator

@ATVO double RW 10 Positive integer 2022b It controls the gap of Axis title put to vertex of Ternary. Vertical gap for top vertex in right triangle ternary will use half value
@AU bool RW 1 0,1 7.0415 It controls whether auto-updating for column formula must be on idle, or not:

1= Autoupdate must be on idle
0= On some Labtalk command
Note: @AU=0, change data will not result in auto calculation for column formula even if Recalculation Mode is Auto.

@AUA int RW 0 0,1 2018b It controls whether to turn on auto-update for installed Apps that have an update available.

0 = do not auto-update Apps. You will need to open Help: App Center to update them manually.
1 = auto-update Apps that have an update available.

@AUB bool RW 1 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to show message box when current OPJ is autoupdating:

0 = Disable auto update message box upon updating opj
1 = Enable auto update message box upon updating opj
Note: this message box show time is the same as the execution time of auto recalculation. It can be only seen when recalculation time is long enough.

@AUBT int RW 80 Natural number 8.0725 It specifies the threshold (in milliseconds) to show auto update message box.

Note: when auto recalculation time is less than @AUBT ms, then message box will not show up.

@AUFL bool RW 0 0,1,2,3 9.1 It controls whether to keep auto update mode when set formula in Formula Label:

0 = Check whether there is an operation in the column, if there is, keep the recalculate mode, otherwise set Auto as recalculate mode
1 = Always set to be auto update mode when update the formula label
2 = Always set as Manual
3 = Always set as None

@AUL bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to auto update when Set Column Value operation contains values from column labels:

0 = Do not auto update for column label change
1 = Auto update for column label change

@AUM int RW 0 0 to 7 8.0159 It specifies Origin C message queuing mechanism by controlling bits:

1 = Disable send
2 = Disable post
4 = Disable processing post
Note: @AUM is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects, for instance, @AUM = 7 (includes @AUM=1, @AUM=2, and @AUM=4) means disable send, post and processing post.

@AUN bool RW 1 0, 1 2017 It controls whether to automatically convert lower case name to upper case when typing formula in F(x) if the name matches existing column SN (except i and j)

0 = do not convert lower case
1 = automatically convert lower case to upper case

@AUP int RW 1 0,1,2,3 8.0725 It controls whether to enable progress box for auto update:

0 = Disable progress box for auto update
1 = Enable progress box for auto update. When Origin is auto-updating, the updating progress will show in Command&Results window in Code Builder.
2 = Enable progress box for auto update. When Origin is auto-updating, the updating progress will show in Message Log.
3 = Enable progress box for auto update when Origin is auto-updating, the updating progress will show in script window.
Note: this system variable is updated in Origin 2017 SR1, adding values 2 and 3.

@AUS int RW 2000 Natural number 7.0604 It specifies auto update saturation time (in milliseconds).
@AUT int RW 100 Natural number 7.0594 It specifies the time factor for intelligent auto update.

Note: for instance, if the operation takes 3 seconds to execute and in order for intelligent auto update of operation to happen, user must show time gap of 3*@AUT*10^-3 seconds.

@AUW int RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It is used to control Origin C processing of worksheet events:

0 = Disable all Origin C processing of worksheet message
1 = Disable Origin C processing of selection related message

@AWC int RW 29068641 Natural number 2018b Active window indicator color. Use with the LT color() function and RGB values or an HTML standard color code (e.g. to change color to red, @AWC=color(255,0,0) or @AWC=color("#FF0000")). Note that named LabTalk colors are not supported (e.g. @AWC = color(red) does not work).

-1 = Disable active window indicator.


@AWF int RW 0 integer 2018b It controls active Window flashing timeout in millisecond when selected from Window menu. Set @AWF = 0 to turn off flashing. Set @AWF = -1 to follow windows standard cursor flashing speed.


@AWI int RW 1 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 2018b Active window indicator style.

1 = default, solid line, outside window frame
2 = title bar frame
3 = title bar top line

add 4 to the above to use thin line
add 8 to the above to use dashed line


@AXP bool RW 1 0,1 2024 if @AXP = 1, Axis Auto from dataplot is off if color changes by points.


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@B bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to execute the LabTalk statements that begin with #!:

0 = Disable executing LabTalk statements that begin with #!
1 = Enable executing LabTalk statements that begin with #!
Note: It is equivalent to System.Debug object property.

@B3D0 bool RW 1 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether negative values need down drawing from z=0 plane for 3D bar plot:

0 = Do not make down drawings for negative values from z=0 plane
1 = Make down drawings for negative values from z=0 plane
Note: for OpenGL graph, this option is replaced by a Draw Bars from drop down list in Plot Details dialog box.

@B3D0B bool RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to color z=0 plane in black for negative value down drawing upon making 3D bar plot:

0 = Do not color z=0 plane in black
1 = Color z=0 plane in black

@BA bool RW 0 0,1 7.0581 It indicates whether OperationManger is batch processing:

0 = OperationManager is not batch processing
1 = OperationManager is batch processing

@BACM int RW 1 0,1,2 2017 It decides whether to turn on auto border color in box chart.

0 = turn off auto coloring
1 = auto change border to contrast color when border color and fill color are the same, which makes line and symbol inside box visible.
2 = always enable auto coloring for border

@BC int RW 0 0,1 6.9211 It controls how to respond to writing across allocated memory error:

0 = Ignore errors
1 = Show warnings

@BCM int RW 0 0,1 7.0342 It controls how to respond when constructor of wrappers with template types have wrong template types:

0 = Show warnings
1 = Show run time error

@BCS int RW 100 Natural number 7.0384 It specifies the number of extra cells allocated (size of padding).
@BD bool RW 0 0,1 6.0249 It controls whether to let Dialog Developer Kit (DDK) output debug messages to script window:

0 = Do not output debug messages to script window
1 = Output debug message to script window

@BDDF bool RW 0 0,1 9.1 Dock/float Data Display window (see @BDDS)

0 = Dock Data Display window
1 = Float Data Display window

@BDDS bool RW 0 0,1 9.1 Show/hide Data Display window.

0 = Hide Data Display window
1 = Show Data Display window

@BDL bool RW 0 0,1 2024 Determine whether to limit to 1 and 0 during setting/converting column values to binary.

0 = missing value is allowed. For numeric data, 0 will still return 0, 1 will still return 1, any values other then 0 and 1 will return missing (“--”). For text, “yes” and “true” will return 1, “no” and “false” will return 0, any other texts will return missing.
1 = limit binary values to 1 and 0. No missing is allowed. For numeric, 0 will still return 0, any values > 0 will return 1. For text, “yes” and “true” will return 1, otherwise will return 0.  

@BDR bool RW 0 0,1 9.0 It controls the box chart drawing rule for handling invalid data:

0 = Skip all invalid data but draw with valid data
1 = Do not draw if there exists any invalid data

@BE int RW 1 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to print LabTalk errors:

0 = Do not print any LabTalk errors
1 = Print internally found errors

@BEM bool RW 1 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether to dump low level message on error condition like cell(i,j) indexing out of bound:

0 = Do not dump low level message
1 = Dump low level message

@BFS int RW 500 Natural number 2018b Determines the threshold size in megabytes (MB) of accumulated projects (OPJ/OPJU) in the \Backup folder (Help: Open Folder: Project Backup Folder) that will trigger an attention message reminding the user of the accumulating files. The message prompts the user to open Windows File Explorer and manage these files. The message is hard-coded to appear every 10 days and will show even when system variable @USKT=0 (Autosave Unsaved Projects off). There is also a hard-coded file number of 30 (any file type) which triggers the message.

0 = disable attention message.

@BG int RW 100 Natural number 6.0286 It specifies vertical border gap factor for label.

Note: @BG is identical to @BGV.

@BGA bool RW 0 0,1 2023b It specifies whether show the fitted curves in the left panel of Browser Graph when you do fitting on the browser graph.

0 = Not Show the Fitted Curves in the left panel
1= Show the Fitted Curves in the left panel

@BGH int RW 150 Natural number 6.0286 It specifies horizontal border gap factor for label.
@BGP bool RW 1 0,1 2021 Set to 1 to update the page after graph object pasted
@BGV int RW 100 Natural number 6.0286 It specifies vertical border gap factor for label which functions identically as @BG.
@BHT int RW 10 0,Positive integer 2023 It controls Notification Icon Blink Hard Time:

0 = show strong blink immediately
between 0 and 100 = show strong blink after this time
100 or larger = not show strong blink


@BID int RW 15 Natural number 2019b If the digit of the import number is more than @BID, the number will be imported as Text instead of Numeric. This way the long digits ID will not be truncated.


@BIW int RW 100 -1, Natural number 2024 It controls whether to hide intermediate workbooks in batch processing

-1= Do not hide any intermediate workbook (behavior before 2024 version)
0= Hide all intermediate workbooks.
N like 100 = Show only the first N books (N=100)

@BL int RW 1 0,1,2 8.0725 It controls how to handle LabTalk errors:

0 = Ignore LabTalk errors and continue
1 = Allow some errors (read value) and continue
2 = Stop LabTalk execution if any error was found

@BLD int RW 0 0,1 8.0725 It specifies LabTalk math expression evaluation data access checking level:

0 = Show invalid access as missing value
1 = Show error message for invalid access
Note: for instance in @BLD=0(default) if the index of cell/column/row is less than 1, use col(1)[0]=; to access cell will show as missing value col(1)[0]=-- where @BLD=1 will handle it as error and show error message as "Math cannot be performed on Text column:".

@BM int RW 7 0 to 31 6.0187 It specifies graph buffer enhanced metafile options by controlling bits:

1 = Line use enhanced
2 = Symbol use enhanced
4 = Vector use enhanced
8 = Text use enhanced
16 = Contour do not use enhanced
Note: @BM is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects, for instance @BM=7 (includes @BM=4, @BM=2, @BM=1) means Line, Symbol, Vector all use enhanced.

@BMB int RW 0 0,1 8.108988 It controls how to draw bar plots when base is missing:

0 = Set base to zero as in version 8.0 and earlier
1 = Skip the data point

@BMLL int RW 1 0,1 2019 Adjust width of mean line to follow box/bar width. Set @BMLL = 0 to roll back to old behavior, in which mean line is always 100% width of box + data (if shown). The mean line would be too long if Type is set to "Data" or "Box/Bar overlap with Data".
@BMP bool RW 0 0,1 2022 Prior to Origin 2021b, images inserted to graph windows from file, were inserted as bitmaps. Beginning with Origin 2021b, such images are inserted as type OIMAGE. Beginning with Origin 2022, double-clicking on the bitmap or OIMAGE object opens the image in the Image Window (for editing, etc.). Bitmaps are simultaneously converted to type OIMAGE. To prevent Origin from converting bitmap images from older Origin projects (<= 2021b) on double-click, set the value of @BMP.

0 = Convert bitmaps to OIMAGE on double-clicking, and open in Image Window.
1 = Do not convert to OIMAGE and open Object Properties on double-click.

@BNLP int RW 20 Natural number 2019 It controls the auto-nested layout percent of bubble size. The default value is 20, which means when the bubble scale is larger than 20% of the whole layer in size, its layout will be switched to Nested from Linear if you renew/add a bubble scale for a size-indexed scatter/line+symbol plot.
@BPA bool RW 0 0,1 2024 Origin 2024 Support automatic update of batch processing reports when more files added to folder. Set @BPA = 1 to old behavior
@BPOP int RW 1 0,1 2024 @BPOP = 1 to enable Batch Plotting support plot with intermediate sheet
@BSM bool RW 0 0,1 2023b used by Data Connector's Duplicate sheet with more files context menu. @BSM = 1 to make StatusBarText to show and not wipped out by other internal status bar messages
@BST int RW 1 -1,0,1 2018b It controls whether to save the settings of the Batch Processing dialog(including Dataset Identifier, Data Sheet, Result Sheet(s), Options branch, and Script branch settings) into analysis template for future use.

0 = always no save the settings;
1 = always save the settings;
-1 = pop up the save batch processing dialog settings into analysis template message box after clicking OK in the Batch Processing dialog to ask whether to save settings and where to save if you choose Yes.


@BTC bool RW 1 0,1 2015 It controls whether to apply new behavior to curve fitting with bounds and constraints:

0 = Revert to old behavior
1 = Apply new behavior

@BW double RW 1 Natural number 2020b It controls the width between Axis break:

0 = break width is same as break gap
1 = break width is same as current break width when Break gap=175
other = break width will be adjust to break width * @BW

@BWF int RW 1 0,1,2 2015 It controls whether to apply new behavior to box width calculation when X Position under Box tab in Plot Details dialog is not Auto :

0 = Revert to old behavior
1 = Apply new behavior only if X Position is not Auto and Subgroup Size is 0
2 = Always apply new behavior if only Subgroup Size is 0

@BWM bool RW 1 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether to check the monotonicity of calculated bar width:

0 = Do not check monotonicity
1 = Check monotonicity


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@C bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to use pure color or dither color:

0 = Use dither color
1 = Use pure color

@CACM int RW 1 Positive integer 2023 It controls the gap that is added between cell note text and frame box when editing cell note.
@CACP bool RW 0 0,1 2022 @CACP = 1 to allow showing the cell-attached comment popup even if the syntax is non-text
@CACS double RW 1 Positive number 2022 Scale factor to tweak the font size of the Cell Note.
@CAI int RW 20 Natural number 8.50013 It specifies the time interval in milliseconds for checking the ESC key state while making a contour plot.

Note:@CAI is created to enable aborting drawing upon using ESC key.

@CANPT int RW -1 -1,Natural number 2023b number of points to draw circle arrow, @CANPT = -1 to use default value
@CAP int RW 1 0,1 2019 It controls whether to recognize percent as numeric or text. When cell format is set to Text & Numeric,

1 = entering a percent number will be auto recognized as numeric
0 = entering a percent number will be recognized as text, old behavior.

Note: if cell format is set to Text, percent number will always recognize as text.

@CATD bool RW 0 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to disable Categorical check upon making plots:

0 = Disable Categorical check to disable Categorical conversion
1 = Enable Categorical check

@CATH int RW 70 0 to 100 8.0725 It specifies the threshold in percentage of probability for automatic switch to Categorical type.
@CATL bool RW 1 0,1 2018 From Origin2018, the locked columns (generated by operation) can be set as categorical. This system variable is used to turn off this feature.

0 = forbid to set locked columns as categorical
1 = allow to set locked columns as categorical

@CATS int RW 4 0 to 11 2015 It specifies the method to set the order of Categorical map via controlling bits when a column is Set as Categorical:

1 = Sort the labels
2 = Allow empty strings to be treated as one category
4 = Exclude Missing Values so that they are not treated as a category
8 = Treat missing values and empty cells as one category (2016 )


  • @CATS is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects, for instance, @CATS = 6 (includes @CATS=4 and @CATS=2) means do not sort, allow empty string and missing values will be excluded. @CATS = 10 (@CATS=2 and @CATS=8) means "allow empty strings as category" and "treat empty strings and missing values as the same category". @CATS = 0 means do not sort the labels, do not allow empty strings and do not exclude missing values for category map.
  • @CATS effects all the analysis tools with group column.
@CBB bool RW 1 0,1 2020b It controls whether to use additional line as column/bar base even if additional line "Y =" (on Axis dialog > Grids tab) is unchecked.

1 = always use additional line as column/bar base,
0 = old behavior, unchecking additional line "Y=" will use bottom axis as column/bar base

@CCFA int RW 85 Positive integer no more than 100 2023 It controls Cell Comment Flyout Position Adjustment: adjustment will happen if the reduction of the size due to the limited space would be more than 100% minus the value of the system variable

0= Preserve the old behavior (no shifting).


@CCL bool RW 1 0,1 2023 Carry over all column label information (Long Name, Unit, Comment, etc.) from source columns to the analysis results. Set @CCL = 0 to restore to the old behavior.

This system variable controls X-Functions: smooth, normalize, vnormalize, interp1, interp1trace, and interp1xy.

@CCT int RW 50 Natural number 7.0543 It specifies the default text column cell width.
@CDB bool RW 1 0,1 2019 It determines whether to show missing value in worksheet cell as blank cell or "--". It takes effect in two cases: how to display the missing value when you clear a block of cells (by Edit: Clear menu or DEL key), and how to initialize empty cells when you insert data in the middle of a column.

0 = Roll back to old behavior. missing value always shows as "--".
1 = missing value always show as blank cell.


@CDC bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @CDC = 1 to allow Ctrl+Shift+Drag to support duplicate Object with connector. Set @CDC = 0 back to old behavior
@CDD bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @CDD = 1 to enable Ctrl+Drag duplicate Graph Object. Set @CDD = 0 back to old behavior
@CDU bool RW 1 0,1 8.0987 It controls whether to clear duplicate Unique Identifications (UID) upon loading.
@CE bool RW 1 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to copy Enhanced MetaFile (EMF) to clipboard upon using Copy Page:

0 = Do not copy EMF to clipboard
1 = Copy EMF to clipboard

@CEFDEBUG bool RW 0 0,1 2022b It's for Html control to debug the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF):

0 = OCefClient is not in debug, debug context menu not show
1 = OCefClient is in debug, debug context menu show

@CEM bool RW 1 0,1 2018b From version 2018b, Origin will treat missing value as empty when consider a worksheet column to be empty or not, which means, if a column contains only missing values, then it is empty.

0 = go back to old way, not to consider column with all missing values to be empty
1 = consider column with all missing values to be empty

@CET int RW 0 Positive integer 2018 Used to adjust the size of the preview image shown when mouse hovers over a worksheet cell inserted graph.

@CET=0, use default size of 250x250 pixels
@CET=1 to 29, disable this feature
@CET>=30 is user defined size in pixels, scale by DPI scale factor

Note that the preview will only show when CET > smallest cell dimension.

@CFCQ bool RW 1 0,1 2025 If @CFCQ=1 cell formula cache will check keywords in quotes. Can set @CFCQ=0 if cell formula goes wrong to see if problem goes away.
@CFDT int RW 900 integer 2020b, updated 2021 Data imported by Connect to Web is cached for a time period equal to @CFDT seconds per 100kB of file size (e.g connected data in a 10MB file is cached for 900 * 100 = 90,000 sec or ~24 hr). Thus, re-import of connected data into the project will use cached data if the time period has not been exceeded. When exceeded, the cached data are deleted. See delete -web
@CFL int RW 1 0,1 2024b it controls whether to override a locked/checked-out Cloud Project File:

0 = it will ask to open as read-only or cancel
1 = it will ask to try to override the lock, or open as read-only, or cancel

@CFM bool R 0 0,1 2020b It returns whether Edit Mode is on.

0 = Edit Mode is off
1 = Edit Mode is on

@CFP bool RW 1 0,1 2018 Controls whether Copy (full precision) copies and pastes "full precision" value or Origin's internal value, when copying and pasting within an Origin instance.

0 = Copy (full precison) copies and pastes Origin's internal (binary) value.
1 = Copy (full precision) copies and pastes "full precision" decimal value.

Note that the conversion from binary (64-bit double-precision) to decimal ("full precision") may result in very small rounding discrepancies.

@CFRL int RW 1600 0, Positive integer 2019b Cell formula recursive limitation. When double click or drag to fill cell formula over @CFRL rows, a massage dialog will open recommending column formula instead. Refer to @DFC for the message dialog details. Set @CFRL = 0 to remove the limitation.


@CFS bool R 0 0,1 2024b check whether command is from short cut
@CGL bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @CGL = 1 to allow Ctrl+Drag Graph Object to new layer and create new copy. Set @CGL = 0 back to old behavior
@CGN bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @CGN = 1 to reserve graph object name when copy or paste. Set @CGN = 0 back to old behavior
@CIE bool RW 1 0,1 2021 Show LSP error. When fails to find/run dependency:

1 = show LSP error
0 = do not show LSP error

@CIS bool RW 0 0,1 2021 Enable intellisense for script window.
@CL bool RW 0 0,1 6.0264 It controls whether to use Keep Size option upon pasting layout into word:

0 = Do not keep size
1 = Keep size

@CLA bool RW 0 0,1 2022b @CLA = 0 to set Copy Layout as EMF Image code not to keep size, and will produce bigger image. @CLA = 1 to keep size, old behavior
@CLE int RW 5 Natural number 2021b Percent of width or height from layer edge, from which to exclude contour labels.


@CLFT bool RW 0 0,1 2022b When using Custom Formula to display axis in Log scale and setting tick Type to By Custom Position, this variable.determines how to specify the tick position.

0 = Specify the tick position by original values. 1 = Specify the tick position by result values of direct formula. For example, if you want to show ticks in 1, 1000, 1000000 when using direct formula log(x)/log(1000), you can enter 0 1 2 in Position edit box.

See this FAQ for details.

@CLI int RW 15 Natural number 2021b Margin in percent of layer width or height, inside which contour labels will be placed preferentially. Placement is subject to other constraints such as placement of contour lines, presence of other labels, etc.

0 = revert to pre-version 2021b code for placement of labels.


@CLN bool RW 0 0,1 2023 @CLN = 0 to not force long name same as short name on loading a window/template, it help to keep the orginal long name
@CLO bool RW 0 0,1 2021b Prevent contour labels from being drawn outside the layer. Typically, when drawn outside the layer, the label will be clipped (cut off) at the layer frame. See Clip Data to Frame.

0 = (default) Prevent drawing outside the layer (prevent cut off labels)
1 = Allow drawing of labels outside the layer (labels may appear cut off).

@CLP bool RW 0 0,1 7.0373 It controls whether to forcibly clip or unclip data to frame for bar/column graphs if Clip Data to Frame checking box under Plot Details:Display did not function properly:

0 = Forcibly unclip data to frame
1 = Forcibly clip data to frame
Note: If Clip Data to Frame box is unchecked, @CLP can function as the switch to turn on/off clip data to frame.

@CLR bool RW 0 0,1 2021b Auto-reposition contour labels on scale change

0 = (default) No
1 = Yes

@CMP int R 0 0,1 2023 it controls whether Add a worksheet to layout window will use context menu's pos
@CMPMT int RW 2000 Positive integer 2016 SR2 It controls the maximum number of total levels in the color-mapped graph.
@CMR bool RW 0 0,1 2021b It controls whether COLORMAP rescale data range in current domain:

0 = yes 1 = no

@CNB int RW 14155000 Natural number 2022b cell note backgroud color


@CNC bool RW 1 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to automatically create new columns if calling columns do not exist, for instance, call column using col (name) or wcol (i):

0 = Do not create new columns upon calling unknown columns
1 = Create new columns upon calling unknown columns

@CNE int RW 1 0,1 2022b Cell Note Editor @CNE=0, set to 1 to use Origin Rich Text.
@CNF int RW 12 Positive integer 2023 It controls Cell Notes preview font (It’s independent of Notes window font. )


@CNL bool RW 1 0,1 7.0543 It controls whether to use the first line label as column long name:

0 = Do not use first line label as column long name
1 = Use first line label as column long name

@CNN bool RW 0 0,1,2,3 2022 Allows pre-populating of worksheet cell Notes with certain elements

0 = "type here"
1 = user
2 = user + date
3 = user + date + time

@CNP int RW 0 0,1,2 2016

It controls how to deal with dot character in naming column through LabTalk:
0 = Allow using dot character in wks.addcol(""test.1"") and wks.col$(wks.ncols).name$=""test.1"";
1 = Remove dot character when using it in wks.addcol(""test.1"") and wks.col$(wks.ncols).name$=""test.1"";
2 = Output error message and break LabTalk execution

If you want to use the wks.addcol command to add a new column with specified name, you might need run the command page.xlcolname = 0; to turn off the Spreadsheet Cell Notation in the workbook, please see FAQ-849 for more information.

@CNS int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2025 Cell Note Syntax:

0 = Plain Text
1 = HTML
2 = Markdown
3 = OriginText

@CO bool RW 1 0,1 9.0 It controls which offset mode to choose for Cumulative option:

0 = Offset plots in layers
1 = Offset plots within each group

@COPU int RW 2 0,1,2,3 2015 It controls whether to copy text to clipboard as UNICODE:

0 = Do not copy to clipboard as UNICODE
1 = Copy to clipboard as UTF16 format UNICODE
2 = UNICODE will be interpreted as @COPU=0 if Japanese is involved, otherwise same as @COPU=1
3 = Copy to clipboard as UTF8 format UNICODE

@COR int RW 45 Natural number 2019 A darkening factor for background shading of unused worksheet cells. Units of factor are 1/10ths of a percent (%); thus, the default value of 45 translates to "make darker by 4.5%". Also, see object property page.outsiderangespecpaint


@CPC bool RW 1 0,1 8.109034 It controls whether to apply new behavior to tri-contour plot under the circumstance where non-linear scale is used for Y axis:

0 = Revert tri-contour plot behavior back to version earlier than 8.1
1 = Apply new behavior for tri-contour plot in regard to change Y axis scale as not Linear type
Note: when @CPC=0 (old behavior), if you change Y axis scale to be not Linear for tri-contour plot, you will see some blank in the contour map.

@CPE bool RW 0 Natural number 8.0891 It controls the cases where new Edit control will be applied:

If @CPE=0 (default), new Edit control is only used when codepage is Chinese or Japanese (932, 936, 950).
If @CPE>0, then new Edit Control is always used, otherwise if @CPE < 0 new Edit Control is never used.

@CPGD int RW 0 0,1, -1 2019b

When you Copy Graph as Picture to another application, controls whether DIB is available.
-1 = When you copy an OpenGL graph, or use remote desktop to perform a copy, DIB is included. In other situations, DIB is not copied.
0 = DIB is not supported when copy a graph page.
1 = copy DIB, EMF and COM object.
Note: @CPGD was changed for 2019b and 2022.

@CPKD int RW 0 0,1 2022b @CPKD = 1 to hide Symbol tab in Plot Detail for Circular Packing
@CPKF double RW 0 Positive 2022b @CPKF = 10000 to turn on filter with maximum factor = 10000, i.e if radius of a circle is smaller than maximum circle radius/10000, then we will ignore this point
@CPKL int RW 0 0,1 2022b it controls whether circular packing label show at the single root
@CPKM int RW 0 0,1,2 2022b global packing method:

0 = CPackMethod_ggraph,
1 = CPackMethod_pmenzel,
2 = CPackMethod_Zanhung

@CPL bool RW 1 0,1 8.0891 It controls whether to apply new behaviors in drawing contour plot labels:

0 = Use old behavior to draw contour plot labels
1 = Apply new behavior to draw contour plot labels
Note: when @CPL=0 (old behavior), double click on Labels tab under Plot Details:Color Map/Contours and choose Show All to show all contour labels will end up show no labels.

@CPM bool RW 1 0,1 2019 It controls whether to copy data with mask when you copy data with the Copy etc. context menus:

0 = Use old behavior to copy the data without keeping the mask status.
1 = Copy the data range with mask. But you won't be allowed to paste transpose/paste link/paste link transpose

@CPNB bool RW 1 0,1 2019b Copying and pasting of multiple worksheet cells was changed to be more MS Excel-like:

0 = old behavior of single value copied only to first cell in selection, n values copied only to first n cells.
1 = (default) new behavior of single value copied to all cells in selection, n values copied to even multiples of n cells.

@CPNP bool RW 0 0,1 2020 Prior to Origin 2020, the user could click on a line, symbol, line+symbol or column/bar plot to select it, then press CTRL+C to copy the plot to the clipboard. CTRL+V into a graph window pasted a line plot. CTRL+V into a worksheet cell pasted the plot data.

0 = (default) Better support for copying and pasting graph format but no support for pasting data to worksheet
1 = restore old behavior

@CPRC int RW 1 0,1 2022 clean copy page ratio. Set to 0 to revert back to old behavior
@CPRO bool RW 1 0,1 2022 It controls when copy graph as picture whether to use raster only:

0 = restore old behavior
1 = use raster only

@CPS int RW -1 -1, 932, 936, 949, 950, 1252, 1361 etc 6.1052 It is used to set default string processing codepage when setting language at startup:

-1 = System
932 = Japanese
936 = Simplified Chinese
949 = Korean
950 = Traditional Chinese
1252 = US ANSI
1361 = Korean Johab

@CRL int RW 30000 0, Positive integers 2020b Accumulating a large number of Results Log entries can bloat the project and cause Origin to react sluggishly. On project loading, if the Results Log contains more than a threshold number of entries, an attention message prompts the user to clear the Log.

N = Threshold number of messages to trigger attention message. Default is 30000 entries.
0 = suppress the attention message.

@CS int RW 0 0,1 8.0987 It specifies the maximum column width option to be used while importing a database or file:

0 = Use default maximum column width
1 = Use new maximum column width if the imported data has bigger size than default column width limit.
Note: @CS=0, default maximum column width is 3800.@CS=1, use new maximum size 5848.

@CSA bool RW 1 0,1 2022b Custom-Symbol-AntiAliasing for user-defined symbol. @CSA = 1 to turn on stronger anti-aliasing


@CSAO bool RW 1 0,1 2022b it controls whether to draw SVG graphical objects anti-aliased


@CSB bool RW 0 0,1 2019 It controls whether to skip blank cell from top when copy worksheet cell and paste.

1 = Skip blank cell at the beginning of selection for copy case. Old behavior.
0 = Do not skip blank cell at the beginning.


@CSDND bool RW 0 0,1 2023b it control whether allow Ctrl+Shift+Drag to duplicate graph object. @CSDND=1 to disable
@CSK int RW 0 0,1 2023b it enable connect duplicate sheet with new files. Used by Data Connector's Duplicate sheet with more files context menu
@CT int RW 1 0,1,2 6.9076 It controls which thread option to be used for Origin C compiler:

0 = Peek message
1 = Separate thread
2 = None

@CTD bool R 0 0,1 2024 It return the status whether Origin is in dark mode
@CTP int RW 2 0,1,2 2024 color theme preference:

0 = turn off dark mode 1 = turn on dark mode 2 = follow OS (default)


@CTT bool RW 0 0,1 2023 When copy worksheet as HTML/EMF table, Text format (including Unicode text format and OEM text format) will not keep by default. Set @CTT = 1 to include Text format.


@CU int R 0 2022 it returns the number of time-updated cloud files
@CUC bool RW 1 0,1 2022 It controls cloud info update

1 = enable
0 = disable


@CVC bool RW 1 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to Copy Link as script format or as its actual value:

0 = Copy Link as script format
1 = Copy Link> as its actual value
Note: if we copy the cell from Book 1, sheet 1, column A, cell 1, Paste Link will display the cell as: cell://[Book1]Sheet1!A[1] rather than its actual value if @CVC=0.

@CVD bool RW 0 0,1 2024 when export matrix window as monochrome image, CVD=0 (default) to use solid dither, CVD=1 to use error diffusion
@CVI bool RW 1 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to enable cell to info value linking:

0 = Disable cell to info value linking
1 = Enable cell to info value linking

@CVM int RW 1 0,1 2018 It controls whether the Show Columns as Rows (&Hide Data) option shows under View menu.

0= Do not show the option
1= Show the Show Columns as Rows (&Hide Data) option

@CW int R 0 0,1,2 6.1052 It indicates whether it is in the middle of closing all windows in Origin:

0 = It is not in the middle of closing windows
1 = It is closing all windows, but not for Exit purpose
2 = It is closing all windows, and it is for Exit purpose
Note:@CW is used in profiler.ogs

@CWACC bool RW 0 0,1 2016 It specifies the accelerator for copy numeric value in workbook.

1 = Use Ctrl+C as accelerator for Copy(full precision), use Ctrl+Alt+C as accelerator for Copy.
0 = Use Ctrl+Alt+C as accelerator for Copy(full precision), use Ctrl+C as accelerator for Copy.

@CWC int RW 0 0,1,2 2021 It controls whether to show Command Window:

0 = disable Command Window if double-click
1 = do not auto show command window on startup
2 = old behavior

@CWS int RW 13 0 to 15 9.1 It is used to specify which worksheet to show in the Change Worksheet context menu by controlling bits:

1 = Only worksheet with same Column Designation will show
2 = Only worksheet with same Column Long Name will show
4 = Only worksheet with same Column Short Name will show
8 = Only worksheet with same Column Index will show
Note: @CWS is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects, for instance, @CWS=13 (includes @CWS=8, @CWS=4, and @CWS=1) means worksheet with same Column Designation, Column Short Name and Column index will show.

@CWV bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It indicates whether command window is visible upon starting Origin:

0 = Command window is invisible upon start
1 = Command window is visible at start
Note: After you started Origin, close command window @CWV will still be 1.


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description

@D double R Dynamic 6.1052 It shows current date and time in Julian day number.

Use the $(@D,Dn) notation to display the nth date and time format from the Date Display drop-down list in the Worksheet Column Format dialog box (numbered from zero).
For example ...

type $(@D,D10);

... returns the date format as MM/dd/YY HH:MM:ss in the Script window. (Note: The "D" in Dn must be uppercase.) Origin supports the associated Julian day values for the range 1/1/0100 to 12/31/9999.

Use the $(@D,Tn)notation to display the nth time format from the Time Display drop-down list in the Worksheet Column Format dialog box (numbered from zero).
For example ...

type $(@D,T5);

... returns the time format as HH:mm PM (such as 07:23 PM) in the Script window.
Two additional time formats are supported: $(@D,t5) - 07:23 pm
$(@D,t5*) - 7:23 pm

@DAA int RW 3 Positive 2024 Drag Axis Accelerator, default = 3, which means it will travel 3 times faster than the cursor movement


@DACS int RW 2 0 to 3 2024 Drag Axis Crosshair Size


@DAM int RW 2 0,1,2 2015 It specifies the default recalculate mode when open a dialog by setting the default value in Recalculate dropdown list:

0 = None
1 = Auto
2 = Manual

@DASI int RW 0 0,1,2 2024b System variable ignore. Drag Axis Scale Indicator, 0 = small crosshair, 1 = small crosshair but thicker, 2 = Thin vertical line to span layer


@DASL int RW 1 0,1,2 2024b It controls Drag Scale Animation. @DASL = 1 to show new X1 cross hair, @DASL = 2 to show Cursor Position Line.

Note: @DASL is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects


@DASR int RW 20 Natural number 2024 it controls the area of dragging axis scale. @DASR = 0 to disable drag scale. Default is 20, means 2% of layer width or height.


@DASU bool RW 0 0,1 2020 Enable or disable autosave for UNTITLED projects. Does not affect named projects.

0 = Enable
1 = Disable.


@DB bool RW 1 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to output debug messages to script window:

0 = Enable debug messages to script window
1 = Disable debug messages to script window

@DBA bool RW 0 0,1 8.109034 It controls whether to enable axis metafile:

0 = Enable axis metafile
1 = Disable axis metafile to draw axis immediately

@DBAE bool RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to use Enhanced Metafile (EMF) for tick label caching:

0 = Do not use EMF for tick label caching
1 = Use EMF for tick label caching

@DBAW int RW 0 Positive 2021b Dock Bar Auto Adjust Width, to reset toolbar when it become too narrow


@DBIMG int RW 15000 Natural number 2020 Limit to the number of images imported per one ADO import.
@DBO bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to enable Origin Script (OGS) debugging section speed improvement:

0 = Disable OGS debugging speed improvement
1 = Enable OGS debugging speed improvement
Note: when debugging a large OGS file, the entire file has to be loaded in order to find out line number of current section name, which is not necessary and slow. @DBO is introduced to improve the speed in this situation.

@DBOGW bool RW 1 0,1 2016 Prior to Origin 2016 , result tables in worksheet-embedded graphs linked to the relevant analysis result sheet data in that book. It was found that result tables in duplicated books still pointed back to the original analysis result sheet data. Due to enhancements to Analysis Templates, specifically the ability to import multiple files into a cloned copy of the active workbook, the default behavior had to be changed. Beginning with Origin 2016 , copies of workbooks containing embedded graphs and linked tables use relative pathing to analysis report sheets rather than pointing to the source data from the original workbook. To restore the old behavior, use the @DBOGW=0.

0 = Use old behavior. Result tables in embedded graphs will maintain links to original source data when copied or cloned.
1 = Update result table links in copied or cloned books to point to analysis results in the containing workbook.

Note: See system variable @UCM.

@DBSV bool RW 1 0,1 2020 Controls display of views in SQL Editor table list.

0 = (default) Hide table views
1 = Show table views

Note that in Origin 2021b and later, you can toggle views in the SQL Editor by clicking View: Show Views in Table List.

@DCA bool RW 0 0,1 2024 Data Cell Auto Color, it control if data cell, like Holder Graph, should use graph background auto color or not. Default is not, so holder graph is now changed to follow worksheet cell background color by default.
@DCAW bool RW 1 0,1 8.510295 It controls whether to activate parent worksheet upon double clicking linked embedded graph:

0 = Do not active parent worksheet upon double clicking
1 = Active parent worksheet that contains the embedded graph upon double clicking
Note:@DCAW=0, double click on embedded graph will open the graph window directly.

@DCC bool RW 0 0,1 8.109034 It controls whether to enable text correction for text object:

0 = Disable text correction for text object
1 = Enable text correction for text object

@DCDC double RW 0 2022 double compare decision. Set to 0 to use double compare relative; 1e-8 is the old behavior
@DCDE bool RW 0 0,1 2017 It controls whether to silences errors generated by CustomDraw

0 = show error;
1 = Don't show error.

@DCEH int RW 1 0,1 2019b It controls wheter double-clicking in a Notes window switches to text edit mode.

0 = double-clicking will not switch to text mode,
1 = double-clicking will switch from render mode to text mode.

Note: this system variable only takes effect on new created Notes window. Once a Notes window has been converted to render mode, changing @DCEH value after that will not change the double-clicking switching mode for this Notes.

@DCENO bool RW 0 0,1 2024 @DCENO = 0 to not always draw client edge outside when drawing window. @DCENO = 1 back to old behavior
@DCGS int RW 151 Positive integer 2020 It determines the number of equally spaced grid points in X or Y direction for the density estimation.
@DCL bool RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to remove all user defined labels if all values are empty upon setting:

0 = Do not remove user defined labels even if all values are empty
1 = Remove user defined labels if all values are empty

@DCM bool RW 0 0,1 2018b Before version 2018b, Origin checks data section only when considers a worksheet column to be empty or not, and it is used when import data and Import Mode is set to Start new column. From Origin 2018b, both data and column label rows (Long Name, Comment, .etc) will be checked and then consider column to be empty or not. If a column label cell is merged, Origin will treats the merged block as a unit and look at the columns inside this merged block. It will check if first column in the block is empty or not and use that to determine for the entire merged block.

0 = the new behavior. Take both data and label rows into consideration when check if a column is empty or not.
1 = the old behavior. Only data section is checked and also disable merged label checking when consider column to be empty or not.

@DCR int RW 5 0 to 5 2024 It controls whether the color is reversed when turn on Dark Mode:

0 = Disable color reversal
1 = Only Black color
2 = Only Black/White color
3 = All gray
4 = All color
5 = Follow the Dark Mode Color Mapping worksheet color list
If you use Colormap in the plot, it will not reverse color in any situation.

@DCRA int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2024 it controls axes reversal when @DCR = 5:

0 = neither axes nor reference lines fill patterns are reversed.
1 = axes are reversed as if @DCR = 4 ; reference lines fill patterns are not touched,
2 = reference lines fill patterns are reversed as if @DCR = 4 ; axes are not touched,
3 = both axes and reference lines fill patterns are reversed as if @DCR = 4.

@DCRL bool RW 1 0,1 2024 it controls layer background reversal when @DCR = 5:

0 = convert layer background color according to the .ini file if the current color not “really dark” i.e. @GLD (this is the old behavior).
1 = convert layer background color as if @DCR = 4

@DCRM int RW 0 0,1,2,3 2024 it controls color reversal method:

0 = check reduce Saturation, and use HSL to reverse color
1 = HSL
2 = LCH
3 = LAB

@DCRO int RW 5 0 to 5 2024 Same as @DCR . This is for Color not in the DarkColors.ini


@DCRP int RW 15 Natural Number 2024 the outside percent for @DCR=4, this will affect default @DCR=5 as well. Default DCRP=15, which means all color will be converted to between 15% to 85% of luminosity


@DCRT int RW 0 Natural Number 2024 DarkColors.ini matching color with tolerance @DCRT, i.e. when converting color and found color is similar to one of the 1st column in the list, we also convert it using the 2nd column color in the list.


@DCRW int RW 1 0,1 2024 it enable worksheet named range support color reverse in dark mode
@DCT bool RW 0 0,1 8.0725 It controls whether to enable translation for operation related escaped cell string:

0 = Enable translation for operation related escaped cell string
1 = Disable translation for operation related escaped cell string
Note: operation related escaped cell string is like ?$OP:A=1. The effect can be seen in the analysis report worksheet when you set @DCT=1.

@DCUNC int RW 5000 Positive integer, 0 2021b Number of milliseconds from loading or changing the source or re-enabling (using menu item Pause Check File on the connector icon) after which the checking of UNC path source will stop on failures.

Set it to 0 to disable the feature.

@DCW int RW 0 0,1,2 2020b It sets the Options dialog of Data Connect to Web.

0 = do not run website scripts
1 = enable Direct URL Access (without using a local file cache)
2 = enable Run Website Scripts


  1. Bit values are additive.
  2. You will need to set @DCW before connecting to web.
@DCWRVC bool RW 1 0,1 2023 When Wrapped and Rich text style are both enabled in a data cell (right click and select context menu Set Data Style), the cell text will be automatically vertically centered. Set @DCWRVC=0 to disable it.

Note that the style of column label rows has this feature on by default.

@DD int RW 200 Natural number 8.108988 It specifies the hit-test drill down delay in milliseconds.
@DDC int RW 0 0,1,2,4,8,-1 2020b Controls whether to use Data Connector when drag and drop files to a worksheet.

0 = For data type that can be imported by both Data Connector and old import method (imprt X-Functions), Data Connector will be used by default. This is default behavior.
1 = Exclude *.dat files for the default behavior (i.e. when drag and drop a *.dat file into a worksheet, CSV Connector will be used).
2 = Exclude *.xls(x) files for the default behavior (i.e. when drag and drop a *.xlsx file into a worksheet, Excel Connector will be used).
4 = Exclude *.txt files for the default behavior (i.e. when drag and drop a *.txt file into a worksheet, CSV Connector will be used).
8 = Exclude *.csv files for the default behavior (i.e. when drag and drop a *.csv file into a worksheet, CSV Connector will be used).
-1 = Exclude all file types for the default behavior (i.e. always use the old import method to import file when drag-and-drop. This is Origin's behavior before version 2019.


  • When drag and drop a file into an analysis template with data import settings saved, the old import method (import X-Functions) will always be used.
  • To control whether to use System filter when drag-and-drop files, refer to @IFS


@DDE int RW 2000 Natural number 2020 Time in milliseconds allowed for performing "two single-click" selection of a single plotted point. If clicks are too close together, they are interpreted as a double-click (opens Plot Details). If time between clicks exceeds @DDE threshold, clicks are interpreted as isolated single clicks.
@DDEE int RW 0 0 to 3 2022b It controls how DDE execute cmd when the window is disabled:

0 = old behavior
1 = enable the window
2 = skip enable check
These controlling bits can be combined to produce cumulative effects


@DDEL int RW 0 0,1,2 8.108988 It determines the behavior of the “Remote data is not accessible. Start Application…” prompt:

0 = Show the prompt
1 = Do not show the prompt and assume “Yes” as answer
2 = Do not show the prompt and assume “No” as answer

@DDES int RW 0 0,1,2,3 8.108988 It determines the behavior of the “Start DDE Link” dialog box:

0 = Show the dialog box if necessary
1 = Do not show the dialog box, assume “Yes” as answer to the dialog
2 = Do not show the dialog box, assume “No” answer to the dialog
3 = Do not show the dialog, assume “No and Remove it “as answer to the dialog

@DDEN bool RW 0 0,1 2022b Determine whether to prevent DDE link checking. If is useful when you copied Excel data and paste as link into Origin, saved the project and then shared it with others who doesn't have access to the original Excel file.
  • Set @DDEN = 1 before launching an Origin project with DDE links to inaccessible Excel file. When open such project, you can then choose menu Edit: Remove Links to convert all links to values. And then resave the project for futter use.
  • Default @DDEN = 0 will turn off this feature. When you open such project, Start DDE Link dialog will pop up for each link. If there are too many DDE links, it will be very annoying and even unable to open the project.
@DDEU int RW 65 0 - 100 2018b A project with large DDE links would cause slowness upon loading because Origin will check every graphs (ok_walk_all_plotobj_dependencies) on every dataset that has DDE link. To speed up this kind of project loading, @DDEU is introduced to indicate the percentage the data plots that need to update relative to all data plots in graphs. If the percentage of the DDE links in a project is larger than @DDEU specified, no checking will be done (skip ok_walk_all_plotobj_dependencies) and just update all graphs.

100 = always check data plot that has DDE link, which is the old behavior
0 = always disable checking

@DDM int RW 3 1~15 2021 Deactivate Delay Minutes, it controls the how soon, origin will check website again. When set to 1, Origin detects deactivation in 1 minute. @DDM cannot be set to more than 15.


@DDP bool RW 0 0,1 2020

0 = Allow all graphs to draw upon opening the project.
1 = To speed opening of projects, prevent graphs from drawing upon opening.

@DDXLS bool RW 0 0,1 2016 Prior to version 2016, drag-and-drop import of XLSX files used newer code vs. the older code used for XLS files. This sometimes produced a different result. Beginning with Origin 2016, the import code for both file types was standardized to produce a more consistent result. To use the older XLS drag-and-drop import code, set @DDXLS = 1.
@DEC bool RW 0 0,1 2017 SR1 If the original EMF file for pattern is non-gdi+,it is converted to EMF+ to enable Anti-Aliasing. However, conversion somehow make exporting as EPS with bad quality. This system variable is used to disable conversion of EMF to EMF+.

0 = enable conversion of EMF to EMF+
1 = disable conversion

@DECE bool RW 0 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to enable the Apply button once user gets into editing in edit box and editable combo box:

0 = Do not enable Apply upon editing in edit box or editable combo box
1 = Enable Apply once user gets to editing in edit box or editable combo box Note: it is originally developed only for Axis dialog box. @DECE=1 will immediately enable Apply option with no delay. Upon activating Axis dialog box, @DECE was temporarily set to 1. @ETG is introduced later to implement all Apply editable box.

@DEFU bool RW 0 0,1 2017 When spreadsheet cell notation is enabled in the workbook (see @RCN), the value of @DEFU determines whether Origin updates column formulas when columns are inserted, deleted or moved.

0 = (default) Formula update is enabled.
1 = Formula update is disabled.
Note: certain conditions used in creating the column formula will effectively set @DEFU=1 for the column. See A Note: When Column Formulas do not Automatically Update.

@DEL int RW -2900000 Negative integer 6.1052 It specifies device lower bound to limit the logical coordinates during drawing.
@DENG int RW 7 Positive integer 2018b
Text files can be encoded in ANSI, UNICODE (UTF8, UTF16BE, etc.). To successfully process a text file, encoding must be known. Typically, the first few bytes are read for a byte order mark (BOM) that signals encoding. If no BOM is detected, Origin will "guess" as to how the file should be processed. The system variable @DENG was introduced to allow the user to disable guessing where there are concerns about speed or accuracy. Other bit values were added in Origin 2019b.

0 = disable guessing
1 = enable guessing
2 = try opening the file as binary first to check BOM (used by OC: ReadFileLines())
4 = if two consecutive zeros are found in the file, treat as ANSI

Notes: Bit values are additive (i.e. 1+2+4=7). In addition, for other bits (2, 4) to take effect, you must enable guessing.

@DET int RW 1 Positive integer 2018 It controls the end value when Origin fill vector with data by specifying first, last and increment value. Used with OC vectorbase::Data fucntion and Labtalk {v1:vstep:vn} notation

100 = Always take the end value specified
0 = end value only as a stop
>=1 = Tolerance of distance of stop value and the last value (in percent). It is to compare with (last- stop)/increment and decide to take stop value or last value as end value. For example. col(1)={1:2.1:10}, if @DET=28, end value is 9.4 because (last value(10) - stop value(9.4) )>28%. if @DET=29, end value is 10

@DETR bool RW 1 0,1 2016 It controls how double clicking outside behaves when in-place editing is on:

0 = Old behavior, double clicking outside will bring up unwanted dialog, etc
1 = New behavior, double clicking will quite in-place edit mode

@DEU int RW 3200000 Positive integer 6.1052 It specifies device upper bound to limit the logical coordinates during drawing.
@DFB bool RW 1 0,1 2021 Decide whether Data Filter uses the maximum row index of the whole worksheet as input range.

1 = Data filter will use the worksheet's maximum row (LabTalk command: wks.maxrows) as input range. If columns in a worksheet have different length, all cells after that column range will be considered empty.
0 = Data filter will use the maximum row of the column to which filter is applied as input range. The old behavior.

@DFC int RW 0 Positive integer 2019b When the user attempts to drag a cell formula across many rows and columns, a message box opens asking the user to choose "Yes" or "No":

0 = (default) Show message box to ask: Answering "Yes" will set @DFC=2, "No" set @DFC=1
1 = Proceed and fill with cell formula
2 = Convert cell formula to column (F(x)=) formula


@DFTF int RW 0 2021b control option for data filter bar


@DFU bool RW 0 0,1 2021b If set to 1, it will change Origin Default Font to "Segoe UI" after do Reset from Tools Options


@DGBV int RW 0 Positive 2024 for vertical pixel shift of the text from the top of the control. If particular Japanese GUI font cannot show well, try it by setting @DGBV to 1 or 2 and see if it helps.
@DGOP int RW 0 0,1,2 2025 duplication option of shared data filter graph with operation

0 = show a message box to ask
1 = duplicate the recalculate operation and associated output
2 = simply exclude the output in the duplicated graph

@DHP int RW -1 -1, positive integer 2020 Determines the limitation of data highlighter. If the selected points exceed this limitation, only the first 5000 points are highlighted.

Default -1 means no limitation.

@DI bool RW 1 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to show Data Info dialog box:

0 = Do not show Data Info dialog box
1 = Show Data Info dialog box

@DIBSS int RW 0 (0,1) 2022 for tweaking the size reduction as a fraction from default size of the bitmap for DIB creation
@DICE int RW 1 0,1 2021b It controls wether to replace Increment Editor with Build Color Dialog:

0 = use Increment Editor 1 = use Build Color Dialog

@DID int RW 0 0,1 8.500161 It specifies default database import tool dialog mode upon clicking Open Query Builder icon to initiate import of database:

0 = By default choose Query Builder-Create/Edit graphically option in Attention dialog box
1 = By default choose SQL Editor-Enter/Edit SQL strings option in Attention dialog box
Note:this value is read and written to ini file, section Database, key DialogMode.

@DIGI int RW 0 0,1 2022b digitizer may not support some image type(emf, pcx,tga,psd, wmf) after use new opencv image, set @DIDI = 1 will use old bmp image instead
@DIL bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @DIL= 1 to allow remove invalid layer and let Origin continue reading the rest content when loading Origin projects.
@DIO int RW 0 0,1 8.0725 It indicates whether Data Info dialog box is open on start-up:

0 = Data Info dialog box is closed
1 = Data Info dialog box is open
Note: If you manually close Data Info dialog box later, @DIO will not become 0.

@DkL bool RW 1 0,1 2020 Control whether to wipe out cell link, cell formula etc when saving/duplicating workbook/worksheet without data.

1 = keep cell link, cell formula etc upon duplicating
0 = old behavior. Wipe out cell link, cell formula etc upon duplicating

@DKR bool RW 1 0,1 2021b It forces the rectangle dragged for zoom-in must keep layer ratio if the layer is isometric, 0 = off, 1 = on . It takes effect only when you checked the Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y Ratio option in Layer tab of Plot Details.
@DLB bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to enable the function of “Break” in a doc –e loop:

0 = Disable “Break” command in doc –e loop
1 = Enable “Break” command in doc –e loop
Note: @DLB=0,

doc -e L 
      %H = ; 

Will not break from looping.

@DLDG bool RW 1 0,1 2017 SR1 Disable destruction of loose datasets added using LT create -cd/-dd/-nd/-xd commands:

0 = Disable loose dataset destruction.
1 = (default) Enable loose dataset destruction.

@DLDM int RW 20000 -1,0,positive value 2022b whether enable drop line speed up drawing mode, -1 for enable, 0 for disable, for other positive value, enable if data points > @DLDM


@DLE bool RW 1 0,1 2015 It controls whether to consider error bar when adding labels to column/bar chart:

0 = do not take error bar into account when adding labels
1 = take error bar into account so the added labels won't overlap with error bar

@DLNPG bool RW 1 0,1 2025 @DLNPG = 1 to make Drop Lines to Next Data Plot inside group only
@DLP bool RW 1 0,1 2020b Disable Label Plot. Prior to 2020b, a designated Label column would plot as a separate dataset and be represented as such in Plot Details. Beginning with 2020b, designated Label columns do not plot as a label dataset but instead, use the Label tab of the plotted data points in Plot Details.

0 = old behavior, Label as dataset in Plot Details.
1 = (default) do not plot the designated Label columns as a label dataset but use the Label tab of the plotted data points in Plot Details to control the data label.

@DLS bool RW 0 0,1 2018b Enable or disable the functionality of the Common Display controls in Plot Details, page level, Layers tab. Does not affect Scatter Matrix plots.

0 = Enable use of Plot Details > (page) Layers tab > Common Display controls
1 = Disable use of Plot Details > (page) Layers tab > Common Display controls


@DLTX bool RW 0 0,1 2017 If an OPJ contains LaTeX, it may take some time to open on another computer since it needs to wait for MikTeX checking. This variable controls whether to wait for MikTeX checking when opening the OPJ.

0 = wait for MikTeX checking when open OPJ
1 = open OPJ quickly without waiting for MikTeX checking

@DLWG bool RW 0 0,1 2022 @DLWG=1 to delete loose dataset with graph deletion by code
@DMR bool RW 0 0,1 8.6 SR1 If the roll-up button is missing in the resource-only dialog (LabTalk programmed without any Origin C code), you can set this variable to roll up the dialog using the minimize button

0 = old behavior, cannot roll up dialog if the roll-up button is missing
1 = roll up the dialog using the minimize button

@DMTN int RW 30 Positive Integer 2024 GetNDialog Maximum Tree Nodes, it controls the maximun sweeps show in imppClamp dialog to improve speed
@DMY int RW 1 0,1,2 2025 it controls which format prefer to use if the dash short date data cannot be recognized:

0 = unknow
1 = MM/dd/yyyy
2 = dd/MM/yyyy

@DNB INT RW 16 2,4,16 2019,
updated 2021b
It controls whether to disable the New Workbook dialog. Note that it will take effect right after value change, no Origin restart needs.

2 = Disable the New Workbook dialog, i.e. you will open New Worksheet dialog to construct a new worksheet
4 = Switch to the old New dialog for pressing the hotkey "Ctrl + N"
16 = New Book Dialog


@DNS bool RW 0 0,1,2 2019b,
updated 2020
Determines whether to save the Data Connector-imported data upon saving the workbook/project.

0 = For data files, check @FSE; for web data check @FSEW
1 = Always save imported data with the project
2 = For data files, check @FSE; for web data always save with project

See system variables @FSE and @FSEW.


@DOE bool RW 0 0,1 8.0197 It controls whether to disable Origin events:

0 = Enable Origin Events
1 = Disable Origin Events
Note: Origin Events here refer to events defined in oEvents.h located in <System Path+”OriginC/OriginLab”>. If @DOE=1, origin events will be disabled so that functions response to this event will no longer work.

@DOM int RW 0 0,1 2017 SR2 It controls whether to suppress the message dialog when delete an operation by deleting the source workbook window, deleting the worksheet containing the operation, or clicking the green lock and selecting the delete menu item.

0 = the message dialog will pop up when delete an operation
1 = disable the message dialog when delete an operation

@DONB int RW 2 0,1,2 2025 it controls how duplicate ShDF-based operation creates hidden new book to hold all output results:

0 = same as normal operation;
1 = new book to hold all results;
2 = new hidden book to hold all results.

@DOR bool RW 0 0,1 2016 It controls whether to ignore the subrange input information when copy operation or repeat operation for all Y columns or repeat this operation for all plots:

0 = Copy operation or repeat operation for other data or plots will ignore source data subrange information
1 = Copy operation or repeat operatio for other data or plots will carry source data subrange information

@DP bool RW 0 0,1 2021b Data Filter dialogs date-picker replaced by simple edit box:

0 = (default) Use a simple edit box for Value, To and From fields.
1 = Revert to use of date-picker control.

@DPA int RW 3 Natural number 8.510295 It specifies the radial polar axis threshold in percentage of 1 inch.

Note: grid lines density reduction towards center is controlled via system variable @DPA. It means % of DPI as a minimum distance between closest grids. E.g. if @DPA=3 (default) and page.resX=600dpi, then closest grids will guarantee at least 18 dots spacing. To turn off this feature set @DPA=0.

@DPD bool RW 0 0,1 2017 SR1 It controls whether to disable graph drawing and some other things that are taking up time on OPJ loading, and totally unnecessary for OPJ search.

0 = enable graph drawing and some updates when OPJ loading and seaching
1 = disable graph drawing and some updates when OPJ loading and seaching

@DPI double RW 0 Positive integer 9.2 SR2 When using a high resolution screen with large DPI setting, the name of panels docking at the left side of Origin workspace may not show properly. Use this variable to set the scaling factor of the font size.

0 = Auto scale the font size to show the panel name properly
1 = Turn off auto scaling
other value = Customize the scaling factor as desired

@DPPM bool RW 0 0,1 2017 SR1 Disable Plot Popup Menu (Large Icons)

0 = (default) Plot Popup Menu enabled
1 = Plot Popup Menu disabled

@DPPR int RW 2 Positive integer greater than 2 2016 SR2 You can create plot by copying XY numeric data from clipboard and pasting it to a graph window. This feature requires at least 2 columns of numeric XY pairs. The system variable determines the lower limitation of N columns of XY pairs that supports this feature.

0 = disable this feature

@DPPT int RW 200 Positive integer 2016 SR2 It determines the plot type when you copy&paste XY numeric data from clipboard to a graph

200 = LINE

@DRC int RW 15 Natural number 2022b Ctrl key increment for Data Reader Arrow Key
@DRD int RW 10000 Positive integer 8.0987 It specifies the threshold for number of data points where data reader acceleration with SHIFT key begins to have considerable effects. The normalization of other SHIFT key acceleration parameters with respect to @DRD will make data reader acceleration independent of actual data plot size.

Note: @DRD should be used in combination with @DRM, @DRT, @DRI. Refer to @DRI for detailed explanation.

@DRI int RW 50 Natural number 8.0987 It specifies data reader step increment in percentage of previous step for SHIFT key acceleration.

Note: SHIFT key acceleration can be initiated by holding SHIFT+Arrow key. The effect can be seen more clearly for large data plot. By holding SHIFT+Arrow keys, data reader Increment starts at 5 points and then gradually accelerates controlled by @DRI [% of previous step] in every @DRT [msec] until @DRM [% of data plot size] is reached. These numbers are relative to data plot size normalized with @DRD=10000 points by default. The normalization means slower acceleration rate for smaller data plots (<@DRD points) and higher acceleration rate for larger data plots (>@DRD points). This dependency is logarithmic.

@DRM int RW 10 Natural number 8.0987 It specifies the maximum step size in percentage of data plot size.

Note: @DRM should be used in combination with @DRD, @DRT, @DRI. Refer to @DRI for detailed explanation.

@DRP int RW -1 -1, Natural number 8.510295 It specifies data reader display decimal places.

Note:@DRP=-1 (default), data reader will display data point’s original decimal places. @DRP=0 data reader will display no decimal places. @DRP=1, data reader will display one decimal place.

@DRS int RW 5 Natural number 2022b Shift key increment for Data Reader Arrow Key
@DRSC int RW 50 Natural number 2022b Shift + Ctrl keys for Data Reader Arrow Key
@DRT int RW 200 Natural number 8.0987 It specifies the threshold (in milliseconds) when data reader begins to accelerate upon holding SHIFT+Arrow keys.

Note: @DRT should be used in combination with @DRM, @DRD, @DRI. Refer to @DRI for detailed explanation.

@DRX int RW 16 Natural number 2018 When creating a grouped column/bar plot (at least 2 Y cols), stacked or not stacked and the X axis is numeric, Origin will automatically plot against row number with tick labels set as "Text from Dataset".

0 = disable this behavior
For any value > 0 (incl. the default = 16), enable this feature only if dataset size is smaller than @DRX.

@DSB bool RW 0 0,1 2019b Controls Origin Start menu (Search Bar) visibility and F1 search function

0 = (default) show Start menu and enable F1 for search
1 = Hide Start menu and disable F1 for search


@DS int RW 0 0, 1, 2018 2023b Sets or returns the Origin software and project files date-time system

0 = Old behavior. New created project uses Origin's long-time adjusted Julian Day system with "0" at midnight on January 1, 4713 BCE (12 hours later than true Julian Day).
1 = Turn on high precision time. Set @ds =1 or any value > 0, and then import CSV data with higher precision and save the project. The project level system variable @dsp will be set to 1970. When sharing the file with others with @ds=0 (default value), the project will still keep the higher precision date since project level @dsp is 1970. It is useful for instrument data that is prior to 2018.
2018 = If the project is already set to @dsp=2018 (2018 date system, where "0" is Jan 1 2018 00:00), you can still set @ds=2018 for the compatibility.


For more information, see Dates and Times in Origin and @DSP below.

@DSI bool RW 0 0,1 2020 It controls whether to disable showing column index in Column List View

0 = show column index ahead of column Short Name in Column List View
1 = not show column index

@DSL int RW -800000 Negative integer 6.9183 It specifies device symbol lower bound to limit the logical coordinates during symbol drawing.
@DSO int RW depends on @DSP 2415018, 2415018.5, -43101 2019 Beginning with Origin 2019, Origin supports 3 date-time systems (see @DSP) and the chosen system is saved with the project file. This read-only system variable (@DSO) returns the difference in days between the current project date-time system and the date 12/30/1899.

2415018 = Default adjusted Julian Day
2415018.5 = True Julian Day
-43101 = 2018 Date

@DSP int RW 0 0, 1, 2018 2019 Beginning with Origin 2019, Origin supports 3 date-time systems. This read-write system variable sets or returns the current system. The current value of @DSP is saved into the project file. Thus, if you wish to use an alternate system (not default), you need to set the value of @DSP for each project before saving.

0 = (default) Origin's long-time adjusted Julian Day system with "zero" at midnight on January 1, 4713 BCE (12 hours later than true Julian Day).
1 = True Julian Day ("zero" is January 1, 4713, BCE at 12:00 GMT).
2018 = 2018 date system, where "zero" is Jan 1 2018 00:00. Use this "2018" system to maximize numeric precision.

See @DSO, above.

@DSRS bool RW 1 0,1 2019 It controls whether to display 24:00 or 00:00 as the beginning of a day in time data

1 = display 00:00
0 = old behavior, display 24:00


@DSRT int RW 2 0,1,2 2024b it controls drag scale round to minor tick: 0 = only to major tick, 1 = to minor tick, 2 = to half of minor tick
@DST bool RW 0 0, 1 2017 It controls whether to open Origin Center dialog on Origin startup in all cases except double-clicking on Origin icon to open

0 = Learning Center does not open on startup
1 = Learning Center opens on startup

@DSU int RW 3200000 Positive integer 6.9183 It specifies device symbol upper bound to limit the logical coordinates during symbol drawing.
@DT int R 0 0,1 2024 This System Variable is read only. It relates to the Global Color Theme: Dark Theme or Light Theme

0 = Light Mode
1 = Dark Mode

@DTA bool RW 1 0,1 7.0404 It controls how axis selection behaves:

0 = Axis selection works in old behavior (before version 8)
1 = Axis selection works in new behavior

@DTB int RW 30 Positive integer 7.0476 It specifies the number of data points highlighted upon hitting any one of the data points to make a selection for some data plot.

Note: it is used for data plot hit-test. For grouped data plot, a single hit on any data point will highlight @DTB number of un-overlapped data points from all data plots within the group.

@DTC bool RW 1 0,1 7.0476 It controls whether to create data plot cache for hit-test:

0 = Do not create data plot cache (old data plot hit-test)
1 = Create data plot cache
Note: create data plot cache can improve the speed of data hit-test.

@DTD int RW 640 Positive integer 7.0476 It specifies data plot bitmap cache quantization steps.

Note: @DTD=640 makes the actual bitmap resolution proportional to screen resolution (640*1280, 800*1600), so that 2-3 pixel symbols are selectable.

@DTE int RW 4 Positive integer 7.0476 It specifies the highlighted square symbol size of selected data points upon hitting any one of the data points to select in unit of pixels.
@DTF int RW 10 Positive integer 6.9013 It specifies the minimum distance (in pixels) between two drawing points upon using freehand tool.

Note: @DTF can be regarded as the resolution of freehand drawing tool. The smaller @DTF is, the smoother the freehand drawing would be. If set @DTF=100, freehand drawing looks similar to plot with data points connected by lines.

@DTH int RW 8 Positive integer 6.9013 It specifies draw tool handle size (in pixels).

Note: when click to select a graphic object, there are some green square handles around the object which can be used to adjust the position and shape of the graphic object. These green squares are the draw tool handles mentioned above.

@DTL int RW 300 Positive integer 7.0476 It specifies the length of a click free area which is scattered from the region where inserted object can be selected in percentage of the size defined by @DTO for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area.

@DTM int RW 4 Positive integer 6.9013 It specifies the minimum distance (in pixels) you have to drag with mouse before an Origin object (any movable object in Origin) can initiate a move.
@DTN int RW 0 Integer 6.9013 It specifies the step size in pixels when you select an Origin object (any movable object in Origin) and move it by using keyboard keys.

Note: @DTN=0, select an object and press arrow key, it still moves and accelerates when you hold the arrow key still. When @DTN is negative, it will move in opposite direction to arrow key direction. @DTN can also be used as step size for Zoom-Panning Tool and rotation for 3D object.

@DTO int RW 6 Positive integer 6.9013 It specifies the length of a click free area which is scattered from point of click in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: click free area refers to area within which single or double click will have no effects, such as to select, bring up dialog box. Point of click defines the region within which Origin object can be clicked to select.

@DTOA int RW 12 Positive integer 7.0402 It specifies the length of a click free area which is scattered from the region where axis can be selected in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area.

@DTOB int RW 6 Positive integer 7.0402 It specifies the length of a click free area which is laterally scattered from the region where axis break can be selected in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area.

@DTOG int RW 0 Natural number 7.0402 It specifies the length of a click free area which is laterally scattered from the region where axis minor grid can be selected in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area. Since axis minor grid selection is no longer available, @DTOG will not function as before.

@DTOL int RW 6 Positive integer 7.0402 It specifies the length of a click free area which is scattered from the region where axis label can be selected in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area.

@DTOM int RW 0 Natural number 7.0402 It specifies the length of a click free area which is laterally scattered from the region where axis major grid can be selected in unit of pixels for hit-test.

Note: refer to @DTO for the meaning of click free area. Since axis major grid selection is no longer available, @DTOM will not function as before.

@DTOS int RW 10 Positive integer 8.0627 It specifies the effective data point selection area in hit-test for data reader cursor in unit of pixels.

Note: within the region defined by @DTOS, single click will bring the data reader cursor to corresponding data point.

@DTP int RW 10 Positive integer 6.9013 It defines the number of new counts allocated for Polyline drawing when already allocated counts have been used up.

Note: This dynamically allocating new count can save space and improve efficiency where directly allocate a large number of counts could be redundant.

@DTQ int RW 12 Positive integer 6.9013 It defines the number of new counts allocated for Bezier drawing when already allocated counts have been used up.

Note: This dynamically allocating new count can save space and improve efficiency where directly allocate a large number of counts could be redundant.

@DTR int RW 100 Positive integer 6.9013 It defines the maximum number of points we use for making an ellipse object.

Note: @DTR=10, the ellipse drawing is not smooth anymore. @DTR actually defines the resolution of ellipse object.

@DTS int RW 20 Positive number 6.9013 It defines the maximum number of points we use for making a drawing using Curved Arrow Tool.

Note: @DTS=5, the curved arrow drawing is not smooth anymore. @DTS actually defines the resolution of curved arrow drawing.

@DTT int RW 6 Positive integer 6.9171 It specifies the effective region in unit of thousandth of layer height around legend border within which single click will only choose legend border so that drag to resize only affects legend box but not the label inside.

Note: beyond the region mentioned above while still inside legend box, a single hit will select the border and along with text inside meanwhile displays green handles around the box.

@DTU int RW 16728064 (RGB(0,64,255)) Natural number 6.1052 It specifies the intermediate transient line color upon making line, polyline, arrow, and free hand drawings in integers which corresponds to RGB color.

Note: For example, RGB(0,64,255) = RGB(00,40,FF), you can use LabTalk command hex3Dec to convert it to decimal number as following: hex2Dec(FF4000)=16728064. The default color is Blue in transient state.

@DTUF int RW 16800000 (RGB(255,255,255)) Natural number 2020b It controls the fill color of the select feedback for the graph objects.This variable is only used to change the fill color for the selecting indicator of the bounding box of the graph objects.

The default value is an internal color code of RGB(255,255,255). You can use the color function to get this internal color code for the desired color.

@DTV int RW 3 0,1,2,3 7.0304 It specifies the argument copy level, however the function of @DTV is no longer for use and replaced by “Link to (%,$), Substitution Level” dropdown list in Programming Control dialog box.

Note: for the legend of a plot, substitution level is 1. If you set it as 0, when you copy the legend it becomes %(1) instead of the text label.

@DTW int RW 10 Positive number 8.500088 It controls how many points per selected 3D surface plot are displayed. It is the step size, so the larger the value is, the fewer points are displayed and size of each point will be larger.
@DTX int RW 0 (RGB(0,0,0)) Natural number 8.108988 It specifies all graphic objects’ handle frame color in decimal integer format. See @DTU to convert standard RGB() color scheme to corresponding decimal number. The default color is Black for the handle frame.
@DTY int RW 32768 (RGB(0, 128, 0)) Natural number 8.108988 It specifies all graphic objects’ handle filling color in decimal integer format. See @DTU to convert standard RGB() color scheme to corresponding decimal number. The default filling color is Green for handles.
@DTZ int RW -1 -1, Natural number 8.0932 It is used to control the zooming of text size in preview panel in text object Properties dialog box:

Negative values = Auto zoom (from 10% to 1000%)
0 = No zoom
Positive values = Fixed zoom factor (e.g. 500 means 500% zoom)

@DUB bool RW 1 0,1 2019 By default, when you use Data: Clear menu or Del key to delete the last data cell in a column, the data is "really" deleted and thus the data series is shrinked. @DUB = 0 to turn off this feature, which means, when you delete a data cell, this cell because missing values and the data series is not shrinked.
@DUE bool RW 0 0,1 2024b @DUE = 1 to delay updating the spark lines (need to pause for 500ms to update)
@DXR int RW 0 0,1 2020 Support plotting from selected columns even though X is on the right side of Y column(s).

0 = plot according to the plot designation in selection, no matter X column is on the left or right side of Y.
1 = X column must be on the left side of Y in selection.

@DZ bool RW 0 0,1,2,3 6.9084 It controls how Origin displays the trailing zeros in worksheet cell, when Default Decimal Digits is not selected in the Display drop-down list in the Column Properties dialog box.

0 = Displays the trailing zeros if not set to the default decimal digits.
1 = Remove trailing zero for set decimal digits
2 = Remove trailing zero for set significant digits
3 = Remove trailing zero for set decimal digits or set significant digits


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description

@E bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to turn on hidden dialog box for advanced control over Box Charts:

0 = Advanced dialog box remains hidden
1 = Double click within any box chart will bring up a new Plot Details dialog box
Note: with the new Plot Details dialog box created in version 5.0, you have additional settings for Box Charts as below:
1. The Histogram Plot checkbox adds a scatter histogram to the plot.
2. The Adjacent checkbox moves the scatter histogram to the side of the Box Chart
3. Of the two Symbol Size drop-down lists: The first controls the size of the five 'features' located at the bottom of the dialog The second controls the size of the scatter histogram (and uses its own relative sizing)

@EAB bool RW 0 0,1 2018b It controls whether to keep the Apply button in a GetN dialog always active.

0 = the Apply button becomes inactive after first click and won't be active unless a change is made in the GetN dialog
1 = the Apply button is always active

@EAH ushort RW 7 0,1,2,3 2015, updated 2018b Control output of error, warning and attention messages:

0 = Show error message only in Message Log window
1 = Show error message in both Message Log and as Smart Hint
2 = Show warning messages in both Message Log and as Hint
3 = Show information/attention messages in both Message Log and as Hint

@EAIS int RW 0 0,1 2020b Control whether to execute App's After Install script when install new version of Origin. By default build-in App is re-installed only when a newer version is available, and no need to run After Install script when new version of Origin is installed. Set @EAIS = 1 to run After Install script in case that running the script is necessary.


@EAMT int RW 1 0,1 2020b It controls whether use multi-thread when export worksheet data as ASCII file using the X-Function expASC.
@EBPTS double RW 0.3 Positive 2024b It is used to adjust the points factor for edge bundling curves of a Hierarchical Edge Bundling Curve plot
@EBSH bool RW 1 0,1 2024b @EBSH=1 to make error bar of individual plot show/hide together with parent plot
@EC int RW 0 0,1,2,4 2017 SR1 Controls OPJ close and program exit behaviors. EC = 1,2, or 3 (bit values are additive) will dump a message to the Messages Log. Adding bit 4 suppresses message dump.

0 = (default) Close the project, exit the program normally
1 = Do not close current project
2 = Do not exit current Origin instance
4 = Suppress dumping of warning to Messages Log

See: ProjectEvents Script

@ECD int RW 0 0,1,2 2021 It controls which editor to open when you select Edit Color... context menu in Color Manager:

0 = Build Colors dialog
1 = PalEdit X-Function
2 = Simpler Palette Editor

@ECEM int RW 0 0,1 2024 enable custom Excel menu in Custom Menu Organizer, 1 = show Excel radio,0 = not show.
@ECS int R 0 2024 return Save Project Error Code
@ED int RW 2 0,1,2 6.025 It control to use which side of Ctrl+Shift key and mouse left click to open the OGS file corresponding to the action that the mouse cursor is clicking to execute in LabTalk editor:

0 = Using right side Ctrl+Shift+ Mouse left click to bring up corresponding system OGS file
1 = Using left side Ctrl+Shift+ Mouse left click to bring up corresponding system OGS file
2 = Using either side Ctrl+Shift+ Mouse left click to bring up corresponding system OGS file
Note: For instance, create a scatter plot, hold Ctrl+Shift keys and use mouse to click on the “New Legend” icon on the toolbar, It will open Standard.ogs file and the yellow cursor will stop at [Legend] section and meanwhile output few lines in script window.

@EDGEBUNDLING int RW 1 0 to 7 2024b Hierarchical Edge Bundling:

1 = Set Save Load
2 = Show Tree Lines
4 = Show All Plot Details Tabs

Note: @EDGEBUNDLING is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects

@EDN bool RW 0 0,1 2019 If you have a function in a DLL that accepts a double parameter by value and returns a double and call it from OC passing it NANUM (-1.23456789e-300), the function will not actually get called. This system variable is used to check whether any input is NANUM before calling the DLL function.

0 = not to call DLL function if any input is NANUM
1 = disable this checking before calling the DLL when passed in NANUM

@EEE bool RW 1 0,1 2015 It controls whether to exclude empty sheets while drag-n-drop to import Excel file.

0 = do not exclude the empty sheets
1 = exclude the empty sheets

@EF bool RW 0 0,1 6.9192 It indicates if an entered engineering notation (e.g., 1k) in a non-engineering format column is treated as a text, or as a number:

0 = Treated as text
1 = Treated as numeric

@EFD bool RW 1 0,1 2019b It controls whether to disable the "auto expand size" behavior in worksheet cell edit mode.

1 = when double click on a worksheet cell or press F2 to enter in-place edit mode, edit box becomes bigger and spills to left
0 = disable this "auto expand size" behavior

@EFLC bool RW 0 0,1 2024 Errorbar follow line color, default @eflc=0, error bar auto color follow symbol color.
@EGDCD int RW 1 0,1 8.510295 It controls whether to duplicate workbook as self-contained book when there is any embedded graph:

0 = Do not duplicate workbook as self-contained book
1 = Duplicate workbook as self-contained book
Note: @EGDCD is used to check whether duplicated embedded graph contains any plot from parent book, and if yes, the duplication will duplicate the workbook as self-contained book.

@EGKS bool RW 0 0,1 2022 whether to keep page size when create EMF for export graph
@ELD bool RW 1 0,1 9.0 It controls whether to enable the … button for drop-down list selection in Column Browser dialog box:

0 = Disable the selection of drop-down list
1 = Enable the selection of drop-down list
Note: Run

string grname$ = ""; 
getn (Col) grname$:@BBColumn (Test @BB);

with a workbook window active, @ELD=0, the … button drop-down list selection in column browser dialog box is disabled.

@ELSS bool RW 1 0,1 2024 Excle Load Singe Sheet, to support load single sheet,
@ELWK bool RW 0 0,1 2016 SR2 It controls whether to improve speed on OPJ close when the OPJ has lots of operations

0 = turn off the speed up improvement
1 = turn on the speed up improvement
Note: in version 2017 and later, Origin has largely improved the close speed. You don't need to set this system variable to troggle the speed up improvement.

@EMB int RW 3000 Positive integer no more than 100 2023 It controls how long not to repeat same error message to message log. Unit is 1/100 of a second. @EMB = 3000 means 30 sec.
@EMC int RW 100 Natural number 8.0847 It specifies the maximum number of columns to be exported when worksheet is exported as Image file.

Note: @EMC=0 will disable the limit and export all the columns in the worksheet.

@EMLD bool RW 0 0,1 2022b @EMLD=1 will direct draw graphs inside layouts when EMFs created
@EMP int RW 7 0 to 7 8.109034 It is used to specify enhanced metafile options by adding up the controlling bits:

1 = GDIPlus
2 = Try GDIPlus
4 = Force GDIPlus
Note: GDI stands for Graphics Device Interface. These controlling bits can be combined to produce cumulative effects. For example, the default value 7 is combination of @EMP=1, @EMP=2, @EMP=4.

@EMR int RW 1000 Positive integer 8.0847 It specifies the maximum number of rows to be exported when worksheet is exported as Image file.

Note: @EMR=0 will disable the limit and export all the rows in the worksheet.

@EMRD int RW 2 0,1,2,3 9.1 SR3 It controls whether to draw text via polygons upon drawing EMF in remote desktop environment by specifying the controlling bits:

0 = Do not draw text via polygons
1 = When doing vector export of either EPS or PDF, the value of the system variable @TO will be temporarily switching to 1, which causes any text drawing to be done using polygonal drawing
2 = Similar to 1, except that the text is drawn using polygonal drawing for any EMF generation (not just EPS and PDF).
Note:@EMRD is a combination of these controlling bits to produce cumulative effects, for instance, @EMRD=3 (includes @EMRD=1 and @EMRD=2) it will draw Origin text via polygon with AA enabled for all vector exports (by temporarily setting @TO=2)

@EMS bool RW 0 0,1 8.6 It controls whether to keep original graph size when copying page to Microsoft Word:

0 = Keep Origin graph size when copy paste page into Microsoft Word
1 = Do not keep Origin graph size

@EMTD int RW 1 0,1,2 2024b it controls ENH metafile DIB drawing:

0 = use gid drawing dib
1 = use gdiplus drawing dib
2 = use gdiplus drawing dib and copy page with TextOutModeSimulateWithAAWhenDrawGlyph(same as @TO = 2)

@ENDD bool RW 1 0,1 2022b @ENDD = 1 will get the correct image size for drawing embedded note
@ENDR bool RW 0 0,1 2022b Embedded Note Disable Render, @ENDR=1 to show raw text
@ENM int RW 4 Positive 2022b embedded notes drawing margin


@EP bool RW 1 0,1 6.0262 It controls whether to export WMF as Aldus placeable metafile:

0 = Disable export WMF as placeable metafile
1 = Enable export WMF as placeable metafile

@EPS bool RW 1 0,1 2024 it controls whether to replace Text Font which is not recognized in AI in Exported EPS file
@ERE bool RW 0 0,1 2023b Suppress database Empty-Recordset-Error message (Somehow this problem is only for ADO, using ODBC does not have this issue).

0 = SQL leading to no rows is not an error and normal operation will proceed and data range will be added, so worksheet is still locked.
1 = Old behavior. Empty result will generate error and worksheet will not be locked.

@ERI bool RW 0 0,1 7.5711 It controls whether to export raster in Isotropic mode:

0 = This eliminates empty space in raster exports for very elongated bitmaps (when one dimension is much longer than the other with Margin control being Border or Tight)
1 = Export raster in isotropic mode which produce correct text labels

@ERM int RW 0 0,1 8.0987 It specifies expand row mode when add rows for import:

0 = Smart expand mode
1 = Relative expand mode
Note: relative expand mode will add extra @ERP%*current row number rows to the worksheet.

@ERP double RW 5 Positive integer 8.0987 It specifies the amount of row expansion in percentage of current worksheet row number.
@ESC int RW 1 0,1 2018 Enable or disable worksheet cell formulas.

0 = Disable worksheet cell formulas.
1 = Enable worksheet cell formulas.

@ESD bool RW 1 0,1 2024 Engineer Scientific Digit, it controls how to display tick label in Scientific format. 0 = old behavior


@ESL bool RW 0 0,1 2020 Allows hotkey combinations such as CTRL+down or CTRL+SHIFT+down to extend selection past blank cells or missing values. This same functionality is temporarily enabled for Mini Toolbar button Extend selection to last row with data.

0 = Allow the selection to be interrupted by blank cells/missing values (behaves as in MS Excel).
1 = Extend the selection beyond blank cells or missing values.

@ETE bool RW 0 0,1 9.0 It controls whether to remove the leading 0 in Scientific display for tick label:

0 = Auto determine the number of digits in exponents display for tick label, based on Min and Max digits of input data. It is equivalent to set Scientific: 1E3 Display as to 1E+03 in Preferences: Options dialog > Axis tab. For example, if the input data range is from 1E05 to 1E11. By default @ETE = 0, 1E+11 will be shown as 2E+11 in tick label, and 1E+05 will be displayed as 1E+05. If the input data range is from 1E+05 to 1E09, then all tick labels show 1 digit only. To show leading 0 as in the old version, please set @SED = 2.
1 = Always remove the leading 0 for Scientific display. It is equivalent to set Scientific: 1E3 Display as to 1E+3 in Preferences: Options dialog > Axis tab.

@ETG int RW 1700 Positive integer 9.1
updated 2021
It specifies how long it takes to activate Apply button after user’s input in unit of milliseconds.
@EU int RW 1 0,1 6.921 It controls how to copy engineering unit:

0 = Copy for edit control, eg, copy micro symbol as ‘u’
1 = Copy as what the unit is actually displayed and then displays it use localized customization.
Note: @EU=0, number 0.00002 will display as 20u instead of 20µ once formatted it as Engineering:1k.

@EV bool RW 0 0,1 2021 Set to 0 to avoid removing whitespace between \q in LaTeX. 1 = old behavior.
@EX bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to use Image Stream export library from Inso for ordinary metafile:

0 = Do not use export library from Inso for ordinary metafile
1 = Use export library from Inso for ordinary metafile

@EZC int RW 8421500 2018 When the user-defined exporting area is shown on a graph page, this system variable is used to determine the background color of the area outside. The color displays in its decimal value. The default color is gray.
@EZD int RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls whether to open margin dialog if no offset

0 = no dialog
1 = open dialog

@EZT int RW 70 2018 When the user-defined exporting area is shown on a graph page, the outside area is filled with gray color at 70% transparency. You can use this system variable to change the transparency.


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@FA bool RW 1 0,1 6.919 It controls the option for Data Display Window to display Real values or Divided by values for data points with scaled axis (Input factor in Divide by Factor box under Tick Labels) upon using Data Reader:

0 = Show coordinates without divide by factor but true value
1 = Show coordinates with divide by factor
Note: @FA=1 will show the scaled value with a scaling factor, for instance 100, rather than its actual value in the format as: [Book1]Sheet1!B[16]: X=16,Y(/100)=0.16
while @FA=0 Data Display Window will show as Book1]Sheet1!B[16]: X=16, Y=16
This function no longer has effects on Version 9.1 but all versions earlier.

@FAC int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2022 Controls autocomplete support in column formulas (Set Values) and cell formulas.

0 = Disable for both cell and column formulas
1 = Enable for cell formulas
2 = Enable for column formulas
3 = Enable for both cell and column formulas


@FACC int RW 0 0,1,2,3 2022 LT function auto complete option

0 = prevent upper case and digits
1 = allow upper case
2 = allow digits


@FAW bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to use absolute value as weight in fitting if the provided weight data contains negative values:

0 = Apply old behavior where negative weight data will create an error message
1 = Fit with absolute weight for negative weight values

@FBFS int RW 130 Positive integer 2021 It controls the Formula Bar font size in percentage of the standard font size. 100 is the standard font size in Windows controls. Set it to a bigger value to enlarge the font size in Formula Bar.


@FBL int RW 1 0,1 2023 It controls file browser whether to use new layout in GetN dialog:

0 = ...Path to open the browse folder dialog, ...Path2 to open the select folder dialog
1 = ...Path to open the select folder dialog, ...Path2 to open the browse folder dialog
See File path Dialog

@FBM bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls the availability of masked data for filtering:

0 = Filtering will not have effects on masked data
1 = Filtering will still be able to access data that is masked already

@FBZB bool RW 0 0,1 2024b @FBZB = 0 to make floating bar rescale no need start from 0. Set @FBZB = 1 back to old behavior
@FCA bool RW 0 0,1 2021 It controls whether the actions of hotkeys "Alt+Enter" and "Ctrl+Enter" follow that of Excel.

0 = Excel-like behavior. "Alt + Enter" will insert a new line in the worksheet cell in edit mode, while typing in a cell and pressing "Ctrl + Enter" will fill a pre-selected group of cells.
1 = old behavior. "Ctrl + Enter" will insert a new line in the worksheet cell in edit mode, while typing in a cell and pressing "Alt + Enter" will fill a pre-selected group of cells.

@FCAS bool RW 1 0,1 2024b It controls whether auto size row height when the font change, 1 = enable, 0 = disable


@FCI int RW 20 Natural number 2020b It controls the number of iterations which will fix the peak center from the fitting start.

This system variable added to control the actual number of iterations for system variable @PFFC.
@FCU bool RW 1 0,1 8.0987 It controls whether to use true Unicode code without calling WideCharToMultiByte so that it is independent from codepage and charset settings:

0 = Use old behavior for Unicode code
1 = Enable the use of true Unicode code
Note: @FCU=1, type \(169) in Object Properties dialog will directly show CopyRight icon in a text label in regardless of codepage or charset.

@FD bool RW 1 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to enable faster single window datasets saving:

0 = Disable faster single window datasets saving
1 = Enable faster single window datasets saving

@FDL bool RW 1 0,1 8.049 It controls whether to enable new fast line drawing:

0 = Disable new fast line drawing
1 = Enable new fast line drawing

@FDP bool RW 1 0,1 2015 SR1 It controls whether to fix dockable panels' tab positions upon re-docking panels back:

0 = Do not fix dockable panels' tab positions so redocked panel will show on the bottom
1 = Fix dockable panels' tab positions as Project Explorer, Quick Help, Message Log, Smart Hint Log, Result Log, Command Window

@FDPC int RW 2 0,1,2 2016

It controls the behavior when clicking close button in Project Explorer:
0 = Will close Project Explorer so that you need to open it again to make it available again
1 = If the Project Explorer is unpinned, click close button will hide it
2 = Click close button will always hide Project Explorer

@FDV bool RW 1 0,1 8.049 It controls whether to enable new poly virtual memory allocation:

0 = Disable new virtual memory allocation
1 = Enable new virtual memory allocation

@FDW bool RW 0 0,1 2021 It determines the first day of a week.

0 = Monday is the first day of a week;
1 = Sunday is the first day of a week.



@FEDA int RW 50 0, positive integer 2024 The factor to control whether use fast draw when insert image with alpha channel to worksheet cell. The value is image size reduction in percent of the cell size. For example, default 50 means that if the cell size is less than 50% of the image size, then use cache for faster drawing. Set to > 100 to ensure always use cache, and 0 to never use cache.

See also @FEDF.

@FEDF int RW 50 0, positive integer 2024 The factor to control whether use fast draw when insert image without alpha channel to worksheet cell. The value is image size reduction in percent of the cell size. For example, default 50 means that if the cell size is less than 50% of the image size, then use cache for faster drawing. Set to > 100 to ensure always use cache, and 0 to never use cache.

See also @FEDA.

@FGC int RW 2 0,1,2,3 2018b It is used to control whether to enable cache for worksheet floating graph or layout window, to speed up refresh.

0 = disable cache.
1 = enable worksheet floating Graph cache.
2 = enable Layout linked Graph cache.
3 = enable cache for both worksheet floating graph and Layout linked graph.

@FL int RW 10 Positive integer 6.0253 It specifies the margin in percentage for Fit Page to Layers only when LabTalk script:
page –f;

is being used.

@FLP bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to Fit Layer to Page for the adding layer:

0 = Do not Fit Layer to Page for adding layer
1 = Fit Layer to Page for adding layer

@FLTO int RW 3000000 Positive integer from 200000 to 20000000 2023 Controls the maximum time in microsecond Origin waits for a response back from the concurrent license server.
User must run Origin as Administrator and run @FLTO=N; inside Origin to set system environment variable FLEXLM_TIMEOUT, where N must be a value 200000 (0.2 sec) < N < 20000000 (20 sec). For example, @FLTO=0; will set to minimum 200000 (this is 0.2 sec).

Please see this FAQ page for more information.

@FM bool RW 1 0,1 6.0288 It controls whether to search the end of structure marker (‘\n’) in case of file error for file reading:

0 = Do not search the end of structure marker (‘\n’)
1 = Search the end of structure marker (‘\n’)

@FOP int RW 0 0,1,2 2022b It helps to fix OneDrive open OPJU trouble:

0 = old behavior
1 = it will use the opening of the file by denying the modification to other programs; this option will not work (it will simply fall back to the old way) if the file is currently opened by another instance.
2 = it will make a temp copy of the source file into the temp. directory, and then read it.
If any of the method 1 or 2 fail, it will resort to the default (i.e. old) way of opening files for reading.

@FNS int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2023 Folder-Note-Syntax, it controls Folder Notes syntax:

0 = text
1 = html
2 = markdown
3 = origin rich text (Default)


@FPT bool RW 0 0,1 2023 It controls whether Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles will exclude function plot:

0 = no function plot
1 = include function plot

@FSE int RW 500 Natural number 2020 Threshold import file size in kilobytes, for excluding Data Connector-imported data upon save. See system variable @DNS

500 = (default); Do not save if more than 500kB.


@FSEB int RW 0 Natural number 2020 Threshold database import size in number of Origin worksheet cells x 100, for excluding Data Connector-imported data upon save.

0(x 100) = (default) Do not save any database data.


@FSEI int RW 2000 Natural number 2021b Threshold import image file size in kilobytes, for excluding Data Connector-imported data upon save.

2000 = (default); Do not save if more than 2MB.


@FSEW bool RW 80 Natural number, -1 2020 Threshold size in number of Origin worksheet cells x 100 for excluding (Data Connector-imported) Web, JSON, Origin, MATLAB data upon save. See system variable @DNS.

80(x 100) = (default) Do not save if more than 8000 worksheet cells.
0 = Never save data from Web, JSON, etc.
-1 = Always save data from Web, JSON, etc.


@FSF int RW 1 0,1,2 8.50013 It specifies LabTalk script expression formula mode:

0 = Normal mode, no acceleration
1 = Only NLFit uses fast mode
2 = All use fast mode

@FSK bool RW 1 0,1 2020 Prior to Origin 2020, if you right-clicked on an inactive folder in Project Explorer and chose Save Project As, all project windows would be hidden upon opening, regardless of their Hide/Show status on saving. Default is changed to preserve Hide/Show status on open.

0 = Hide all windows regardless of Hide/Show status at the time of saving.
1 = (default) Preserve Hide/Show status of windows at the time inactive folder is saved.

@FSL bool RW 0 0,1 8.510313 It controls whether to allow find page by short name prior to long name:

0 = Find page by long name as default
1 = Force find page by short name first

@FSLM bool RW 1 0,1 2021b It force line drawing to skip missing value, 0 = off(old behavior) , 1 = on
@FSQ bool RW 0 0,1 2022 set to 0 to make Edit: Find in Sheet (Ctrl+F) open simple Find dialog.


@FWA bool RW 1 0,1 2023b Control whether floating windows should be shown together with main window (including minimize action). If @FWA = 0, floating windows and main window work independently.


@FWCA int RW 282465
RGB(97, 79, 4)
Natural number 2023b Control floating window(Active) color in Project Explorer


@FWCI int RW 426142
Natural number 2023b Control floating window(Inactive) color in Project Explorer


@FWD int RW 1 0 to 2 2023b It controls the drag directions allowed for window floating

0= All drag directions enabled
1= Horizontal direction only
2= Vertical direction only

@FWLM int RW Natural number 2023b last monitor that float window to. 0 = no info, otherwise 1,2,3 ...


@FWOM int RW 3 0 to 5 2023b It decides the location of the Object Manager for new created window when they are floating. Note: this system variable will not changed the existing window setting. It only can affect the new added windows.

0= Hide the Object Manager
1/2/3/4= Object Manager on top/left/right/bottom
5= Object Manager is floating

@FWP int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2023b It control whether to pin floating window when dragging out:

0 = auto unpin
1 = auto pin when drag out but will not auto unpin when drag in
2 = not auto pin when drag out. But if maually pin the floating window and drag in, it will not auto unpin
3 = auto pin when drag out and auto unpin when drag in


@FWTB int RW 1 0,1 2023b It controls whether to update floating window tool bar, set @FWTB = 1 to update
@FWY bool RW 0 0,1 2021 It determines the first week of a year.

0 = Week that has at least four days in the new year, which complies with ISO standard 8601, section 3.17;
1 = Week in which January 1 occurs

@FXR bool RW 1 0,1 2025 @FXR = 1 will reset From&To when changing Fx. Set @FXR = 0 to old behavior.
@G int RW 1 0,1 3.78 Display page color within the entire graph window, including outside the page, in Page View mode. @G is independent of system.extbackcolor, if either of them is 0, then gray background will be gone.

0 = display page color within the entire graph window.
1 = display page color outside page as gray.

@GALL bool RW 1 0,1 2023 Gap-Across-Linked-Layers, it controls whether to enable spacing settings for linked layers set:

0 = disable
1 = enable

@GARH int RW 1450 Positive integer 2018b When loading master page the active graph page's dimension will be used to update the loaded master page, based on the orientation of the active page. If the active window is not a graph, then Origin will search for other graphs and decide if Landscape or Portrait should be loaded depending on which types have more. There is also a checking of graph page's aspect ratio. This system variable along with @GARL is used to set the upper and lower bands of the aspect ratio.
  • @GARH: graph aspect ratio high
  • @GARL: graph aspect ratio low

Any graph which aspect ratio is larger than @GARH or smaller than @GARL will not be considered in determination of master page orientation.

@GARL int RW 1200 Positive integer 2018b This system variable along with @GARH is used to set the upper and lower bands of graph page's aspect ratio when loading master page. See details in @GARH.
  • @GARH: graph aspect ratio high
  • @GARL: graph aspect ratio low
@GAS bool RW 0 0,1 8.510295 It controls whether to dump all scripts about every XF variable (except hidden) to script window when click Generate Script in XF dialog:

0 = Dump normally generated scripts
1 = Dump all scripts about every XF variable

@GBC int RW 17 Natural Number 2024 It acess the Page Auto Background Color control on Page tab of Preferences: Options dialog
@GC int RW 11706364 Natural number 8.0645 It is used to specify Object Grid color in numerical values.


  • To apply customized color to Object Grid, set the value of @GC first and then go to View:Show to check Object Grid. Use LabTalk function "color" to convert standard RGB color scheme to corresponding decimal number. See @DTU for details. The default Object Grid color is #FC9FB2, that is, 11706364 = color(252,159,178,1).
  • With Origin 2020, the "Object Grid" became the "Layer Grid."
@GCL int RW 7920895 Natural number 2022 Used to set or get the layout page Grid color. Value is Origin's internal color code. Beginning with Origin 2022, use @GCL with color(r,g,b,1) (e.g. color(0,255,0,1) = green) to set layout grid color.
@GCP int RW 16762043 Natural number 2019 Used to set or get the graph Page Grid color. Value is Origin's internal color code. Beginning with Origin 2022, use @GCP with color(r,g,b,1) (e.g. color(0,255,0,1) = green) to set page grid color.
@GDIP bool RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to turn on GDIPlus:

0 = Turn off GDIPlus
1 = Turn on GDIPlus Note:refer to @EMP for definition of GDI.

@GDIPB int RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to use blend bell shape in Gradient Fill in GDIPlus:

0 = Disable blend bell shape in Gradient Fill
1 = Enable blend bell shape in Gradient Fill

@GDIPC int RW 0 0,1 8.50013 It specifies the Alpha compositing mode in GDIPlus:

0 = CompositingModeSourceOver
1 = CompositingModeSourceCopy

@GDIPCQ int RW 1 0 to 4 8.50013 It specifies the Alpha compositing quality mode in GDIPlus:

0 = CompositingQualityDefault
1 = CompositingQualityHighSpeed
2 = CompositingQualityHighQuality
3 = CompositingQualityGammaCorrected
4 = CompositingQualityAssumeLinear

@GDIPE bool RW 1 0,1 2021 It controls whether to turn on GDIPlus when exporting:
0 = Turn off GDIPlus 
1 = Turn on GDIPlus Note:refer to @EMP for definition of GDI.
@GDIPEB bool RW 0 0,1 2023 GDIPEB=1 to fix buggy bounding rect of gdiplus emf
@GDIPG int RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It controls whether to use Gamma correction in Gradient Fill in GDIPlus:

0 = Disable Gamma correction in Gradient Fill
1 = Enable Gamma correction in Gradient Fill

@GDIPH int RW 0.1 Positive 2024 Draw Text GDIPlus Simulate Height Correction
@GDIPI int RW 5 0 to 7 8.50013 It specifies interpolation mode for general use except for export and copy page in GDIPlus:

0 = InterpolationModeDefault
1 = InterpolationModeLowQuality
2 = InterpolationModeHighQuality
3 = InterpolationModeBilinear
4 = InterpolationModeBicubic
5 = InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor
6 = InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear
7 = InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic

@GDIPIE int RW 3 0 to 7 9.100196b It specifies interpolation mode for export or copy page in GDIPlus:

0 = InterpolationModeDefault
1 = InterpolationModeLowQuality
2 = InterpolationModeHighQuality
3 = InterpolationModeBilinear
4 = InterpolationModeBicubic
5 = InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor
6 = InterpolationModeHighQualityBilinear
7 = InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic

@GDIPL bool RW 0 0,1 2021b It force using anti-aliasing for straight line in legend to workaround align problem, 0 = off, 1 = on
@GDIPP int RW 4 0 to 4 8.50013 It specifies the pixel offset mode in GDIPlus:

0 = PixelOffsetModeDefault
1 = PixelOffsetModeHighSpeed
2 = PixelOffsetModeHighQuality
3 = PixelOffsetModeNone (No pixel offset)
4 = PixelOffsetModeHalf (Offset by -0.5, -0.5 for fast anti-alias perf)

@GDIPPD double RW 100 2017 It specifies GDIPlus pattern DPI when drawing EMF pattern to support Anti-Aliasing. Negative value means to use DPI from file.
@GDIPPM bool RW 2 0, 1, 2 2017 SR1 It controls GDIPlus pattern drawing mode to support Anti-Aliasing for EMF pattern

0 = TextureBrush
1 = iterating one by one
2 = use the new solution to fix the gap issue between periodic boundaries when export Geology pattern as PDF/EPS.

@GDIPPR bool RW 1 0, 1 2017 It controls whether to draw GDIPlus pattern with tight rectangle around the filled area.

0 = do not draw with tight rectangle
1 = draw with tight rectangle

@GDIPS int RW 3 0 to 4 8.50013 It specifies the smoothing mode in GDIPlus:

0 = SmoothingModeDefault
1 = SmoothingModeHighSpeed
2 = SmoothingModeHighQuality
3 = SmoothingModeNone
4 = SmoothingModeAntiAlias

@GDIPW int RW 3 0 to 4 8.50013 It specifies the wrap mode for brushes in gradient fill in GDIPlus:

0 = WrapModeTile
1 = WrapModeTileFlipX
2 = WrapModeTileFlipY
3 = WrapModeTileFlipXY
4 = WrapModeClamp

@GDPI int RW 300 2022 copy page default DPI


@GEB int RW 16777215 2021b PNG background color for copy graph. Default value 16777215=color(255,255,255,1).


@GED int RW 0 0,1 2025 @GED = 1 to recover @GEFD's value after Export Graph Dialog close so it will not change Dark Mode setting in Preference Dialog
@GEFD bool RW 1 0,1 2024 Graph-Export-Follow-Dark, It is the checkbox "Dark Mode: Copy as displayed, excluding background auto color" in the Page tab of Preferences > Options dialog


@GEIH int RW 0 2022 last export image height
@GEIW int RW 0 2022 last export image width
@GEP int RW 2000 2022 when export graph to PNG, if width less then @GEP, then an intermediate larger bitmap will be used to render the EMF and then convert to the final proper size


@GET int RW 0 0,1,2 2024b Export graph option for PNG and TIFF:

0 = use leadTool, no EMF involved,
1 = export PNG and TIFF with transparent background, use EMF to convert,
2 = improve the text object's quality when export graph as PNG with transparency.

@GETND bool RW 0 0,1 2018b It controls whether to hide the label text "Description" on GetN dialog.

0 = hide the "Description" label text on GetN dialog
1 = Go back to the old look - show the "Description" label text on GetN dialog.

@GFC int RW 17 Natural Number 2024 It acess the Page AutoForeground Color control on Page tab of Preferences: Options dialog
@GJ int RW 35 Positive integer 6.0283 It specifies the tolerance in 10^-9 of matrix element so that this element will not be regarded as 0 if it is no less than @GJ*10^-9 and Gauss Jordan pivoting continues.
@GLD int RW 25 0 to 100 2024 Graph Luminosity Dark, it is the threshold for table to show in white when turn on graph dark mode


@GLL int RW 100 Positive integer 2018b It specifies the maximum number of graph layers to do merging. Any graph containing number of layers larger than @GLL will not be shown in the Merge Graph window and thus cannot be merged.
@GLOB int RW 0 0,1 8.0725 Force declared variables in *.OGS file to be available in the session:

0 = Turn off Session scope for LabTalk.
1 = Force Session scope for LabTalk.
Note: @GLOB=1 will allow you to use variables or functions defined in an *.OGS file, at the command line in the Script Window.

@GLT bool RW 1 0,1 9.1 SR1 When the dataset identifier of gadget set to "Plot Legend", the variable controls how to get legend text

0 = the old behavior, just copy argument %(1) of legend, no matter you changed the legend content to other text or not.
1 = get the current legend text.

@GMC bool RW 0 0,1 2018b Edit: Copy Page normally copies an Origin graph object to the Clipboard. When Master Items are present on a graph, Edit: Copy Page places an image object (EMF) on the Clipboard, not the usual graph object.

0 = If the graph contains Master Items, place an image object on the Clipboard.
1 = Place an Origin graph object on the Clipboard but ignore Master Items.


@GMH int RW -1 -1,0,1 2017 Determines whether to follow wks.ignorehidden; or in the GUI, the Ignore Hidden Rows... option in Worksheet Properties:

-1 = (default) Follow wks.ignorehidden. Note that each sheet in the book can have a different setting.
0 = Do not skip hidden rows in plotting and analysis. Overrides individual sheet settings.
1 = Skip hidden rows in plotting and analysis. Overrides individual sheet settings.

Note: Introduced in 9.1 w/ default = 0. New default value = -1 added in 2017 .

@GMHC bool RW 0 0,1 2017 If the graph legend contains categorical data, this variable controls whether to rearrange the increment list when apply a filter to the categorical data

0 = rearrange the increment list for the filtered data, the old behavior
1 = do not rearrange the increment list, which means the symbol properties (color, pattern, .etc) do not change after applying filter

@GN int RW 1 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether to allow LabTalk to use Origin C GetN:

0 = Use the original LabTalk GetN dialog box
1 = Use the Origin C GetN dialog

@GNF int RW 100 Natural number 2020b It controls the font size for the control labels when you are using the generic dyna control(GetNBox, DynaControl or DynaBox) to build a dialog.

It accepts the values in percent of internal value, the default value is 100.

@GNH int RW 100 Natural number 2020b It controls the gap between horizontal radio controls when you are using the generic dyna control(GetNBox, DynaControl or DynaBox) to build a dialog.

It accepts the values in percent of internal value, the default value is 100.

@GNL int RW 100 Natural number 2020b It controls vertical gap between each control when you are using the generic dyna control(GetNBox, DynaControl or DynaBox) to build a dialog.

It accepts the values in percent of internal value, the default value is 100.

@GORE bool RW 0 0,1 2023b fix redraw event for normal graph object, set @GORE=1 to rollback
@GOS bool RW 0 0,1 8.1086 It controls whether to disable script execution for graphic object once Moved is chosen as Run After in programming control dialog box:

0 = Enable graphic object script execution upon movement by script rather than dragging by mouse
1 = Prevent graphic object script execution upon movement by script rather than dragging by mouse

@GPC int RW 1 0,1 2022 set to 0 to turn off REMOVE_SOME_GRAPH_CONTEXTMENU
@GPNCM bool RW 1 0,1 2022b Grid Paint No Cancel mode


@GRL int RW 5 0 to 15 2024b it controls whether rescale support inion scales for common display:

0 = disable
1 = link layer
2 = common display
4 = left-right link
8 = x-y link

Note: @GRL is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects

@GRLS bool RW 1 0,1 2023 It controls whether graph layer is selectable

0 = unselectable
1 = selectable

@GSB bool RW 0 0,1 2023 It is used to temporary close errer messge when change Banded Rows Color
@GSM int RW 1 0,1 2020 Controls click selection behavior on data plots. Prior to Origin 2020, when working with independent (ungrouped) plots, you clicked once on a plot to select the entire plot. Pausing and clicking a second time selected an individual data point. When working with dependent plots (grouped), you clicked once on a plot to select the group. Pausing and clicking a second time selected a single plot. Pausing and clicking a third time selected an individual point. In Origin 2020, click once to select a plot, CTRL + click to select a point and SHIFT + click to select a plot group.

0 = Old behavior
1 = New behavior

@GSS bool RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls whether Graph Size Calculation include data in plots or not:

0 = include
1 = not include

@GSW bool RW 0 0,1 2024 By default @GSW = 0 make graph embedded sheet follow workbook dark mode even for holder sheet, set @GSW=1 to follow graph window type
@GT int RW 230 103 to 249 6.0251 It specifies default plot type.

Note: 200 = Line
201 = Scatter
202 = Line+Symbol
230 = Unknown
Refer to Plot Type IDs for more details.

@GTS bool RW 1 0,1 8.510295 It controls whether to enable graph text font size correction for Copy Page settings under Advanced for Keep Size option:

0 = Disable graph text font size correction
1 = Enable graph text font size correction

@GU bool RW 1 0,1 2021b Graph page support undo:

0 = Disable 1 = Enable

@GUS bool RW 0 0,1 8.0951 It controls whether to use short name or long name for page in GUI:

0 = Page use short name in GUI
1 = Page use long name in GUI

@GVC bool RW 2 0,1,2 2024 Graph-Virtual-Color @GVC will be used for graph/layout to control:

0 = keep it as white
1 = using virtual color
2 = follow GUI dark mode setting


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@HAI bool RW 1 Natural number 2017 It specifies whether to hide AI Image type from expGraph X-Function.

0 = Show AI image type, same as previous verisons
1 = Hide AI image type

@HBAS int RW 10 Natural number 2025 It controls Histogram Auto Binning improvement for arithmetic sequences:

<=1 = disable this improvement
>=2 = @HBAS set the number of data to check if they are arithmetic sequences. If they are arithmetic sequences, assume the difference between consecutive terms is delta, bin size=delta, bin begin should be min-delta/2, bin end is max+delta/2.

@HBC int RW RGB(152, 251, 152) 2021b start button hint background color


@HBF double RW 4 Positive integer 6.1052 It specifies the factor to make automatic bin size estimate before the plotting of histogram.

Note: the expression to calculate bin size is as: bin = (max - min) / (1 + factor * log10(npts)). If @HBS and @HBN are not specified, @HBF will be used to make automatic bin size estimate.

@HBM int RW 0 Natural number 7.221 It is used to force the number of bins to @HBM in regardless of what bin size might become before the plotting of histogram.

Note: @HBM is for number of bins that is not rounded so that it is the exact number of bins (could be non-integers). @HBM=0 means this global variable is not used. The priority of @HBM is behind @HBN.

@HBN int RW 0 Natural number 7.221 It is used to specify the number of bins and allow rounding before the plotting of histogram.

Note: @HBN=0 means this global variable is not used. The priority of @HBN is behind @HBS.

@HBS double RW -1 -1, Natural number 7.221 It is used to specify the bin size before the plotting of histogram.

Note: @HBS=-1 means this global variable is not being used and default auto bin size will be used.

@HL bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether or not to call CListCtrl::GetHeaderCtrl() from COKOldBaseListCtrl::GetHeaderCtrl() to get the header control of list control:

0 = Call CListCtrl::GetHeaderCtrl
1 = Do not call CListCtrl::GetHeaderCtrl()

@HLM int RW 5 0-100 2019 It specifies the Heatmap label margin in the percentage of layer size when font size is set to <Auto>.
@HPT bool RW 0 0,1 2024b Show/Hide project path in Origin title bar. Set @HPT = 1 to hide the path in title bar. Note that you will need to set the value before opening a project.
@HTDD int RW 0 0, Positive integer 2018 It controls whether to allow dragging and dropping file to HTML dialog to open it.

0 = prevent file from dropping onto HTML dialog
non-zero value = enable dropping file onto HTML dialog to open it

@HTM int RW 0 0,1 2022b It controls whether to hide the HTML Report menu from right-click Sheet tab:

0 = no HTML Report menu
1 = bring back HTML Report menu

@HTMLV double RW 5 Positive 2022b HTML version, if @HTMLV >= 5.0 HTML file is exported using v5.0 format(otherwise html4)
@HTTPMR int RW 0 0,1 2022 set to 1 to set http manual redirect
@HVW bool RW 0 0, 1 2020 Determines where videos listed on the Learning Resources tab of Learning Center are played:

0 = E videos will always be installed, even if user doesn't install Help files. Localized videos (C, G, J) will only be installed with Help files. Learning Center should preferentially play locally-installed file if it exists. For C, G, J check for localized file, then for locally-installed E file. If localized file or locally-installed E file not found, go to video page on originlab.com.
1 = Force Learning Center to always open video page on originlab.com.


@HWP int RW 0 0,1,2,3,4,5 2018b It is used to decide Smart Hint window position.

0 = default value of bottom-left corner
1 = center of Origin workspace
2 = top-left corner
3 = top-right corner
4 = bottom-left corner
5 = bottom-right corner


@IA int RW 2 1,2 2018 The import ASCII tool is refactored in Origin2018. This system variable controls whether the old or the new import tool is used.

@IA = 1: always use the old impASC tool when you run it by

  • File Menu
  • Tool Bar
  • LabTalk Script (run -xf impasc)
  • Reimport (from old .ogw workbook created in Origin2017 or earlier version)
  • Drag and Drop (with old .oif filter created in Origin2017 or earlier version)

@IA = 2: always use the new impASC tool when you run it by

  • File Menu
  • Tool Bar
  • LabTalk Script (run -xf impasc)
  • Reimport (from old .ogw workbook created in Origin2017 or earlier version)
  • Drag and Drop (with old .oif filter created in Origin2017 or earlier version)

@IA = 1 or 2

  • Reimport (from new .ogw workbook created in Origin2018 or later version): new impASC
  • Drag and Drop (with new .oif filter created in Origin2018 or later version): new impASC
  • Batch Process (with new .ogw/.oif created in Origin2018 or later version): new impASC
  • Batch Process (with old .oif filter created in Origin2017 or earlier version): old impASC
  • Import Wizard: old impASC
@IAD bool RW 0 0,1 2020 Set @IAD = 1 to allow the old way of importing date data. It is useful when the import file has more than one custom format and file size is small. Note that it has no effect if the file is large and multi-thread is used, so this system variable will be usful only for smaller files.
@IAMT int RW <auto> 2020 It determines the number of threads to use when import. It will be auto detected by logical processors. Set @IAMT to 0 or 1 to disable multi-threading.
@IAS int RW 10 Positive integer 2020 It determines the least file size (in Megabytes) to enable multi-threading when import.
@IBAO bool RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls the Graph's Import Button whether works for the active page only:

0 = all
1 = active only

@IBP bool RW 1 0,1 2019 From Origin 2019 we improved the GUI of By Point tab of Color Chooser. Set 0 to disable this improvement and use the old By Point GUI.
@ICT int RW 250 Positive integer 6.0294 It specifies the contour bitmap caching threshold upon creation.
@ICTBS bool RW 1 0,1 2023 @ICTBS = 1 will draw icon on title bar with a better size. Set @ICTBS = 0 will restore the old behavior
@ID int RW 0 0,1 6.0192 It controls whether to disable idle tasks upon using data reader:

0 = Do not disable idle tasks upon using data reader
1 = Disable idle tasks upon using data reader

@IDA bool RW 1 0,1 2021b whether use absolute index:

0 = no
1 = yes

@IDD bool RW 0 0,1 2025 Set @IDD to 1 to use <last used> Excel Sheet in Excel connector for both drag-n-drop import and LabTalk/Python import codes.

By default (@IDD = 0), only when import Excel file with drag-n-drop, <last used> of Excel Sheet in Excel connector will be used. Other import methods (open Excel connector from menu, or use LabTalk/Python codes) will use first sheet in Excel file.

@IDT bool RW 0 0,1 2025 Set @IDT = 1 to import date and time data as text. The default value 0 means auto-setting column type as Date/Time when detecting the import data as date/time format.
@IE int RW 0 0,1 6.0295 It controls whether to have extra points for operation inside baseline upon subtracting baseline:

0 = Do not have extra points
1 = Have extra points

@IEE int RW -1 -1,0,1 2021b It controls which tool to use when you click Insert Equation button:

-1 = ask
0 = insert equation tool
1 = LaTeX app


@IEUL bool RW 1 0,1 2023b Image Export Update Link, set @IEUL = 0 to completely prevent link update on export.
@IFE int RW 1 0,1 2018 SR0 From Origin 2018, we support excluding file extension when appending file name to Comment. Set @IFE = 0 to revert back to old way.
@IFS int RW 0 0,1,2,4,8,-1 2020b Controls whether use System filter when you drag-and-drop files to import data:

0 = (default) Use the user-defined filter if it exists, otherwise use the System filter. This is default behavior.
1 = Exclude *.dat files for the default behavior (i.e. if there is a user-defined filter for *.dat files, show the relative System filter in the Select Filter dialog to let user select, otherwise use the System filter).
2 = Exclude *.xls(x) files for the default behavior (i.e. if there is a user-defined filter for *.xls(x) files, show the relative System filter in the Select Filter dialog to let user select, otherwise, the System filter will be used).
4 = Exclude *.txt files for the default behavior (i.e. if there is a user-defined filter for *.txt files, show the relative system filter in the Select Filter dialog to let user select. If no any user-defined filter, the system filter will be used.
8 = Exclude *.csv files for the default behavior (i.e. if there is a user-defined filter for *.txt files, show the relative System filter in the Select Filter dialog to let user select, otherwise the System filter will be used.
-1 = Exclude all file types for the default behavior (i.e. always show relative System filter in the Select Filter dialog to let user select, otherwise the System filter will be used. This is Origin's behavior before version 2020b.


@IGC bool RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls whether it can show Insert Graph Dialog or insert graph menu:

0 = no
1 = yes

@IHCB int RW 0 0,1,2 2015 It is used to control how to import filename to workbook comments for import ASCII and import Wizard when Append Filename to Workbook Comment is enabled:

0 = Append file name to workbook comments
1 = Prepend file name to workbook comments
2 = Replace workbook comments with file name

@IHCC int RW 0 0,1,2 2015 It is used to control how to import filename to column comments for import ASCII and import Wizard when Append Filename to Column Comment is enabled:

0 = Append file name to column comments
1 = Prepend file name to column comments
2 = Replace column comments with file name

@IHCS int RW 0 0,1,2 2015 It is used to control how to import filename to worksheet comments for import ASCII and import Wizard when Append Filename to Worksheet Comment is enabled:

0 = Append file name to worksheet comments
1 = Prepend file name to worksheet comments
2 = Replace worksheet comments with file name

@IHR bool RW 1 0,1 9.0 It is used to control Copy/Insert/Delete/Clear operations to ignore or unhide hidden rows/columns for range manipulation:

0 = Unhide rows/columns
1 = Ignore hidden rows/columns

@II bool RW 1 0,1 2017 SR1 It controls whether to enable interpolation for bitmap drawing. Notice: use @GDIPIE to further toggle interpolation quality.

1 = enable interpolation
0 = disable this feature

@IICM int RW 1 0,1 2022 whether insert image to cell use media :

0 = use bmp
1 = use media

@ILC int RW 3 0 to 3 6.0293 It is used to specify layer clipping initialization settings by controlling bits:

1 = Clip axes
2 = Clip axis break
Note: @ILC=3 is a combination of @ILC=1 and @ILC=2, which means it will clip both axes and axis break.

@ILD int RW 0 0,4,8,12 6.0293 It is used to specify layer drawing sequence in layer initialization settings by controlling bits:

Note:@ILD is a combination of the controlling bits, @ILD=0 means both bits do not work. This system variable is no longer used anymore, the drawing sequence now is replaced by the corresponding check box Grid on Top of Data and Data on Top of Axes respectively in Data Drawing Options panel under Display in Plot Details dialog box.

@ILE bool RW 0 0,1 2022b it controls whether to Ignore Linking Error when load dll, @ILE=1 means Ignore Linking Error
@ILM int RW 0 0,1 2022b It is used to specify how to show the plot labels(such as axis label) when the parameter substituted isn't found.

0 = Show the label substitution as blank(default value)
1 = Show the label substitution as ###

@ILS bool RW 1 0,1 2015 It controls whether to check "Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y Ratio" in the Plot Details dialog (layer level Size/Speed tab) when creating a Image plot.

0 = uncheck the checkbox by default
1 = check the checkbox by default

@IM int R By Origin version 0,1,2 8.0725 It indicates the version of Origin:

0 = Regular version (Origin)
1 = Image Analysis Module version
2 = Professional version (OriginPro)

@IMG int RW -1 -1, 1 to 29 8.0487 It is used for setting the image format used for saving images into an OPJ file:

-1 = Origin will check image bits per pixel and choose best format to use
Note: The allowed values for @IMG are any values defined by LEAD Tools for their supported image formats.

@IMGA int RW 300 Positive 2022 the image/graph width after "w=" in Origin Rich Text for pasting link into Note sheet


@IMGB int RW 0 0,1 2022 Prior to Origin 2021b, images inserted to the graph window (not as layer background) were inserted as type = BMP, with interpolation enabled by default. In Origin 2021b, the same image was inserted as type = OIMAGE, which did not support interpolation and which, in some cases, resulted in a poorer quality image. Use @IMGB = 1 to force image type = BMP. Does not apply to images inserted as layer background.

0 = insert as OIMAGE
1 = insert as BMP


@IMGCP bool RW 1 0,1 2022 When copy Image window by Ctrl+C and paste to other places, whether to keep the pasted image’s data type same as source image’s.

0 = Copy image window will lost data type (Uint8). Old behavior.
1 = Copy image window should keep the data type same as source.

@IMGD int RW 1 0,1 2022 Determines whether an image file dropped onto an empty portion of the Origin workspace, opens in the Image window or a matrix window:

0 = open in matrix window
1 = open in Image window
Note: Files dropped onto a matrix window will import to the matrix window, regardless of the value of @IMGD.

@IMGDI int RW 420 0,1 to 1000 2022 Controls the degree of image darkening outside of the Image Window ROI. Setting @IMGDI = 1000 will cause outside area to display as black.

0 = disable darkening

@IMGE int RW 0 0,1 2022 how to open Image Window from image cell:

0 = double-click
1 = Ctrl+double-click

@IMGEAA bool RW 1 0,1 2024b to control whether do image smoothing or not when export.
@IMGH int RW 0 0,1 2023b It controls Inserted Image dimension whether keep height or not when resize to keep aspect ratio, set @IMGH = 1 to keep height


@IMGJ int RW 95 0 to 100 2022 JPEG quality (the higher is the better)
@IMGL int RW 0 0,1 set to 1 to get logical rect
@IMGQ int RW -1 -1, 2 to 255 8.0588 It is used to specify the quality factor for image format defined by @IMG used for saving images into an OPJ file:

-1 = PQ1 (Perfect Quality 1) for FILE_CMP format
2 = Highest quality
255 = Highest compression
Note: FILE_JPEG (@IMG=10) can also use quality factor 0 which is lossless compression. FILE_CMP (@IMG=5) can also use quality setting -9 to -1, with -1 being PQ1 (Perfect Quality 1). The quality settings are defined by LEAD Tools.

@IMGR double RW 0.5 Positive double 2021b It controls the arbitrary rotate degree for "Rotate Arbitrary Deg Clockwise" mini toolbar button in Image Window
@IMGS int RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls whether to force images in graph as single frame, except for multi-files
@IMGT int RW 200 Positive 2022 width of the inserted graph/image for "w=" in Origin Rich Text


@IML int RW 800 0,positive integer 2022b The threshold file size (in kb) larger than which the inserted image (to a graph) will be auto-set as "Link File". Set @IML=1 to always insert image as linked.


@IMPS bool RW 1 0,1 2021b When importing with the CSV or Excel Connectors, disables all sparklines and removes Other Options button from the Connector dialogs.

0 = Disable sparklines on import.
1 = (default) Allow user to add sparklines on import with CSV or Excel Connectors, via Other Options dialog (available from both Connector dialogs).

@IMPT int RW 2 0,1,2 8.0987 It specifies the long string supported mode for mixed type columns (Text numeric columns) in CSV import:

0 = Import long string as note
1 = Import long string as truncated text
2 = Import long string as long element without truncation

@INBS int RW 30 Positive integer 2021 It controls the total buffer size for getting names from INI (Origin C functions INIFile::GetSectionNames and INIFile::GetKeyNames). Default is 30, means buffer size is 30*1024 by default.
@INCBG double RW 15 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Larger/Smaller Break Gap button on mini toolbar.
@INCBL double RW 1 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Larger/Smaller Break Length button on mini toolbar.
@INCBMH double RW 1 Natural number 2022b Bar Map Height
@INCBMW double RW 0.2 Natural number 2022b Bar Map Width
@INCDHS double RW 5 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Larger/Smaller Hole Size button on mini toolbar of Doughnut graph.
@INCFS double RW 1 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Increase/Decrease Font Size button on mini toolbar.
@INCGOR double RW 45 Positive double 2021 Increment angle of Graph Object Rotate Clockwise/Conter-Clockwise button on mini toolbar.
@INCLT double RW 1 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Increase/Decrease Line Thickness button on mini toolbar.
@INCPR double RW 10 Positive double 2021 Increment angle of Pie Rotate Clockwise/Conter-Clockwise button on mini toolbar.
@INCRS double RW 20 2022 Ridgeline Scale
@INCSG double RW 5 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Larger/Smaller Gap button on mini toolbar for column, doughnut, box chart.
@INCSPS double RW 0.1 Natural number 2022b spiral plot size
@INCSS double RW 1 Positive double 2021 Increment step of Increase/Decrease Symbol Size button on mini toolbar.
@INCTL double RW 1 Positive double 2021 Increment steps of Longer/Shorter Ticks button on mini toolbar of axis tiick length.
@INCTLR double RW 15 Positive double 2021 Increment angle of Rotate Clockwise/Conter-Clockwise button on mini toolbar of axis tiick labels.
@INCTOR double RW 90 Positive double 2021 Increment angle of Text Object Rotate Clockwise/Conter-Clockwise button on mini toolbar.
@INF bool RW 0 0,1 8.600097 It is used to control keyword “INF” labtalk accessibility:

0 = Do not allow LabTalk to access keyword “INF”
1 = Allow LabTalk to access keyword “INF”

@INS bool RW 1 0,1 2022b Simple Version Symbol Map cannot switch font when @INS=1
@IPB int RW 150000 Positive integer 2019b The threshold number of rows in an imported ASCII file that will trigger display of a progress bar.


@IPC bool RW 1 0, 1 2021b Support import of Unicode fullwidth forms.

0 = disable support
1 = enable support

@IPDB int RW 1 0,1,2 2020 Determines data protection mode when running Database import:

0 = no protection
1 = protected, except reorder
2 = protected


  • Changes to the default value must be made before data import.
  • This system variable is NOT Persistent. See this FAQ on permanently changing the value of a system variable.
@IPDC int RW 2 0,1,2 2020 Determines data protection mode when importing via Data Connector:

0 = no protection
1 = protected, except reorder
2 = protected


@IPKF int RW 0 0,1,-1 2024 Control which column Format type(s) will be kept after importing CSV file via CSV Connector.

0 = keep Date/Time Format type,
1 = keep Text/Date/Time Format type,
-1 = keep any column Format type.

@IPL bool RW 0 0,1 9.1 It controls whether to ignore set Printer option for adding layer from template:

0 = Ignore set Printer option for adding layer
1 = Default behavior for set Printer options for adding layer

@IPR int RW 20 0, Positive integer 2019b CSV Data Connector will set column format to Numeric to speed up importing when the source file has more that @IPR * 1000 of lines,

0 = do not set column to Numeric in any case.

@IRE int RW 1 0,1 2019 All sheets in the new Excel file replace existing data or not when using "Import Replace Existing" mode to import multi-sheet Excel file.

0 = Old behavior. Only the first sheet replace the existing data sheet. The rest will be imported into new sheets.
1 = All sheets in the new file will replace existing data in target sheets only by one.

@IS bool RW 0 0,1 7.0486 It controls whether to enable intellisense:

0 = Disable intellisense
1 = Enable intellisense

@ISC int RW 40 -1,0,Positive integer 8.108988 It specifies the number of columns for AutoSize column width when import file.

-1 = Enable AutoSize column width for all columns
 0 = Disable Autosize for all columns

See also, wks.isc

@ISE int RW 0 0,1,2,3 2019b When this system variable was introduced there was only a single Import Mode for all selected files. Support was later added so that during multi-file import, you could treat the first file and all subsequent files differently (e.g. 1st File Import Mode could be Replace Existing Data, Multi-File (except 1st) Import Mode could be Start New Books). For the purposes of this system variable, "import mode" refers to either 1st File or Multi-File settings. Option =3 added for version 2019b.

0 = Use active book/sheet for imported data when no Template Name is given. When named template is specified, the first sheet in file will always use specified sheet in template (does not apply to GUI) and if not specified, use the 1st sheet in template; subsequent sheets will use the empty sheets in template for importing, if existing in template.
1 = Skip active empty book/sheet for import when no Template Name is given, instead creating a new sheet/book for import. When a named template is used, all sheets in file will use specified sheets in template (does not apply to GUI) and if not specified, use the 1st sheet in template for importing rather than the empty sheets if existing in template.
2 = When Template Name is given, all sheets in file will use empty sheets if existing in template for importing rather than specified sheet in template and if not specified, it is the 1st sheet in template.
3 = Find next existing sheet (exclude report sheets/single-cell sheets, etc.) to import into (not strictly empty) or if no sheet found, create a new one.

@ISST bool RW 1 0,1 2022b it will use style tool to insert symbol when @ISST=1
@IWC bool RW 0 0,1 2023 @IWC = 0 will Insert Worksheet to Layout and show one column if sheet is empty


@IWP int RW 800 Positive integer 2021b It determines the threshold width/height of an image less than which the image will be opened in Actual Size mode.


@IXY bool RW 0 0,1 2022 It controls whether to use image or layer's XY scale when transfer image data from graph object:

0 = get image's XY scale
1 = get layer's XY scale

@J bool RW 0 0,1 6.0197 It indicates whether current window is in moveable selection:

0 = There is no movable selection
1 = There is movable selection
Note: movable selection refers to situation where applied data reading tool’s markers are movable, such as when Data Selector is on then @J=1.

@JM bool RW 0 0,2 7.5822 It controls how to display missing values:

0 = Display missing value as double-dash (“--“)
2 = Display missing value as blank. Note: You must refresh the window when changing @JM.

@KA bool RW 0 0,1 6.0445 It indicates the state of Alt key:

0 = Button up
1 = Button down

@KB double R 22.53125 2021b size in kbytes in Project Explorer
@KBS double R 22.54785 2021b saving size, that excluded data that will not be saved into opju
@KBSO bool RW 1 0,1 2023b It controls whether to Show Saving Size in PE


@KC bool RW 0 0,1 6.0445 It indicates the state of Ctrl key:

0 = Button up
1 = Button down

@KCA bool RW 1 0,1 2016 It controls the behavior when using Ctrl + Shift + Arrow to select worksheet cells:

0 = Ctrl + Shift + Arrow will select cells till column or/and row end
1 = Ctrl + Shift + Arrow will select cells before first empty/missing values, hold Ctrl+Shift key again to hit arrow will select cells till next non-empty or non-missing values.

@KDM int RW 20000 Positive integer 2020 Toggle between different methods when calculates Kernel Density plot.

When the number of plotting data points is more than @KDM, both binned and interpolation will be used.
When the number of plotting data points is equal to or smaller than @KDM, no binned and no interpolation will be used.

@KDM1D int RW 5000 2022 When number of point of distribution curve is more than @KDM1D, we will use new algorithm to speed up
@KDT int RW 30000 Positive integer 2020 The threshold of number of points to toggle multi-threads for Kernel Density calculation. If the number of plotting data points is more than @KDT, multi-threads will be called.
@KEL bool RW 0 0,1 2016 SR1 Controls copying of empty column label rows when choosing Copy (including label rows) from a worksheet selection's shortcut menu:

0 = Empty column label rows are excluded.
1 = Empty column label rows are included when copying and pasting.

@KOC int RW 1 0,1 2022b It controls whether keep only one connect between two objects:

0 = old behavior
1 = keep only one connect

@KS bool RW 0 0,1 6.0445 It indicates the state of Shift key:

0 = Button up
1 = Button down


Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@LATA bool RW 1 0,1 2022b LaTeX Available status
@LATEX int RW Depends on Origin State 0,1,-1,-2,etc 2016 It returns the status of initiation of LaTex environment before using LaTex app:

0 = Latex not initiated yet 1 = Latex initiate properly already -1, -2, etc = Attempted Latex initiation but ended in error

@LATEXVA int RW 0 integer 2023b Additional vertical shift to LaTeX characters when mixed with Origin Text. The shift is in percentage of the font height of the enclosing Origin Text. By default, the LaTeX characters inserted into an Origin Text object will be aligned vertically to the text. In case you see the alignment still has a slight offset or you want to shift LaTeX vertically, set this system variable:
  • positive value to shift LaTeX down a bit,
  • negative to shift it up.
@LATW int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2025 it control whether to use LaTeX directly, without putting inside \q( ):

1= new workbook
2 = always
3 = never use, hide Use LaTeX checkbox in Worksheet Properties dialog as well
Note: if use LaTeX directly, LaTeX equation will show in axis title and legend, and show in the column label row if rich text is on

@LAW double R 1.201 2019 It returns the number of seconds since a window was last activated.
@LBC int RW RGB(0,64,255) RGB(0,0,0) to RGB(255,255,255) 2021b Layout page background color


@LBW bool RW 0 0,1 2017 It controls whether to change the linear bar width with axis scale type,

0 = do not change the bar width with scale type.
1 = change the bar width with scale type.

@LC3P int RW -1 -1,0,1,2 2017 It is used to control the shape of line ends for 3d openGL.

-1 = the line ends follow the default settings of that object itself. For example, drop line and connection line end in a semi-circle (protuberant), and vector has a square line cap by default.
0 = the line ends show as semi-circle (protuberant)
1 = the line ends show as square (protuberant)
2 = the line ends show as square (not protuberant)

@LCA int RW 2 0,1,2 8.510295 Controls shape of the XY axis line and tick caps:

0 = Line cap round
1 = Line cap square
2 = Line cap flat

@LCAL int RW -2 -2,-1 2018 It is used to specify the axis line end:

-2 = square for Cartesian coordinates and polar radial (but not angular) axes; round for other coordinate systems.
-1 = axis line end follows the control of @LCA

@LCAS int RW 1 0,1 2018b It is used to toggle between sharp arrow and round-head arrow.

0 = round-head arrow, old behavior
1 = sharp-head arrow

@LCG int RW 2 0,1,2 2015 SR1 Controls the shape of the line cap for arrow, line and polyline objects:

0 = Line cap round
1 = Line cap square
2 = Line cap flat

@LCP int RW 0 0,1,2 2019 It controls the line end cap for plots.

0 = the end of line to be round
1 = the end of line to be square
2 = the end of line to be flat

@LCPD int RW -1 2021b It controls whether to set end of drop line to be flat:

-1 = follow main plot 2 = flat

@LCR int RW 1 0,1,2,-1 2017 SR1 Controls the shape of the line cap for rectangular objects:

0 = Line cap round
1 = Line cap square
2 = Line cap flat
-1 = Use the value of @LCG when drawing rectangular objects

@LCS bool RW 1 0,1 2025 It enable symbol auto line cap style. Set @LCS = 0 to old behavior.
@LCT int RW 1 0,1,2 2017 SR1 Controls the shape of the line cap for frame around text and legend objects:

0 = Line cap round
1 = Line cap square
2 = Line cap flat

@LDC bool RW 0 0,1 2018b It controls double-clicking on the graph legend will open the Properties dialog or enter the in-place edit mode.

0 = double clicking on legend will enter the in-place edit mode
1 = double clicking on legend will open the Properties dialog


@LF int RW 2500 Integer>=500 6.0231 It is used to set the smallest number of pixels between a matrix’s row/column grid in permillage.

Note: @LF(default 2500)/1000 is 2.5 pixels. Set @LF to be smaller will allow more data points to be used to draw a contour plot.

@LFAU int RW 1 0,1,2 2022b Whether to auto-load "Linked File" image inserted into a Graph window. You can set the image as "linked" by right clicking inside the Image window and check Linked File menu.

0 = Disable auto-load feature. When you open a project with linked image, a down arrow button will show on the graph. You can click the button to re-load the image manually.
1 = Auto-load image in all visible Graphs/Layouts of the project.
2 = Auto-load image in the active window only.


@LFC bool RW 1 0,1 2022b Whether to allow linked images in a Graph window to be auto-updated when the image file is changed. The image is inserted into a Graph window by menu Insert: Image from File. You can set the inserted image as "linked" by double-clicking the image to open it in a separated window, and then right clicking on the image to check Linked File menu.

1 = Image in graph is auto-updated when source image file has change.
0 = Image will not update. You will need to reimport the image manually to see the updates.


@LFP bool RW 1 0,1 2024 @LFP = 1 to show progress bar when opening project files
@LGGOH double RW 0 2022 layout grid horizontal offset
@LGGOV double RW 0 2022 layout grid vertical offset
@LGGSH double RW 0.5 2022 layout grid horizontal spacing
@LGGSV double RW 0.5 2022 layout grid vertical spacing
@LGGSV double RW 0 0,1 2022 layout grid display unit, 0 for inch, 1 for cm
@LGS bool RW 0 0,1 2021b It controls whether graphs in Layout Page are selectable or not, i.e. the Graphs Selectable button in Layout Mini Toolbar
@LIAL bool RW 0 0,1 2023b layer invalidate activate layer, 0 for false (default), 1 for true (old behavior)
@LID bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls which dialog box to show up upon double clicking layer icon:

0 = Bring up Layer Contents dialog box
1 = Bring up Plot Setup dialog box

@LIDB int RW 1 0,1 @LIDB = 1 to make Lock icon draw better, 0 = old behavior
@LIP bool RW 1 0,1 7.5832 It controls whether to bring up Plot Setup dialog box when add a plot to a graph through Insert: Plot to Layer with data already selected:

0 = Bring up Plot Setup dialog box even if data already being selected
1 = Skip Plot Setup dialog box if data already being selected

@LKN bool RW 1 0,1 2020b It controls whether use numeric comparison when running Lookup function. Lookup() function's 1st and 2nd argument are string type.

0 = Directly uses string comparison to get the results. Old behavior in Origin 2020 and earlier versions.
1 = Internally convert the string argument to numeric and then do numeric comparison.

@LL int RW 40 0 to 100 6.1052 It is used to specify the critical overlap percentage between data range and axes range beyond which drag-and-drop operation will trigger rescale action and check the Rescale on Apply checkbox on Layer Contents dialog box.

Note: @LL is calculated by divide the overlap area with total data area in percentage. The area is the product of x, y lengths.

@LLAB int RW 1 0,1,2,3 2023b Specify how to show the legend for area plot:

@LLAB=0, show line entries only
@LLAB=1, show line entries and fill area entries both
@LLAB=2, show fill area entries only for Fill to Base; show line entries only for Fill to Next Plot
@LLAB=3, show fill area entries only for Fill to Base; show line entries and fill area entries both for Fill to Next Plot
Note: To see the effect, please reconstruct legend after changing the value.

@LLE int RW 35 Positive Integer 2021b Max number of legend entries to show in Browser Graph.


@LLF int RW 20 0 to 100 7.0493 It is used to specify the critical outside layer area in percentage for triggering rescale action upon using NLSF to add data.

Note: it is defined similarly to @LL but only for NLSF to add data.

@LMDTT int RW 1024 2021b Large Matrix Memory Threshold
@LN bool RW 1 0,1 7.5892 It controls whether to use short name or long name for all display:

0 = Use short name for all display
1 = Use long name for all display

@LNCS bool RW 0 0,1 2022b It controls whether column long name is case sensitive in LT search:

0 = no
1 = yes

@LNS bool RW 0 0,1 2024 New layer name restriction that two strings only with space difference will be treated as different and allow to use for two sheet names. For example, you can now rename two sheets in the same workbook as "JEONJU, KS" and "JEON JU, KS", respectively.

Set @LNS=1 to rollback to old behavior, that is, cannot define a string for worksheet name if there is only space difference with another sheet in the workbook.

@LOADA int RW 0 0,1 2024 set @LOADA = 1 enable to convert the colors in the graphs of the loaded project to Auto. This convert should happen only if page virtual color is not white and Origin is in dark mode. If we have polymorphic pointer, then we convert the colors if black to auto. For Style Holder, we first handle line color if black and consider other cases later.
@LOG int RW 0 0,1,2,3,10+ 2020, updated 2021 Turn on debug log file. Logging can be automatically disabled after multiple sessions.

0 = Logging disabled
1 = Generate separate log files for each instance, turn off logging after 3 sessions
2 = Multiple instances share the same log file
3 = Same as =1 but will not auto turn off after 3 sessions
10 = A value of 10 or larger will turn off logging after the @log number of sessions


@LP int RW 700 Positive integer 6.0189 It defines the maximum number of points we use to draw a single line segment in polyline drawing.

Note: @LP actually defines the resolution of polyline drawing.

@LP3 bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to turn on or off the use of @LP for 3D plot.

0 = Turn off @LP for 3D plot
1 = Turn on @LP for 3D plot

@LPA bool RW 0 0,1 2019b When import data by Data Connector, this system variable determines whether to protect the column labels from editing. Set @lpa = 1 to enable this feature.
@LPC int RW 1 0,1 2025 @LPC = 1 to support Panel Column Info in Legend
@LPR bool RW 1 0,1 2022 set to 0 to fix bug when zoom in line plot "Exclude broken Missing Values", set to 1 to keep old behavior
@LPS int RW 16000 Positive integer 8.50013 It specifies the maximum number of points used to draw a single line segment for drawing semi-transparent line plot.

Note: @LPS overrides the @LP when make a semitransparent line plot.

@LPSI int RW 0 -1,0,1 2024b It controls the Line Plot Speed Improvement:

-1 = automatically turn on the speed improvement under specific condition (e.g. only when there’s one color modification and it is either increment or indexing).
0 = old behavior, which is simply do nothing
1 = force turn on the speed improvement

@LRBM double RW 5 2022 layer rescale 3d bar base plane margin
@LRCL double RW 95 2021b Confidence level for Add Fitted Curves button in mini toolbar
@LSA int RW 1 0,1 2023b Legend Symbol Anchor, it control whhether to start a new section with legend symbol(\l()) in normal text object:

0 = legend symbol works like normal text.
1 = legend symbol need to start a new section for alignment( insert ^() before symbol )

@LSPC bool RW 1 0,1 2016 It is used to control how the step line connection and fill area behave in the polar coordinate.

1 = Horizontal direction should be along the circle of the same radius, vertical direction should go towards center of polar.
0 = turn off this feature

@LSSM int RW 200 Natural number 8.1088 It determines how to save long strings in separate maps:

0 = Only strings longer than 252 characters will be saved in the map
1 = @LSSP percentage of long strings will be saved in the map
No less than 2 = The total number of elements in the dataset is compared with the value of @LSSM:
If the total number of elements in the dataset is smaller than @LSSM, it will work like @LSSM=0, otherwise it will work like @LSSM=1

@LSSP int RW 60 Positive integer 8.0987 It is used to estimate temporary series element size in mixed datasets for saving in percentage.

Note: @LSSP is used in combination with @LSSM.

@LST bool RW 0 0,1 2015 It is used to control whether to apply system theme when adding new layers to existing graph:

0 = Do not apply system theme when adding new layer
1 = Always apply system theme to newly added layer
Note: only if current graph's theme is set as system theme that adding new layers to it will apply the theme of existing graph.

@LT int RW 1 0,1,2,3 2017 SR1 Controls how two semicolons in a line of script (e.g. ";;" or ";};") are treated.

0 = Treat a second semicolon as the beginning of the next script and delay execution of next script.
1 = Only allow a semicolon placed at the beginning of a script to delay execution of that script (See, Leading Semicolon for Delayed Execution).
2 = Starting with 2017 SR2, when script is protected inside { }, it will not trigger ErrorPro. However, if you want to restore the previous behavior, set @LT = 2.
3 = 1+2, i.e. Only allow a semicolon placed at the beginning of a script to delay execution of that script. And trigger ErrorPro when script is protected inside { }.

@LTG int RW 0 0,1 2023 It controls whether to open Protect Sheet Option dialog when worksheet is locked by menu or SetProp code:

0 = not open
1 = open

@LTNR int RW 3 0,1,2,3 2022 LT Named Range control:

1 = enable block
2 = explicit cast

@LTQ bool RW 0 0,1 2015 It controls whether to execute the whole content of queue command (command following ";")

0 = do not execute the queue command
1 = execute the queue command

@LTR bool RW 0 0,1 2022b @LTR = 1 can block the LT substitution
@LTXB int RW 0 0,1,2,3 2024 It help display new LaTeX object in old Origin versions better:

0 = old behavior in build 2023b and earlier
1 = save SVG info in the LaTeX object
2 = save Metafile in the LaTeX object
Note: @LTXB is a combination of these controlling bits which produces cumulative effects

@LTXS bool RW 0 0,1 2024b @LTXS=1 to allow LATEX substitution
@LTXTO int RW 80000 Positive integer 2016

It specifies the timeout value in unit of ms when initiating MikTex packages to be used in LaTex app.

@LtxTP int RW 150 Positive integer 2016 SR2

It specifies the timeout value in unit of second when downloading MikTex packages to be used in LaTex app.

@LUQ int RW Depends on language -2 to 5 8.0891 It is used to determine the delimiter for Unit when Unit appear as string in Axis Title or Legend:

-2 = Use custom string to specify how to show the Unit Label at Axis Title or Legend
-1 = Auto. It will be translate to 1 and Unit Label will appear as (Unit) for Japanese and English version; It will be translate to 2 and Unit label will appear as [Unit] for German version
0 = Unit label will not appear at Axis Title or Legend but only the long name
1 = Unit label will appear as (Unit) (Default if Japanese and English)
2 = Unit label will appear as [Unit] (Default if German version)
3 = Unit label will appear as {Unit}
4 = Unit label will appear as /Unit
5 = Unit label will appear as -Unit

@LUQO int RW -1 -2 to 5 8.0891 It is used to determine the delimiter for Unit when Unit appear as string in Axis Title or Legend:

-2 = Use custom string to specify how to show the Unit Label at Axis Title or Legend
-1 = Auto. Unit Label will appear as (Unit) for Japanese and English version; Unit label will appear as [Unit] for German version
0 = Unit label will not appear at Axis Title or Legend but only the long name
1 = Unit label will appear as (Unit) (Default if Japanese and English)
2 = Unit label will appear as [Unit] (Default if German version)
3 = Unit label will appear as {Unit}
4 = Unit label will appear as /Unit
5 = Unit label will appear as -Unit

@LW int RW 0 Natural number 6.1052 It specifies the default line width when create data plots.

Note:@LW=0 will disable this system variable.

@LWP bool RW 0 0,1 2023 It controls whether to pin the active window, i.e exclude the window from arrange windows:

0 = not pin
1 = pin

@LWT int RW 60 Positive integer 2023b LATEX waitting time for SVG drawing



Variable Type Access Default Supported Version Description
@MAP bool RW 0 0,1 2021b Matrix Apply Palette , 0 = apply to all objects, 1 = apply to active object only.


@MAS int RW 1 0,1,2 2024 it controls where to show Red Dot:

0 = turn off completely
1 =click axis, layer frame and outside frame, show red dot
2 = click axis only

@MAZ bool RW 0 0,1 9.1 It specifies whether treating Missing value As Zero when calculate average for column:

0= Treating Missing value as non-existing
1= Treating Missing value as zero

@MB3D bool RW 1 0,1 8.50013 It indicates whether matrix 3D bar plot has lighter/darker effect:

0 = Lighter/darker effect does not exist
1 = Lighter/darker effect exist

@MBC int RW 127 (color(127,127,0,1)) Natural number It is used to specify the color for Missing value in image view and in thumbnails for Matrix image.

@MBD bool RW 1 0,1 2024 it determines whether in Dark Mode dark message box appears
@MBL bool RW 1 0,1 8.0987 It controls whether to use "Modern" look for buttonized objects:

0 = Revert back to old drawing code of text button
1 = Buttonized objects will have "Modern" look

@MBS int RW 5 0 to 100 8.108988 It specifies the critical percentage of cells that have missing values over which it will trigger missing values to be set as mask.

Note: if @MBC is not -1 or bigger than 100, @MBS will be disabled.

@MC int RW 1 0 to 23 6.1052 It specifies the color for data masking by using global color index:

0 = Black
1 = Red
2 = Green
3 = Blue
4 = Cyan
Note: the color number of @MC+1 corresponds to Individual Color list in Origin or the index of general color palette.

@MCA int RW 100 Natural number 2020b It is used to specify the maximum of columns(variables) to decide whether auto import the columns(variables) without opening the Data Connector Browser.

The files with less columns will be imported automatically; the files with more columns will trigger the Data Connector Browser to import partially.
This system variable is for the case when variables (columns) has different length and matrix will never be considered.

@MCAC int RW 100 Natural number 2020b It is used to specify the maximum columns if the variables are of same length to use workbook.

If the maximum been extended, just use matrixbook to restore the data; other wise, use the workbook to restore the data.

@MCLA int RW 2 0,1,2 2020b Better legend entry alignment.

0 = no separate alignment between text and symbol.
1 = separate alignment between text and symbol, and text alignment follow GUI setting, which will insert ^(u) before text.
2 = separate alignment between text and symbol and text will align to symbol, which will insert ^(lu) before text if symbol is on left of text, insert ^(ru) before text if symbol is on right of text.

@MCMG int RW 20 Natural number 2015 It specifies the minimum column gap between legend entry columns when dragging legend entries into multiple columns for 2D graph in percentage of font height.

The column gap is measured from first legend column's entry end to the second legend column's entry start.

@MCS int RW 4 Positive integer 2021 It controls the minimum columns from Semicolon separator to skip Comma as separator. Basically if at least 4 columns detected using semicolon, then no longer check for Comma as separator. But in some case, for example, comma separated into 6 columns while semicolon only 5, Origin will consider comma as a better separator then semicolon. To disable this change, user can set this system variable to a big number like 100.
@MCWL int RW 15 Positive Integer 2021 It determines the maximum width for column Long Name to resize. Generally speaking, column width will be resized to show the whole long name text in one line when import/connect to a file. Long Name text wider than @MCWL will be wrapped.


@MCXG int RW 1000 Natural number 2015 It specifies the maximum column gap between legend entry columns when dragging legend entries into multiple columns for 2D graph in percentage of font height.

The column gap is measured from first legend column's entry end to the second legend column's entry start.

@MD bool RW 1 0,1 6.0257 It controls whether to allow the access to masked cells by LabTalk syntax data1_b[i] (for version earlier than 8.0) or cell(i,j).

0 = Enable the access to masked cells
1 = Disable the access to masked cells
Note:mask cell(1,2)(has value) in @MD=1, type cell(1,2)=; in command window will show "--" missing value. Set @MD=0, re-execute cell(1,2)=; will display the value in masked cell.

@MDF int RW 0 0,1 2023 It controls whether to have Map Data folder when Insert Map to graph:

0 = not to add MapData folder and add Map1 book(hidden) to root instead
1 = add MapData folder

@MDI bool RW 1 0,1 2022b Disable/enable Snap Windows. Does the same thing as Window: Snap Windows (Ctrl+F12). Setting is remembered between sessions.

0 = disable
1 = enable

@MDIF int RW 1 0,1 2023b for menu Windows: Float Windows


@MDL bool RW 0 0,1 2023 It controls whether to add Map Data legend when insert Map to graph:

0 = no
1 = add(old behavior)

@MDS int RW -1 -1, Positive integer 6.1052 It specifies the size of a data point upon using Move Data Points to move data.

-1 = Default size 6
Note: set @MDS=20 and select Move Data Points in a scatter plot, you will see the points ready to be moved are enlarged.

@MDT int RW 1 0,1 2022b set to 1 to replace the Draw Data toolbar button with Graph Annotator app, set to 0 to keep old behavior
@MEA bool RW 0 0,1 2018 It controls whether run mask event on the active layer.

0=Mask event triger on the sheet what changed mask.
1=Mask event triger on the active layer/sheet.

@MFC bool RW 1 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to make object cache metafiles stored in memory as bits to save on GDI handles or not:

0 = Do not store object cache metafiles in memory as bits
1 = Store object cache metafiles in memory as bits
Note: this system variable must not be changed while there are any graphs with caches in the project (the best is to close the project before changing this system variable).

@MFRLA int RW 2 0,1,2 2023b It help to fix the issue: child windows became tiny in both low and high DPI in not-maximized Origin:

2 = When saving on lower resolution monitor and opening on higher resolution monitor, it will resize so the workspace will NOT be tiny and squeezed. If saving on higher resolution monitor and opening lower resolution monitor, the size will only adjust if it does not fit (otherwise it will be left unchanged).
1 = Resize no matter saving on lower resolution monitor and opening on higher resolution monitor or vice versa. It fixes earlier versions issue of saving on lower resolution monitor and open in higher resolution monitor (see 0 below) but casues issue the other way around. If saving on higher resolution monitor (e.g. using only 1/4 of whole screen) and open on lower resolution monitor, Origin will resize to take 1/4 of whole screen. All child windows may look tiny and squeezed.
0 = Old behavior before Origin 2023b of no resizing at all and use info. in OPJU. Therefore if saving on lower resolution and opening on higher resolution, windows will be tiny and squeezed. No issue when save on higher resolution monitor and open on lower resolution monitor.

@MGC bool RW 0 0,1 2024 it controls whether turn all matrix object to gray scale when run LT command “matrix -g” and “matrix -ig”

0 = apply to active matrix object only
1 = apply to all matrix objects in the layer

@MGDI int RW 6000 0,Positive integer 2022 it control the number of total GDI objects
@MHF int RW 1000 0,Positive integer 2023 Mas History File. It controls the max number of File entries to keep in OriginProjHistory.txt in UFF. You can turn this off by setting this value (not registry) to be 8 or less.
@MHL int RW -1 2021b When use mainheader = -1 to indicate scan subheader, you can set @MHL >= 0 as main header lines and still scan sub-header
@MIC int RW 20 Positive Integer 2016

It specifies the maximum number of cells to be inserted when inserting variables using hunting button. If hunt more than 20 cells, only the first 20 (@MIC default value) cells will be inserted.

@MKX bool RW 0 0,1 2023b

Use built-in SVG-based LaTeX tool when clicking Insert Equation button. Set @MKX = 1 to go back to old behavior, which depends on @IEE.

@MLAM int RW 64 2021 It determines the number of nodes when the tree is created for browser purposes in Matlab Connector
@MM bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to enable masking to have effect on data analysis:

0 = Enable masking effect in analysis
1 = Disable masking effect in analysis

@MMA int RW 12 Positive 2022b max second to find te last active window for Insert menu
@MMC int RW 5 Positive 2022b max second to find te newly created window for Insert menu
@MMS int RW 20 0, Positive integer 2018 It represents the pixels mouse moved in 0.1 second as the speed that the mouse must travel slower than to show the sub-level of the Plot popup menu. Set @MMS=0 to disable auto popup and only click to popup the sub-level menu.
@MMT int RW 8 0, Positive integer 2018b Controls the time during which the newly created window of propert type will be added automatically.

When you add graph or matrix as new sheet by Add Graph/Matrix as Sheet menu, or insert graph/layout into worksheet cell by Insert Graph context menu, or add graph/layout as a floating graph by Add Graph context menu,

  • if the current folder has only one available window of proper type, or has a window newly created during 10*@MMT second, then it will be added without asking.
  • After 10*@MMT second the hunt dialog will be open to let you choose the desired window.
@MNL int RW 80 Natural number 2019 It controls the maximum number of lines ocu_read_text_file_lines reads.
@MOE int RW 0 0,1,2,3 2021b Controls display of File: Open Excel (XLS, etc) and File: New Excel (workbook).

0 = Both are hidden
1 = Display File: Open Excel
2 = Display File: New Excel
3 = Both are displayed

@MOL int RW 0 0,1 2023b When import the consecutive yearly average for a range data from NetCDF file, it controls the matrix name whether only shows with the year

0 = Only shows with year
1 = Not only shows with year

@MP bool RW 0 0,1 6.1052 It controls whether to hide masked data points in plot:

0 = Do no hide masked data points (shown with color defined by @MC)
1 = Hide masked data points

@MPA bool RW 1 0,1 2015 It controls whether to disable collapsible context menu feature:

0 = Turn off collapsible menu feature
1 = Keep collapsible menu feature on

@MPC bool RW 0 0,1 2015 It controls whether to turn on collapsible menu editing mode for window main menu and column context menu:

0 = Turn off collapsible context menu editing mode
1 = Turn on collapsible context menu editing mode
Note: Once @MPC is set to 1, for most of the context menus you can see there are checkboxes on the left side of the items. You can uncheck some of the boxes and then set @MPC to 0 to create a shorter list for that context menu with the rest of items collapsed within the double down-arrow button on the bottom.

@MPD int RW 20 Natural number 2015 It specifies the critical time (in seconds) beyond which current collapsible context menu will auto expand to full menu without hovering over the double down-arrow icon on the collapsible menu bottom.
@MPE int RW 1 0,1,2 2021b When copying data, it controls whether to check and resize the matrix automatically when matrix layer has only one matrix object:

0 = turn off 1 = check the size and resize the matrix if necessary 2 = force matrix to whatever size from copying

@MPEH bool RW 0 0,1 2015 It control whether the collapsed menu expands when mouse hovers over More (>>) button.

0 = do not expand menu when mousing over >> button, you need to click on >> button to expand it.
1 = menu expands when mousing over >> button.

@MPGS int RW 1 0, 1 2018b It controls whether to force the size of the pages in the multipage PDF file made of graphs to be the union of the sizes of all the graphs, when export multiple graphs to a PDF file.

0 = Force the size of the pages in the multi-page PDF file portrait 8.5" x 11".
1 = Use the graph size of the pages in the multipage PDF file.

@MPGF int RW 0 0, 1 2018b It controls whether to set all the margins to 0 (both left-right and top-bottom), when export multiple graphs to a PDF file.

0 = Keep the relative sizes of all pictures on different PDF pages
1 = Set all the margins to 0 (both left-right and top-bottom). When it is set, the relative sizes of all pictures on different PDF pages will not any more be preserved. Instead, each page will be filled as much as possible, while maintaining the aspect ratios of individual pictures.
Note: When it is on, then it probably does not make much sense to set @MPGS as well.

@MPGW int RW 8.5 Natural number 2018b It controls the width of PDF pages in the multipage PDF export of graphs in inches.

Note:This variable is used only when @MPGS=0.

@MPGH int RW 11 Natural number 2018b It controls the height of PDF pages in the multipage PDF export of graphs in inches.

Note:This variable is used only when @MPGS=0.

@MPL int RW 100 Positive integer 8.510295 It specifies the critical data label number that will trigger OpenGL render to use mechanism other than bitmap rendering to render the data labels in order to reduce bitmaps.
@MPT int RW 1 Positive integer 2015 SR1 It controls how often a menu item is used in order to be auto added to short list of collapsible menu. For instance, set @MPT = 2 means expanding double down arrow to use an collapsed menu item twice, it will be automatically added to the short list of collapsible menu.
@MPPL int RW 10000 Positive integer 2016 SR1 The maximum count of polypolyline/polpolygon per drawing.
@MPS int RW 20 0, Positive integers 2021 Threshold number of colors to determine whether the imported palette is saved as a color list (.oth) or a palette (.pal) file, when importing one of the supported palette formats. 0 = import all files as .pal.


@MRP int RW 35 0 to 500 2025 number of recent projects that can show under File: Recent Projects.


@MRPA int RW 1 0,1 2025 @MRPA = 1 to show accelerator key in Recent Projects list opened from File menu


@MRPHP int RW 0 0,1 2025 @MRUPHP = 1 to hide file path in the Recent Projects list opend from File menu


@MRSBS int RW 4000 Positive integer 2018b Maximum XY re-sample boundary size. Once exceeded, @TCSM is set to 0 to automatically roll back to pre-2018 behavior.
@MRU int RW 31 0, 1,2,4, 8, 16 2017 SR1 It controls whether to enable recently-used menu items and loading theme menu items.

0 = disable recently-used menu items for all menus
1 = enable recently-used-items for Plot menu
2 = enable recently-used-items for Analysis menu
4 = enable loading theme into menu
8 = enable user-defined templates for Plot menu
16 = enable recent file items for File: Recent... menus
Note: @MRU is a combination of controlling bits. For example, @MRU=7 means enable both recently-used menu (@MRU=1 for plot menu and @MRU=2 for analysis menu) and loading theme menu items (@MRU=4).

@MRUA int RW 9 Positive integer 8.0891 It specifies the default list size of most recently used ADO where the list corresponds to list in File:Database Import under New.
@MRUB int RW 8 Positive integer 8.0612 It specifies the default list size of most recently used books where the list corresponds to list in File:Recent Books.
@MRUE int RW 9 Positive integer 8.0612 It specifies the default list size of most recently used exports where the list corresponds to list in File:Recent Exports.
@MRUG int RW 9 Positive integer 8.0612 It specifies the default list size of most recently used graphs where the list corresponds to list in File:Recent Graphs.
@MRUI int RW 9 Positive integer 8.0612 It specifies the default list size of most recently used imports where the list corresponds to list in File:Recent Imports.
@MSC int RW 1 0,1 2021 It controls when color map will save in matrix objct:

0: only during SetPalette (new behavior)
1: OnModify (original behavior)

@MSF int RW 0 2021 It represent the maximum number for Total points increase factor during tr