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Display the correlation coefficient matrix including its P-value in a graph.

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This app can be used to display the correlation coefficient matrix including its P-value in a graph. Coefficients can be shown in circles, ellipses, numbers or colors. The graph can be a full square, a triangular matrix or mixed with numbers and symbols in lower and upper triangular matrix. P-value can be added as values, significant marks or insignificant marks.

Download the file CorrelationPlot.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
NOTE: This tool requires OriginPro. And this app is similar to R's corrplot package.


  1. Highlight columns in the worksheet. Click the Correlation Plot icon in the Apps Gallery window to open the dialog. In the opened dialog, highlighted columns will be chosen in the dialog's Input Columns list. You can also click on columns or hold Shift key to select columns in the Input Columns list.
    If different XY variables are used, check Use Different Variables for XY in the Settings panel. In the left Input Columns panel, choose columns for X and Y respectively. To add or remove X or Y columns, click on the For X or For Y radio button first. Note that Mixed and Layout options are unavailable for different XY variables.
  2. In the Settings panel's Statistics group, choose a correlation type, it supports three types: Pearson, Spearman and Kendall. And select a way to exclude missing values in input data: Pairwise or Listwise.
    In the Plot group, select a method to show the correlation coefficient matrix, in the Method dropdown list. It supports five methods: Circle, Ellipse, Color, Number, Mixed. In the Layout dropdown list, you can choose Full, Lower Triangular Matrix and Upper Triangular Matrix. For Mixed method, you can define Correlation Values in Lower Triangular or Upper Triangular, and choose the method for Upper/Lower Triangular.
  3. You can also determine whether to overlay the graph with labels. There are five options in the Label dropdown list: None, Correlation Coefficient, P-value, Insignificant Mark and Significant Mark. Significant Level is required to specify for label's last three options. Only P-value or insignificant mark ("X") is shown when its P-value is larger than the significant level. For the Significant Mark option, Significant Level can be a vector separated with space, and for each lower P-value interval, the symbol ("*") will be used multiple times, e.g. "*", "**", "***".
  4. Check Auto Preview check box, and it will update the preview graph on the right of the panel in real time. Click Preview button, and it will update the preview graph. Clcik OK button, the dialog will be closed and a graph will be created.

Sample OPJU File
This app provides a sample OPJU file. Right click on theCorrelation Plot icon in the Apps Gallery window, and choose Show Samples Folder from the short-cut menu. A folder will open. Drag-and-drop the project file CorrelationPlotEx.opju from the folder onto Origin. The Notes window in the project shows detailed steps.
Note: If you wish to save the OPJU after changing, it is recommended that you save to a different folder location (e.g. User Files Folder).


3/21/2022 v1.31 Fixed column order bug.
3/11/2021 v1.3 Updated to make it compatible with Origin 2021b.
1/5/2021 v1.2 Supported different XY variables and updated triangular layout plot.
8/4/2020 v1.1 Supported three correlation types and two ways to exclude missing values.

Reviews and Comments:
02/13/2025Ruby_Yangto do sth about pearson analysis







11/21/2024Xu9999no bugs


