3.165 FAQ-1098 How does "Duplicate this Operation" work?

Last Update: 4/21/2021

Beginning with Origin 2021b, you can click on an operations lock and from the menu, choose Duplicate this Operation. The idea is that an analysis lock is linked to a particular set of outputs (e.g. analysis report sheets, result sheets, graphical output) and if you were to change analysis parameters -- which you can do by clicking on the same lock and choosing Change Parameters -- you would lose your original results.

FAQ 1098 Duplicate Operation.png

So, to preserve your original output(s), you (1) click on a lock icon and (2) Duplicate this Operation. This adds a duplicate operation to the window, including a duplicate set of outputs. You can now (3) click one of the duplicate locks (either the new one or the original) and choose Change Parameters to modify analysis parameters and (4) generate new output with new parameters. The output associated with the unmodified analysis remains, allowing you to compare the two.

Keywords:auto update, recalculate, pending, change parameters, copy/paste operation