The (Plot Details) Line TabPD-Dialog-Line-Tab
Line customization is possible for a wide range of plot types. Consequently, the actual suite of controls available on the Line tab varies and is plot-type dependent. This reference topic reviews all of the possible controls on this tab. Some controls will not be available for some plot types.
2D Line
2D Line+Symbol
2D Bar/Column with Connect Line
Polar Plot
Radar Plot
Network Plot
Ribbon Chart
3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector
Hierarchical Edge Bundling
Select the desired line connection from this drop-down list.
No Line
The data points are not connected.
A straight line is displayed between data points.
2 Point Segment
The connection display alternates between Straight and No Line.
3 Point Segment
The connection display alternates between Straight for three points, No Line, Straight for three points, etc.
For a pair of data sets with coordinates Origin makes a smooth curve using a cubic B-spline connection. The B-spline curve can be described by parametric equations. Around point it takes the form:
where . The coordinates are calculated around each point, letting t range from 0 to 1. This cubic B-spline curve is continuous up to a second order derivative. Unlike spline curves which pass through the original data points , the B-spline curve winds around the original data points without passing through them. (Origin duplicates the first and last data points so the curve passes through them.)
This option generates a cubic spline connection. To use the connection, the X values must be discrete and increasing. Furthermore, the number of data points cannot exceed 900 (if the size of the data set exceeds this number, the operation will fail).
Since curvature information is held in memory, the spline resolution remains the same regardless of page magnification. The SplineStep variable in the ORIGIN.INI file controls the spline calculation increment. It is expressed in units of 0.1 points.
Step Horz
This option generates a right angle connection. The initial line is horizontal.
Step Vert
This option generates a right angle connection. The initial line is vertical.
Step H Center
This option generates a right angle connection. Each point is in the middle of the horizontal run.
Step V Center
This option generates a right angle connection. Each point is in the middle of the vertical run.
This option generates a Bezier curve. The Bezier curve is very similar to the B-spline curve. It can be described by parametric equations around four original data points:
Origin uses four consecutive data points, say to construct a section of the Bezier curve, letting t range from 0 to 1. The curve always passes through the first and the fourth points, but not the second and third. The next section of the curve is constructed with , and the process is repeated until all data points are included (if the total number of points is not a multiple of 4, the remaining 1-3 points are not used in the connection). The derivatives of the curve are not continuous over the whole range; but within each section (where t ranges from 0 to 1), the curve is continuous up to the second order derivative.
Modified Bezier
This connection method generates a Bezier curve using the same algorithm as the Bezier method, but instead of using four consecutive data points, it uses two points from the data and two interpolated points as control points.
Akima Spline
This connection method generates an Akima Spline with the Akima Spline interpolation algorithm. The akima interpolation will not oscillate because of outliers.
- For 3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector graph, once the Connect Symbols been checked, only three connection types, Straight, Spline and B-Spline, are supported.
- One similarity of the B-Spline and Spline connection types is that B-Spline shares Spline's requirements that X-values be discrete and increasing, and the number of points be less than 900.
- If the Connect is not No Line, Straight, 2 Point Segment nor 3 Point Segment (i.e. interpolation is used and it is not linear interpolation), it is then possible to generate the interpolated data directly from the data plot. To do this, right click on the data plot and choose Create Line Connect Type Data from the context menu. The Line Connect Type in the context menu will be the same as the option selected in the Connect drop-down list.
- When the datasets contains missing value, some connect method may not available, in order to connect the data with smooth line, you can use the Analysis:Mathematics:Interpolate/Extrapolate to create
Connect Symbols
Specify whether connect the symbols using straight line for 3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector graph.
Select the desired line connection from this drop-down list.
- Indexing: For the 2D line or line+symbol graph, you can select a column from the drop-down list to set the connection line style indexed to values in that column. Please note that only columns in the current worksheet will be listed in the drop-down list.
- Increment: Use this to increment line style "by point". At each point in the line, the line style will be advanced one style. Use the added Line Style List tab to customize the default list.
Custom Dash Line
For those plot types that support this feature, clicking the browse button to the right of the Style list opens the Custom Dash line dialog box. Here, the user can define dashed lines, or modify existing definitions and save them to a new name.
Definitions are saved with the project for easier file sharing (if collaborators wish to use the same dashed line definition in other projects, they will have to save the custom definition on their systems).
- Enter a series of numbers in the Dash Definition box. The numbers will define an alternating pattern of line segments and white space. Check Preview for resulting dashed line.
- Assign a Name and click Save. Saved definitions will now show in applicable line style lists throughout your system.
- You can also choose a custom definition and Remove.
Note: At low screen resolutions or in small windows, dashed lines may appear solid. However, a printout should draw the line correctly.
Compound Style
Select the desired compound style of line from this drop-down list.
Type or select the desired line width in this combination box. The line width is measured in points, where 1 point=1/72 inch.
For all 2D graphs with this Line tab, in the Line Width drop-down list, you can select a column to map line width to that column. Please note that only columns in current worksheet will be listed in the drop-down list.
Once any column selected, you are also allowed to specify a Scaling Factor to multiply the width column by a value to define the line width. You can refer to the Scaling Factor for Symbol Size.
Select the desired line color from this drop-down list.
In a Line & Symbol data plot, the symbol color is set to Automatic by default, which means it matches the line color. Symbol color can be set on the Symbol tab.
In a ribbon chart, the ribbon color is set to Auto by default, that means all ribbons will follow the color of connected columns.
_Line_Tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | When the Color is set to Increment or Index, colors for each line segment are controlled using the Increment Editor.
Color(Hierarchical Edge Bundling Only)
Specify the color of connect lines. This control is same as the link color of Chord diagram.
Connect Begin and End
For some Polar Graphs, such as Stacked Radial Plot, we might need connect the begin point and end point to make a circle. Check this check box to connect the first point and last point for the line plot.
Symbol/Line interface
This section will only be available when the plot type is set to Line + Symbol.
Select the Gap to Symbol check box to display a gap between each symbol and associated line for data plots that include both lines and symbols. To alter the size of this gap, edit the Gap to Symbol (%) box on the Graph tab of the Options dialog box (Preferences: Options).
When the Gap to Symbol check box is cleared, the Draw Line in Front and Draw Line Behind radio buttons are available, allowing you to control the display of the line going through the symbol.
To display the line as it goes through the symbol, select the Draw Line in Front radio button. Alternatively, select the Draw Line Behind radio button to hide the line.
Note: The Draw Line in Front and Draw Line Behind radio buttons have the same visual effect on a data plot with Symbol Interior set to 'hollow': the line always displays as it passes through the symbol. To hide the line, select Open from the Interior drop-down list (with Show Construction selected) on the (Plot Details) Symbol tab. Set Fill Color to the same color as the background color of the Layer.
Connect Within Subset
This check box is available for 2D Bar/Column charts with connecting line and 2D Line/Line+Symbol charts.
2D Bar/Column Chart
Once you have checked the Connect Line in Display tab for the 2D column/Bar chart, this box will checked by default to only connect midpoints of same data column within the subsets.
2D Line/Line+Symbol Chart
This box is checked, by default, for Line or Line + Symbol graphs. For a simple, single plot, it has no application but in situations where you want to break a single plot into distinct segments (subsets) using data in a Categorical column, enabling the box will allow removing unwanted lines connecting subsets.
Break the plot into distinct segments (subsets) using controls on the Plot Details Subset tab.
Show Arrow
Specify whether show arrows on the line plot. This control is only available for 2D line plot.
Once this checked box is checked, the Arrow tab will show to let you decide how to put the arrows on the line.
This controls how much the lines can be seen through. Move the slider or type a desired integer from 0 to 100 in the combination box. Note that 0 means the symbol is not transparent at all, and 100 means the symbol is fully transparent.
Specify the transparency of each connect line between nodes.
Specify the maximum and minimum transparency value for the lines. All lines will have transparency values under this range.
By Column
Specify a column to map the transparency for each connect lines. The values in this column will be normalized and used to map the transparency of ech line to specified transparency range if Use Absolute Value is not checked.
Use Absolute Value
Check this check box, the values in selected column will be actual transparency values.
Transparency(Hierarchical Edge Bundling)
Specify the transparency of the connect lines between leaves.
Transparency Modes
- By Value: Just like the common transparency, using a slider to cotrol the transparency of all connect lines.
- By Column: Select a column to control the transparency of each connect line. You can set the minimum and maximum transparency value and then normalize the column value to map the minimum and maximum. Note: Network all supports this kind of transparency.
- By Curve Length: Set the minimum and maximum transparency value and then apply the transparency to connect lines according to the length of the connect lines. Lone curves will have a lower opacity than short curves.
Specify the range of the transparency of all lines.
by Column
When selected, two sliders are added to the Transparency group: Minimum (90 by default) and Maximum (0 by default). When mapped to a column in the plot_network sheet, minimum and maximum data values are linearly mapped from Minimum to Maximum.
Use Absolute Value
This control is implemented primarily for correlation network plots. As the correlation matrix may generate negative coefficients, checking this box will use absolute values (e.g. abs(Weight)) to control transparency.
Fill Area Under Curve
You can generate area or fill area plots directly from menu item Plot > Basic 2D: Area or Plot > Basic 2D: Fill Area, but it is also possible to customize a line or line&symbol plot to fill the area. If the Enable box is selected, a drop-down list will be activated providing the options in the table below. A Preview image to the right of the drop-down list illustrates the area to be filled.
Additionally, when the Fill Area Under Curve is enabled, a Pattern tab is added to Plot Details for customizing the fill area. When you opt for Fill with Above Below Colors, two Pattern tabs are added and named as Pattern_Above and Pattern_Below, allowing for separate customization of the "above" and "below" fills.
Fit to Base
Fill the area bordered by the data plot line and the specified Base Line for a line or a line + symbol data plot.
For a polar data plot, fills the area bordered by the data plot line and the bottom X-axis major grid lines at 0 and 180 degrees.
- Base Lines: Specify a base line as target side of area border. Here, Origin supports eight kinds of base lines.
- Filll with Above Below Colors: Specify whether fill the area with two colors, for the part above base line and the part below base line separately.
- Show Sidelines: Specify whether shows the sidelines .
Sidelines only
Draw two vertical lines between the data plot line and the specified Base Line for a line or a line + symbol data plot.
- Base Lines: Specify a base line as target side of area border. Here, Origin supports eight kinds of base lines.
- Close With Base Line: Specify whether colse the sidelines with specified base line.
Fill to Data Plot
If there are more than one line(or line&symbol) plot in this graph layer, this option fills the area between the selected data plot and the another specified data plot with one color or two colors, the sequences of data plots can be determined in the Layer Contents dialog.
Data Plot:
- Specify the target data plot that the area filled to. Default is Next Plot but you can pick any plot that "follows" (i.e. in plotting order) the current plot in the layer.
Filll with Above Below Colors:
- If two data plots intersects in one or more data points other than the start or end points, the fill patterns for the areas where curve A is higher and where curve B is higher can be separately customized by checking this check box.
Note: For a radar plot with multiple line plots, when you selected Fill to Data Plot
- Unchecking Filll with Above Below Colors, each plot(except the last one) will have the area color-filled to the next plot. And the fill color between each two plots will be set to Auto to follow the line color of the former plot;
- Checking Filll with Above Below Colors, each plot(except the last one) will have the area color-filled to the next plot. And the fill color of "Pattern_Above" between each two plots will be set to Auto to follow the line color of the former plot.
Fill to Option list:
- Common X Area
- Fill areas in common X range.
- Area Enclosed by End Points
- Fill areas enclosed by the end points of two plots.
As an alternative to these Line tab controls, note that you can select any two plots in the graph layer using the Ctrl key, then apply fills between the selected curves using Mini Toolbar buttons.
Fill Shapes by Orientation
This option is intended for handling shapefile data, in which missing value pairs are used to separate polygons. These missing value pairs prevent the Inclusive broken by... and Exclusive broken by... options of handling polygon fills properly. If you are working with shapefile data, use this option to color inside the polygons.
Note that this option also adds a Spacing tab with Enable Subset set to None, by default. To apply a color fill to shapefile polygons, select the By Column radio button on the Spacing tab, then choose a column to define your subset. On the Pattern tab under Fill click Color and on the By Points tab, choose a color list and for Color Options, choose a method to apply color.
Fill Shapes by Reverse Orientation
Draws polygons in the same way as previous option (...by Orientation) but with reverse fills (outside the polygons).
This option also adds a Spacing tab with Enable Subset = None, by default. See previous for use of Spacing tab controls.
Inclusive broken by missing values
Fill the area between the data plot and a baseline defined by the first and last data points in the data plot. If the data plot includes missing values, Origin fills the first segment of the data plot (up to the first missing value), and then fills the second segment of the data plot up the next missing value, etc. This option is ideal if you want to fill an enclosed area determined by a data plot.
Exclusive broken by missing values
Fill the area outside the data plot and the baseline defined by the first and last data points. If the data plot includes missing values, it fills the area outside of the first segment of the data plot (up to the first missing value), and then fills the area outside of the second segment of the data plot up the next missing value, etc. This option is ideal if you want to fill the region outside of an enclosed area determined by a data plot.
Span vertically broken by missing values
This option can be used, in conjunction with a secondary dataset, to add recession bars to a 2D plot. The secondary dataset uses missing values to demarcate each recession period.
For more information, see FAQ-840 How to add recession bars on a 2D graph?
Span vertically Pairwise
This option can be used, in conjunction with a secondary dataset, to add recession bars to a 2D plot. The secondary dataset is structured such that X values alternate between beginning and ending points for each recessionary period.
For more information, see FAQ-840 How to add recession bars on a 2D graph?
Note: Tips for working with grouped plots.
- The first plot in the group (i.e. the plot which lists in Plot Details as first in the list and which will have a Group tab) will, by default, set behavior for all other plots in the group. Hence, all other plots will have a Follow 1st Plot in the Group check box that is enabled, by default. Clearing the box will allow customizing of fills, plot by plot.
- When fills are enabled for the first plot in the group, a Fill Area Color property is added to the Group tab. Note that you can use it, for instance, to increment color By One and apply a sequence of colors to the group fills.
Base Line
When Fill Area under Curve is Normal, Sidelines only, Sidelines and Base or Fill to Base, a Base Line drop-down list is added to the Line tab.
- Auto: Fill or draw sidelines below the curve and/or to base.
- Bottom Axis: Fill the area started from bottom axis.
- Top Axis: Fill the area started from top axis.
- Left Axis: Fill the area started from left axis.
- Right Axis: Fill the area started from right axis.
- Horizontal Additional Line: Fill the area started from the horizontal additional line.
- Vertical Additional Line: Fill the area started from the vertical additional line.
- Y=: Fill the area started from the line Y=<value>.
- X=: Fill the area started from the line X=<value>.
Specify weather show the ribbons to connect the stacked columns for Ribbon Chart.
For a Ribbon Chart, when you check the Ribbon check box, you are allowed to specify the curvature of the link lines. Note that 0 means no curvature, 100 is maximum curvature.
For Network Plots, you can specify a curvature to avoid superimposing links between two nodes.
Arrow(3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector)
This group is only available for 3D Scatter/Trajectory/Vector graph, used to add arrows to the connect lines between two adjacent symbols. For 3D vector graph, these connected symbols are the start of the vectors.
Determines the length of the arrowheads. It is the length of the arrow's base and its unit is by points.
Determines the arrowhead angles in degrees.
Specify a color for the arrows added.
Distance between Arrows
Determines the distance between two adjacent arrows. The value entered here is the multiplier of arrow length, the default value is 5.
Curve Tolerance
Specify the maximum amount of curvature allowed when placing arrows on the connect lines. It is same as the Curve Tolerance option in Contour Label tab.
Curve Tolerance = Arrow Length along Curve/Straight Line Distance
Show Arrow for End/Start
Show Arrow for End check box is selected by default, It is used to decide whether show an arrow at the last point.
If the distance between last point and last arrow is less than the half of the distance between arrows, show last arrow at last point instead of original place. Otherwise, an additional arrow will be added at last point.
Show Arrow for Start is used to decide whether show an arrow at first point. It is unchecked by default which means first arrow should be added at the position of first point+distance.
This control group is only available for a Network plot with directions. If you didn't add directions for the links when you create a network, this control will not be available.
You can use this control group to customize the format of the arrows for the links between nodes: changing the arrow shape, adjusting the width of the arrow and setting the length of the arrows.
Keep LCA(Hierarchical Edge Bundling)
Specify whether keep LCA(least common ancestor) If there are more than 3 control points in the hierarchical structure.
For example, in following graph, the connect polyline between A~E is the red line, the control points are A-G1-G3-G4-E, LCA for AE is G4.
Tension(Hierarchical Edge Bundling)
Hierarchical Edge Bundling diagram will connect the control points within each connect line with piecewise cubic B-spline. You can use this control to specify the beta(in piecewise cubic B-spline formula) to control the curvature and shape of the lines.