The (Plot Details) Label Tab for Spiral Bar Chart

This Label tab is used to customize the label display on the spiral axis of a spiral bar chart.

The (Plot Details) Label Tab for Spiral Bar 01.png


Specify whether show the graph title in center of the chart.


Specify which information has been shown as Title: Column Headings, Comments, Units or Sample Interval.

If you select Column Headings, column long name will be shown as Title. If no long name, then the column short name will be shown.


Customize the font of the Title.

Wrap Text by Number of Characters

Specify an integer to wrap the text.

Tick Labels

Specify how to show tick labels on the spiral axis.


Specify the value type for the tick labels. For the details about this types, you can refer to the Tick Labels Type option in Axis dialog.


Customize the font of the tick labels on Spiral axis.


Specify how to display the values as tick labels. For the details about this types, you can refer to the Tick Labels Display option in Axis dialog.


Specify whether show the tick labels with a offset from the ticks.

Show for

Specify which part of ticks would has their tick labels, only the Outer winding, inner winding, outer and inner winding, or all ticks.

In Circle

When you select Only Outer for Show For option, you can check this check box to show the tick labels of outer winding in circle.

Between Ticks

Specify whether show the tick labels between the nearest ticks.


Specify how to show the ticks.

Major Tick Increment

Specify the increment for the major ticks.


Specify the tick length for the major ticks on spiral axis.


Customize the spiral axis line.

Minor Tick Count

Specify how many minor ticks will be shown between two nearest major ticks.


Specify the tick length for the shown minor ticks.


Specify the line color of spiral axis.


Specify how to anchor the position of the major ticks. 0 means the tick is at the beginning of the bar. The unit is same as that of the Gap between Bars.

Show Y Axis

Check this to show a Y axis at the end of the sprial axis.

Minimum/Maximum Value

By default, the adjacent Auto check box will be check. The minimum and maximum Y value will be filled in these two boxes. Uncheck the Auto check box to enter the value you desired to specify the axis start and axis end. This setting won't affect the plot range of th bar, only the Y axis will show in different range.


Specify the value type for the tick labels of Y axis. For the details about this types, you can refer to the Tick Labels Type option in Axis dialog.


Customize the font of the tick labels on Y axis.

Minor Tick Count

Specify how many minor ticks will show on the Y axis.


Add an offset for the tick labels from the ticks.