Import Wizard, The Save Filters PageImpWiz-SaveFilterPage
Import Wizard settings can be saved to a filter file for future use with the same file or with files of the same type. The filter file can be saved to one of three general locations. You can use wild cards when assigning a data file name for use with your import filter. This allows you to associate the filter with a group of related data files.
For information on use of Origin import filters for drag-and-drop import, see Importing Data by Drag-and-Drop.
Save Filter
Save Filter
Select this check box to save the Import Wizard settings to a filter file.
In the Data File Folder
When selected, the filter file is saved in the same folder where the imported data file is saved.
Use this option if you want to keep similar data files in your folders; you can define a filter that can apply to all files in your folder. When the wizard is used to import the same file or similar files from the same subfolder, the wizard will give preferentially choose matching filter files in the data folder.
Additionally, during drag-and-drop importing process Origin will automatically use suitable filters found in the same folder as the data file. If the data folder has multiple filters that are suitable for the file being dropped, Origin will prompt you for the preferred filter file.
In the User Files Folder
If selected, the filter file is saved to the \Filters subfolder in the User Files area.
In the Window
If selected, the filter is saved to the worksheet. You then save the worksheet as a template (*.OTW) and the filter information becomes part of the template. If the worksheet has a filter saved in it, when the Import Wizard is invoked with such a worksheet active, the Filter drop-down on the first page will list the option "<User filter in active window>".
Show Filter in File: Open Dialog
This option is enabled only when In the User Files Folder is selected. If this check box is selected, the File Types drop-down in the File: Open dialog will list the filter by name, along with the chosen wild card specification. This option provides the users with a way to add custom file types to the File: Open dialog.
Filter Description
Enter the description for the filter in this text box. The description will be displayed when you choose this filter in the Source page of the Import Wizard.
This is optional. You could just leave this text box empty.
Filter File Name
Name the filter file (the .OIF extension is automatically appended).
This control is not available when the In the Window option is chosen. In the other two cases (where the filter is saved to a disk file), the filter files are saved with an OIF (Origin Import Filter) extension, in the XML format. The files are editable with a text editor such as Notepad and can be viewed with any application that supports the XML format (such as Internet Explorer).
Specify Data File Names to Which This Filter Will Be Associated
Use the Applicable File box to specify file types to which the saved filter should be applied. Wildcards are useful for associating with a family of similarly-named files.
Wildcard Examples:
- Specify a wildcard such as *.txt to apply to any file of extension .txt.
- Specify a wildcard such as Experiment*.txt to apply to any file that begins with Experiment.
- Specify a wildcard such as s.???.dat to apply to any .dat file that begins with s, followed by any three characters.
- Specify multiple wildcards using a semicolon separator: *.txt;*.dat; mydata*.*, etc. When you choose to import a file using the Import Wizard (by any method including drag and drop), wildcards in all filters saved to User Files\Filters or the data folder are scanned to find those filters that match the name of the import file.
Specify Advanced Filter Options
If selected, the Next button is enabled and the Advanced Options page is added, in which you specify advanced filter options, such as a script to be executed at the end of the import process, etc.
If left cleared, the Next button is disabled. You then click Finish to complete data import.