5.8 FAQ-345 How to solve dialog display problems?

Last Update: 7/5/2019

When you see a dialog display problem, like the upper panel of Nonlinear Curve Fit dialog huddles together, or all toolbar buttons are extremely tiny, please try the following solutions:

  1. Please refer to How do I resize dialogs such as multipanel dialogs to resize the dialog to make all controls show.
  2. Modify the windows DPI setting to "smaller" or adjust the resolution.
  3. If step 1 and 2 cannot solve the problem, delete the registry key:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OriginLab\Origin 9.0\International\Dialogs\"
and then restart Origin.
Notes: Origin 9.0 in registry key should be changed depending on the Origin version installed

Keywords:dialog, display, toolbar button, DPI, resolution, resize, multipanel, panel