6.12.7 Color Map Surface Graph

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This tutorial will show you how to create a 3D color map surface.

Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 05.png

What will you learn

This tutorial will show you how to

  • Create a 3D color map surface graph
  • Customize the 3D surface graph


  1. Select Help:Learning Center menu to open Learning Center dialog. Select Graph Sample item in the left panel and then select Waterfall Plots for Samples in drop-down list. Double-click on the thumbnail below to open the sample 3D Surface Plots - Surface Graph profiling Differences in Body Heat Transfer.
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 00.png
    Note:This tutorial is associated with this Graph Galley page.
  2. Highlight HFT data matrix and select Plot > 3D : 3D Colormap Surface with Projection to create a 3D graph.
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 1.png
  3. Choose Format: Plot to go to the plot level of the Plot Details dialog.
  4. Select the surface plot, go to the Mesh tab, uncheck the Enable box to turn off the mesh lines. Go to Colormap/Contours tab, click Line title to open the Contour Lines dialog. In this dialog, uncheck Show on Major Levels Only and select Hide All to hide all contour lines.
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 03.png
  5. Select the projection plot in the left panel, go to Surface tab, Enter 0 as the following image shows to put the projection to the bottom of the graph.
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 02.png
  6. Go to the Mesh tab, uncheck the Enable box to disable the mesh lines. Go to Colormap/Contours tab, hide all contour lines like the step4 does.
  7. Click Layer 1 in the left panel, and then in the right panel select the Lighting tab. Change the setting as following to enable lighting effect:
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap lighting.png
    Then Click OK to close the dialog.
  8. Finally, change axis titles and add a graph title as the following graph.
    Tutorial 3DSurfaceMap 05.png