This Axis Dialog is for customizing axes and ticks for Smith Chart.
This tab is used to control the Major Ticks and Minor Ticks counts for the X and R axis.
The Show check box is used to specify whether to display labels for the specific axis.
This tab is used to control the axis title.
The Show check box is used to specify whether to display a title for the specific axis.
The other controls are generally the same as the Title tab controls of the general 2D Axis dialog.
This page provides options to customize the grid lines of X or R axes.
Major and minor grid lines can be customized separately in the Major Grid Lines or Minor Grid Lines tree node. The controls of these two tree nodes are shared with the corresponding tree nodes in the Grids tab of the general 2D Axis dialog.
This tab is used to customize the line and tick styles of Radial axis.
Specify whether to show the axes.
Select line color from the drop-down list.
Type or select the line width from this combination box.