Column: Fill Column With: Arbitrary set of Text Numeric values
Fill column with strings
Minimum Origin Version Required:9.1 SR0
1. patternT text:="Spring Summer Autumn Winter" onerepeat:=4 seqrepeat:=3;//Generate text series of "Spring Summer Autumn Winter", each text repeats 4 times and the whole data sequence repeats 3 times, the data sequence will be filled to the selected column(s).
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Option list:
For GUI access of this function, see this help file.
string StrCities$="Boston "New York" Chicago"; patternT text:=StrCities$;
Note: if you need to include a string with space in the string sequence, you must first define the string sequence with quotation marks as a string and use this string variable in the patternT X-Function.
patternT text:=<[<"Washington DC" "New York" "San Francisco" "Los Angeles">]>;
Note: the syntax <[< indicates the beginning of literal strings, and >]> indicates the end of literal strings.
patternN, patternD