9.2.3 The (Plot Details) Display/Speed TabPD-Dialog-Display-Speed-Tab
The Display tab at the layer level of the Plot Details dialog box provides options to control the scaling of text, the display of the axes, axes labels, labels, and data, as well as specific data drawing behavior.
General Display/Speed tab
Display/Speed Tab for Ternary graph
Display/Speed Tab for Polar graph
Display/Speed Tab for 3D graph
Data Drawing Options Group
Clip Data to Frame
When checked, this option hides data that extends beyond the layer frame minus the percentage indicated in Clipping Margins. The layer frame consists of the extent of the axes scales.
- When Clipping Margins are positive, the allowed display area is reduced by the specified percent in the specified direction.
- When Clipping Margins are negative, the allowed display area is expanded beyond the axes by the specified percent in the specified direction.
_Display_Tab/Alert_icon.png?v=9649) | Clip data behavior changed slightly beginning with Origin 2019b. See this FAQ for information.
For help with clipping of text labels and other graphic objects, see Object clipping.
Data on Top of Axes
Display data plots and symbols superimposed on the layer axes. Most Templates have their default set to display data behind the axes (unchecked).
Note that the same control is available by right-clicking on the graph axis.
Grid on Top of Data
Display axis grid lines superimposed over data plots and symbols.
Note that the same control is available by right-clicking on the graph axis.
Reference Lines on Top of Data
Display reference lines superimposed over data plots and symbols.
Note that the same control is available by right-clicking on the graph axis.
Show Points Outside Triangle
This check box is only available when the source graph is Ternary plot.
Check this check box to show the data points outside the triangle axis.
Clipping Margin(%)
Clip the horizontal and vertical margin.
Graphic Image Caching
Graphic Image Caching can be used whenever a 2D graph layer needs to be redrawn without being refreshed. For example, when a graph window is overlaid by a another window and then brought to the front again, or when the graph window is resized.
- None: Origin redraws the graph layer every time the graph window is moved, brought to the front, or resized.
- Raster: Raster buffering tells Origin how many pixels of what color to draw at what position. This information is based on a certain resolution and will become distorted when resized.
Note: If you resize your graph in raster caching mode, the graph may get a rough pixel appearance. If this occurs, select Window: Refresh from the Origin menu to restore the display.
Polar Plots
Show Negative Radius Points in Opposite Quadrant
Must also have radius to start from zero
When your data has negative radius values, check this check box to show negative radius points in the opposite quadrant. Please note that the radius must start from 0 in this case.
Speed Mode, Skip Points if Needed
In addition to graphic image caching, you can use Origin's Speed Mode to increase the redraw speed of your graph layer. With speed mode, you can control the number of data points displayed in a graph layer. This option is most useful when working with large data sets, where a reduction in the number of plotted points either speeds screen redraws or reduces clutter in the plot.
When Speed Mode is enabled, the layer icon displays in red and a Speed Mode is On watermark appears in the layer. The watermark is not included when printing, copying, or exporting the graph.
For plots created from worksheet data:
- Select the Worksheet Data, Maximum Points Per Curve check box to enable speed mode for all the data plots in the layer that are created from worksheet data.
- Type the desired value (n) in the associated text box. If the number of data points in a data plot exceeds n, Origin displays a subset of the data plot that contains n points. This subset contains evenly spaced data - by the worksheet rows.
For plots created from matrix data or virtual matrix data:
- Select the Matrix Data, Maximum Points Per Dimension check box to enable speed mode.
- Type the desired value (n, m) in the X and Y text boxes. If the number of data points in a data plot exceeds n or m, Origin displays a subset of the data plot composed of, at maximum, n by m points. This subset contains evenly spaced data - by the matrix columns (X) and matrix rows (Y).
- Speed Mode settings are saved with the graph template. If you wish to make Speed Mode settings permanent, you must resave the graph template once changes are made.
- If you are producing graphs for printing or graphic export, see Available Page Viewing Modes Speed vs Accuracy in the Origin Help file.
Show Elements Group
X Axes/Y Axes/Z Axes
Clear to hide the respective axes in the layer. Select to show the respective axes.
Hide all axis titles, arrows, text labels, shapes, and objects in the layer. To view the labels in the printout, remember to select the Labels check box before printing.
Hide all data plots in the layer. To view the data in the printout, remember to select the Data check box before printing.
This checkbox specifies whether to show a frame of the layer. For the 3D graph, this option is grayed out.
Skew Coordinates
Only available for 2D graphs in Cartesian coordinates (General, Display/Speed). Check the box and enter an integer value into the accompanying boxes.
Angle Between Axes
Internal angle between X and Y axes.
Start Angle for X
Positive values rotate X axis in counter-clockwise direction.