Create project file backups and to control the child window that displays when you open a new project
The project object is a sub-object of the system object. The project object properties allow you to create project file backups and to control the child window that displays when you open a new project. Both options are set in the OPTION.CNF file. These settings can also be accessed in the Options dialog box.
Read/write numeric
Enable autosave when opening an OPJ from a file: 1 = enable (default), 0 = disable.
Read/write numeric
Set the number of minutes between autosaves.
Read/write numeric
Backup the project file to BACKUP.OPJ (in the User Files folder) before saving: 1 = enable, 0 = disable.
Read/write numeric
Control how windows that are saved as minimized in pre-version 6 projects open in Origin 6: 0 = hidden, 1 = minimized, 2 = prompt.
Read/write numeric
Controls whether autosave considers file size when autosave is On. 0 = autosave behavior considers file size (default), 1 = ignore file size (autosave is always on regardless of file size).
Read/write numeric
Turns off Autosave (if on) when project size exceeds a size defined by the system variable @ASC. 0 = Ignore size (default), 1 = Turn off Autosave when project size exceeds @ASC in megabytes (@ASC = 20 by default)
Read/write numeric
Controls how Origin creates new projects as either without a folder or opened to a folder (default). 1 = open to folder, 0 = open with no folder.
Read/write numeric
Show datasets from worksheets in nonactive Project Explorer folder in Layer n dialog box data list: 1 = show, 0 = don't show. Obsolete
Read/write numeric
Show datasets from worksheets in nonactive Project Explorer folder in NonLinear Curve Fitting dialog: 1 = show, 0 = don't show. Obsolete
Read/write numeric
Select the child window or project you want to display when you open a new project. 1 = worksheet, 2 = Excel workbook, 3 = graph, 4 = matrix, 5 = project (worksheet and graph), and 6 = none.
Read/write numeric
Control how the workspace view is affected by the Project Explorer folder selection:
- 0 = don't show any windows
- 1 = show only the windows which are in the active Project Explorer folder
- 2 = show windows in the active folder and its subfolders. (Note: For 8.5.1 or later versions, this option is available only when the system variable @PER = 1)