2.5 Hotkeys/Accelerator Keys/Keyboard Shortcuts in OriginHotKey-in-Origin
In Origin, you can use a combination of keystrokes to quickly perform an action. The key combination consists of modifier key(s) (such as CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT) and an accompanying key (such as a character key, an arrow key, or a function key).
 | For Mac keyboard users, please note that some of the shortcut keys are not the same as those from Windows PC keyboard. You may refer to these comparison tables for such hot keys.
List of Hotkeys/Accelerator Keys/Keyboard Shortcuts in Origin
Hot Key
Ctrl + N
File : New...
Open the New dialog.
Ctrl + Alt + I
File: New: Image: Image/Video...
Open the Images dialog. See details on this page.
Ctrl + Alt + T
File: New: Image: Multiple Image Files...
Open the Connect Multiple Images dialog. See details on this page.
Ctrl + Alt +L
File: New: Image: Web Image...
Open the Enter Image URL dialog.
Ctrl + O
File: Open...
Open the Open dialog.
Ctrl + P
File : Print
Open the Print dialog.
Ctrl + S
File : Save Project
Save current project. (If project has never been saved, then open Save As.. dialog)
Ctrl + F4
Close the active worksheet/graph/matrix window
Ctrl + F6
Go to Next window
Activate the next window.
Alt + 1
View : Project Explorer
Open the Project Explorer.
Alt + 2
View : Results Log
Open the Results Log.
Alt + 3
View : Command Window Window : Command Window
Open the Command Window.
Alt + 4
View : Code Builder
Open the Code Builder.
Alt + 5
View : Quick Help
Open the Quick Help.
Alt + 6
View : Messages Log
Open the Messages Log.
Alt + 7
View : Smart Hint Log
Open the Smart Hint Log.
Alt + 8
View : Object Manager
Open the Object Manager.
Alt + 9
View : Apps
Open the Apps.
Alt + Shift +3
Window : Script Window
Open the Script Window.
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Window : Return to Last Window
Go back to the previous activated window.
Project Explorer: right click on folder or window and choose Rename
Rename selected item in Project Explorer. If window is selected, change window Short Name (SN)/Long Name (LN), depending on which name you set when last time you used the in-place edit mode to rename window. You can also use Ctrl+N to switch between LN and SN. See more here
Ctrl + N
Switch between LN (Long Name) and SN (Short Name) toggle mode when in-place editing workbook name in Project Explorer.
PE: Right-click on Folder(Find)
Open the Find dialog for the selected folder when active Project Explorer.
Ctrl + Tab
Navigate between different windows in the same folder, including the floating windows.
Toggled on the window from the last active window, and ending at the first active window.
Ctrl Shift +Tab
Navigate between different windows in the same folder, including the floating windows.
The order of toggling windows is inverse of Ctrl + Tab
Alt + Shift + R
Right click the title bar of external Excel workbook and choose Update Origin.
Update Origin from external Excel in Origin.
Hot Key
Ctrl + K
Data: Import from File : Single ASCII...
Open the ASCII dialog. (Worksheet, Matrixsheet, Graph)
Ctrl + 3
Data: Import from File: Import Wizard
Open the Import Wizard. (Worksheet, Matrix, Graph)
Ctrl + 4
Data : Re-import Directly
A data file has been imported to the active worksheet.
Ctrl + T
View : Toolbars
Open the Customize dialog.
Ctrl + U
Preferences: Options
Open the Options dialog.
Preferences: Theme Organizer
Open the Theme Organizer.
Tools: Fitting Function Builder
Open the Fitting Function Builder.
Tools: Fitting Function Organizer
Open the Fitting Function Organizer.
Help: App Center
Open the App Center.
Help: Learning Center
Open the Learning Center.
Ctrl + Shift + O
Tools: Color Manager
Open the Color Manager.
Ctrl + Shift + P
Connectivity: Python Console
Toggle the Python Console
Alt + F5
Runs the [Main] section of User Files\Custom.ogs.
Same as Custom Routine button , Standard Toolbar.
Ctrl + 0
Click the Pause Auto Recalculation button .
The recalculate button (green or yellow) is dimmed and operations are paused, until press Ctrl + 0 or click the button again.
Hot Key
Ctrl + F
Edit : Find
Open the Find tab of the Find and Replace dialog. (Workbook, Graph)
Open the simple Find dialog. (Notes)
Ctrl + G
Edit : Go to
Open the dlgRowColGoto dialog box. (Workbook)
Ctrl + H
Edit : Replace
Open the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog. (Workbook, Matrix)
Open the simple Replace dialog. (Notes)
Ctrl + V
Edit : Paste (Also in many context menus)
Paste from the Clipboard.
Ctrl + X
Edit : Cut
Cut the selected object(s). (May also add to Clipboard.)
Ctrl + Z
Edit : Undo
Undo the last action. Also, see this Note.
Ctrl + Y
Edit: Redo
Redo the last action.
Ctrl + Alt + B
Edit : Button Edit Mode
Switch to the Button Edit Mode.
Ctrl + Alt + V
Edit : Paste Link or Right-Click a cell (paste link)
When an object has been copied.
Edit : Clear
When an object has been selected.
Ctrl + Click
Select discontiguous cells, or deselect selected cells
When worksheet or matrix has been active
Ctrl + Del
Enter NANUM ("--")
When worksheet cell(s) has been selected
Alt + Double-click
Right-click on the object and select Properties
When an object has been selected.
Alt + X
When entering special characters into text labels and worksheet cells, enter the Unicode four-digit hex value and immediately press ALT + X.
While editing text "in-place."
When using Mini Toolbars to edit graph or sheet properties, pressing the Shift key will restore a toolbar that has faded away. Onetime use.
Ctrl + C
Edit : Copy : Copy (Also in many context menus)
When an object is selected.
Ctrl + Alt + C
Edit : Copy : Copy (Full Precision) (When Matrix/ Worksheet active)
Select cells in the matrix/ worksheet window.
Ctrl + Shift + C
Edit: Copy : Copy (including label rows)
When one or multiple columns are highlighted, copy the column(s) with label rows.
Ctrl + J
Edit : Copy : Copy (formula)
When one or multiple columns are highlighted, copy the column(s) with formula.
Ctrl + Shift + J
Edit : Copy (label rows)
When one or multiple columns are highlighted, just copy label rows of the column(s).
Ctrl + Alt + J
Edit : Copy : Copy (formula + label rows)
When one or multiple columns are highlighted, copy the column(s) with label rows and formula.
Ctrl + Shift + A
Edit : Copy : Copy All
When one or multiple columns are highlighted, copy the column(s) with data, label rows and formula.
Ctrl + Shift + G
Edit: Copy: Copy as Table(HTML/EMF)
When a Worksheet is active, copy the whole sheet as HTML/EMF table.
Hot Key
Ctrl + D
Column : Add New Columns...
Open the Add New Columns dialog box. (Workbook, Matrix)
Ctrl + H
Insert Info Variable
With the text object selected in in-place editing mode, open the Insert Variable dialog.
Ctrl + L
Data: Define Name (with worksheet active)
With the worksheet active, open the New Name dialog box.
Insert: Latex Equation (With worksheet cell selected in in-place editing mode)
With the worksheet cell (label row or data cell) selected in in-place editing mode, open the Latex Equation Editor dialog.
Ctrl + M
While editing cell contents, opens the Character Map.
Ctrl + Q
Column : Set Column Values...
Open the Set Values dialog. (Worksheet, Matrix)
Ctrl + Shift + Y
Analysis : Fitting : Nonlinear Curve Fit
Open the NLFit dialog. (Worksheet, Graph)
Ctrl + Shift + Q
Column : Set Multiple Columns Values...
Open the Set Values - Multiple Columns dialog. (Worksheet)
Ctrl + Shift + U
Right-click on gray space of the worksheet, View: F(x)
Hide/show formula row in the worksheet.
Open the Worksheet Properties dialog.
Ctrl + Home
Go to the cell in row 1, column 1 of the active sheet.
Ctrl + End
Go to the cell in the last occupied column and last occupied row in the active sheet.
Ctrl + F3
Data: Name Manager
Open the Named Range Manager dialog box.
Ctrl + F5
Set All Column Values
Re-execute all formula in the worksheet/matrix.
Ctrl + PageUp / PageDown
Navigate between different worksheets within the current workbook.
Ctrl + DOWN Arrow
Go to the last occupied cell in the column.†
Ctrl + UP Arrow
Go to the first occupied cell in the column.†
Ctrl + Shift + LEFT Arrow
Extend the selection (whole columns or a block of cells) to the leftmost occupied column. If a block of cells is selected, the selection will only cover the same row range.†
Ctrl + Shift + RIGHT Arrow
Extend the selection (whole columns or a block of cells) to the rightmost occupied column. If a block of cells is selected, the selection will only cover the same row range.†
Ctrl + Space
Extend to select the whole column.
Shift + Space
Extend to select the whole row
Shift + RIGHT Arrow
Select the column to the left or right of the currently-selected column. Each press of the arrow key selects another column. Hold to scroll selection.
Shift + UP / DOWN Arrow
Select the row up or down from the currently-selected row. Each press of the arrow key selects another row. Hold to scroll selection.
Ctrl + Shift + DOWN Arrow
- If wholle rows or a block of cells are selected, extend the selection to the last occupied row. If a block of cells is selected, the selection will only cover the same column range.†
- If in the in-place edit mode in a worksheet cell (by double-clicking inside the cell), highlight from cursor location to the end of the cell.
Ctrl + Shift + UP Arrow
- If wholle rows or a block of cells are selected, extend the selection to the first occupied row. If a block of cells is selected, the selection will only cover the same column range.†
- If in the in-place edit mode in a worksheet cell (by double-clicking inside the cell), highlight from cursor location to the beginning of the cell.
Ctrl + Shift + Home
- If a worksheet cell is selected, extend selection to the cell in row 1, column 1.
- If in the in-place edit mode in a worksheet cell (by double-clicking inside the cell), highlight from cursor location to the beginning of the cell.
Ctrl + Shift + End
- If a worksheet cell is selected, extend selection to the last cell in the rightmost occupied column, then to the last occupied row in the sheet.
- If in the in-place edit mode in a worksheet cell (by double-clicking inside the cell), highlight from cursor location to the end of the cell.
Alt + Enter
Double click in a cell to enter the in-place edit mode and press Alt + Enter to insert a new line after the cursor.††
Ctrl + Enter
- Fill a pre-selected group of cells by typing an entry in the active cell and pressing Ctrl + Enter. Supports non-contiguous selection.††
- When add Graph/Note/Matrix as Sheet, double click that sheet to pop-up Graph/Note/Matrix. Then press Ctrl + Enter to accept changes and close it. This behavior is the same as clicking the Return button in top-right corner.
Ctrl + F10
Ctrl + click green lock icon
Click on the green lock icon and select Change Parameters
When the worksheet (report sheet) or graph with the recalculate green lock or or , use these hot keys to reopen the Analysis dialog.
†As in MS Excel, these actions are disrupted by blank cells or missing values. To modify the default behavior and extend the selection beyond blank cells or missing values see documentation of LabTalk system variable @ESL.
††From Origin2021, the hotkeys of these actions are switched to follow that of MS Excel. To rollback to the old behavior, see documentation of LabTalk system variable @FCA.
Hot Key
Ctrl + Q
Column : Set Column Values...
Open the Set Values dialog. (Worksheet, Matrix)
Ctrl + Shift + C
View->Show Column/Row
When a matrix is active
Ctrl + Shift + D
View->Data Mode
When a matrix is active in image mode.
Ctrl + Shift + I
View->Image Mode
When a matrix is active in data mode.
Ctrl + Shift + N
Show Image Thumbnails
When Matrix is active
Ctrl + Shift + T
Tools->Region of Interest Tools
When a matrix or image is active
Ctrl + Shift + X
View->Show X/Y, when a matrix is active
Show the real X/Y value in current matrix.
Hot Key
Ctrl + A
Select all layers in current graphs.
If the window is Layout, then select all objects(label, graph, worksheet...).
Ctrl + Enter
Exit in-place editing mode
With the text object selected in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + G
File:Export Graphs:Open Dialog
Open Import and Export:expGraph (graph export) dialog for current graph window.
Ctrl + H
Insert : Info Variable
With the text object selected in in-place editing mode, open the Insert Variable dialog.
Ctrl + L
Insert : Latex Equation
With the text object selected in in-place editing mode, open the Latex Equation Editor dialog.
Ctrl + J
Edit : Copy Page
With Graph or Layout window active.
Ctrl + Alt + J
Edit : Copy Page as Picture
With Graph or Layout window active.
Ctrl + L
Graph : Reconstruct Legend
Reconstruct a Graph Legend. (Graph).
Ctrl + R
Graph : Rescale to Show all
Adjust scales to show all data in graph. (Graph)
Ctrl + M
Open the Symbol Map dialog
With a text object selected in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + Y
Analysis : Fitting : Nonlinear Curve Fit
Open the NLFit dialog. (Worksheet, Graph)
Ctrl + 1
View : Page View
When a Graph window or Layout window is active.
Ctrl + 2
View : Print View
When a Graph window or Layout window is active.
Ctrl + 4
Sets cursor to Data Selection mode
When a Graph window is active.
` (backquote, aka acute key)
Scale Out
When a Graph window is active. If Scale In tool has been used, Scale Out once for each Scale In step.
Sets cursor to Scale In mode
When a Graph window is active.
Sets cursor to Screen Reader mode
When a Graph window or layout window is active. Click on page to read coordinates.
Sets cursor to Data Reader mode
When a Graph window is active. Click on data point to read data coordinates.
Sets cursor to Data Selection mode
When a Graph window is active. Click on dataplot to draw markers. Position then double-click or press Enter to set.
Sets cursor to Draw Data mode
When a Graph window is active. Double-click on graph to set a data point. Repeat as needed. Press Esc when done.
Sets cursor to Add Text Tool
When a Graph window is active. Click on graph to establish text location and type. Click outside text object when done.
Sets cursor to Arrow Tool
When a Graph window is active. Click and drag in graph to draw an Arrow object.
Sets cursor to Curved Arrow Tool
When a Graph window is active on current graph window.
Line Tool(with graph active)
When a Graph window is active. Start to add line on current graph window.
Format->Page Properties
Open the Page Properties page of Plot Details dialog for current graph window.
Enter the in-place editing mode.
With the text object selected.
Graph : Refresh the graph
Refresh the graph window after redrawn(Graph)
Graph->Layer Contents
Open the Layer Contents dialog for current graph window.
Ctrl + Shift + J
View->Full Screen
When a graph is active.
Ctrl + Shift + E
Graph: Fit Page to Layer
Apply the last-used theme to fit page to layer directly without opening dialog.
UP Arrow / DOWN Arrow
switch plot
When the Data Reader is being used on graph window.
LEFT Arrow / RIGHT Arrow
Move the data selection to the left or right, along the plot.
When a data point on the graph has been selected with the Data Reader.
Note: There are a number of system variables that control Arrow key acceleration and data-increment for the Data Reader. For more information, see the summary table in Reading Coordinate Values in the Graph.
Ctrl + Enter
When insert an Image in a Graph, double click it to pop-up Image window. Then press Ctrl + Enter to accept changes and close it. This behavior is the same as clicking the Return button in top-right corner.
Hot Key
Ctrl + Enter
When insert an Image in a Layout, double click it to pop-up Image window. Then press Ctrl + Enter to accept changes and close it. This behavior is the same as clicking the Return button in top-right corner.
Zoom, Pan and Scale
 | With respect to the graph page, these actions can be separated into (1) those that change axis scales and (2) those that do NOT change axis scales. For actions that change axis scales (e.g. Scale In/Out), reset the view of the graph by pressing CTRL + R; for actions that do NOT change axis scale (e.g. Zoom In/Out), reset by pressing CTRL + W. CTRL + W works for 3D openGL graphs, layout pages and matrix images, too.
For the following table, assume that the Pointer tool is selected unless otherwise indicated.
Hot Key
Panning on the Graph, Layout, Matrix in Image View
A + arrow keys
+ arrow keys
Panning the graph page
When you press "A" and hover on an active window, the Pointer tool changes to to indicate pan mode.
Zoom In/ Out the Graph, Layout, Matrix in Image View
Ctrl + I
View : Zoom In
Puts cursor in Zoom In mode which activates upon Click.
Ctrl + M
View : Zoom Out
Zoom out of the page.
A + "+" / "-" keys (2D) A + Wheel
Zoom In and Out
When you press "A" and hover on an active window, the Pointer tool changes to to indicate zoom mode.
R or S + "+" / "-" keys (3D) R or S + Wheel
When you press "S" and hover on an active window, the Pointer tool changes to to indicate zoom mode.
Ctrl + Wheel
Keep pressing the Ctrl key and roll up/down the mouse wheel to zoom in/out active page.
+ Wheel
Click on the Zoom-Panning Tool button and roll up/down the mouse wheel to zoom in/out on active page.
+ "+"/"-" key
Click on the Zoom-Panning Tool button and press "+"/"-" to zoom in/out on active page.
Ctrl + W
View : Whole Page
Restore page to 100% view. (91% for Layout page).
+ Z + "Home"
Restore page to 100% view. (91% for Layout page). Hint: "Home" is to the right of Insert/Delete keys.
Panning on the Graph Layer
X + Wheel / Mouse-drag X + Right/ Left Arrow key X + "+" / "-" key
Panning in X direction only
With graph active and with Pointer tool selected on Tools toolbar
X + Shift + Wheel / Mouse-drag X + Shift + Up/ Down Arrow key X + Shift + "+" / "-" key
Panning in Y direction only
With graph active and with Pointer tool selected on Tools toolbar
+ Mouse-drag
Panning in both directions
With graph active and Rescale Tool selected on Tools toolbar
Scale In or Out on the Graph Layer
Z + Wheel Z + "+"/ "-" key Z + Right-click + drag right/left
Scale in or out in X direction only
With graph active and with Pointer tool selected on Tools toolbar
+ Wheel + Right-click + drag right/left
With graph active and Rescale Tool selected on Tools toolbar
Z + Shift + Wheel Z + Shift + "+"/ "-" key Z + Right-click + drag up/down
Scale in or out in Y direction only
With graph active and with Pointer tool selected on Tools toolbar
+ Shift + Wheel
+ Right-click + drag up/down
With graph active and Rescale Tool selected on Tools toolbar
D + Wheel D + "+"/ "-" key
Scale in or out in Z direction only
With graph active and with Pointer tool selected on Tools toolbar
+ D+ Wheel
With graph active and Rescale Tool selected on Tools toolbar
Ctrl + + Mouse-drag
Creates a new graph window named Enlarged that plots only that portion of the original graph inside a light gray region-of-interest.
With a graph active, press Ctrl then click the Scale In button (Tools toolbar) and drag out a region-of-interest.
Graph Animation
Hot Key
Add a frame
When use the Video Builder tool to create the video.
Resize, Rotate and Skew the 3D Graph
This floating toolbar can be activated for 3D openGL graphs by clicking once inside the graph layer (hint: do not click on the actual data plot).
 | Pressing Ctrl + A selects all graph layers and in a 3D openGL graph, this has the effect of showing the 3D floating button group. Once the button group is displayed, use the TAB key to cycle through available tools.
Hot Key
Fix position of 3D floating button group.
Fix position of toolbar.
Pin the 3D floating button group to the upper-right corner of the graph layer.

Move the graph layer.
Arrow keys
Move the graph layer (including all attached objects) on the graph page.
When this button is active, hovering inside the 3D "cube" changes the Pointer tool to a . Drag with the mouse or use the arrow keys to move the layer vertically or horizontally.

Resize a 3D graph with aspect ratio retained.
X + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the X direction.
When this button is active, XYZ axes appears at the middle of the 3D cube. Use the listed key combinations to increase or decrease the size of the layer in the page.

Y + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the Y dimension.
Z + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the Z dimension.
Shift + X + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the YZ plane.
Shift + Y + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the XZ plane.
Shift + Z + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in the XY plane.
W + Arrow key
Resize the 3D graph in any dimension.
Rotate 3D graphs with the 3D floating buttons.
X + Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the X axis.
When this button is active, a set of 4 rotation radii (X,Y,Z,screen) appear in the middle of the 3D cube. Use the listed key combinations or hover on a rotation radius and drag with your mouse to rotate the graph on the page.

Y + Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the Y axis.
Z + Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the Z axis.
Q + Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph in screen.
W + Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around any axes.
Rotate 3D graphs using the R key.
R + Mouse
Drag to rotate the 3D graph in an arbitrary direction.
Press "R" before pressing other keys.
Hovering on a 3D graph while pressing "R" changes the Pointer tool to a . Press Ctrl and/or Shift as needed, and rotate by (a) dragging with your mouse or (b) pressing the arrow keys on your keyboard.
R + Ctrl + Mouse/Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the X axis.
R + Shift + Mouse/Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the Y axis.
R + Ctrl + Shift + Mouse/Arrow key
Rotate the 3D graph around the Z axis.
Shear the 3D graph in X/Y direction.
X + Arrow key
Shear the 3D graph in X direction.
When this button is active, you can shear the graph layer in the X or Y direction.

Note: This toolbar button will not display unless you have checked Enable Shearing on the Miscellaneous tab (layer level) of Plot Details.
Y + Arrow key
Shear the 3D graph in Y direction.
Switch the operation button.
Toggle the operation modes: Resize mode and Rotate mode.
With graph layer active
Control the increment speed factor.
Increase the speed factor in increment of 5%
With graph layer active
Decrease the speed factor in increment of 5%
With graph layer active
Directional Lighting of the 3D Graph
Hot Key
S + Mouse/Arrow key
Change lighting angles in horizontal and vertical planes.
Press the "S" key while hovering on the 3D openGL graph. The cursor will change modes. Drag with your mouse or use arrow keys to change lighting source direction.
 | Hold "S" + Wheel to Zoom in/out on 3D openGL graphs. Hold "S" + Drag to change lighting direction.
Hot Key
Ctrl + Q
Right click and select Add ROI
When an Image window is active
Insert an image to the Graph Window
Ctrl + E
Right click on a ROI and select Clip
When an image is inserted into the Graph window (by Insert: Image from File or Insert: Image from Image Window), double clicking on the image object will open it in a separated Image window. When the Image window is active and a ROI box is added on it.
Ctrl + F
Right click on a ROI and select Apply Scale to Graph
When an image is inserted into the Graph window as background(by Insert: Image from File or Insert: Image from Image Window), you can open it in a separated Image window from Object Manager. When the Image window is active and a ROI box is added on it.
Navigate Multi-Frame Image/Video in the Image Window (Do not use these hot keys when image/video is playing)
← /→ Arrow key
Navigate to the previous/next frame when focus is on the video. The increment step is 1.
Shift + ← /→ Arrow key
Navigate to the previous/next 5th frame when focus is on the video. The increment step is 5.
Shift + Ctrl + ← /→ Arrow key
Fast-navigate to the previous/next 20th frame when focus is on the video. The increment step is 20.
Ctrl + ← /→ Arrow key
Navigate to the first/last frame.
Hot Key
Output the current result.
With gadget on graph, press O will create new output. If there are multiple gadgets in graph, one needs to be selected first.
Output the results for all curves in active layer.
Apply the same operation for all curves in active layer and output results.
Output the results for all layers.
Apply the same operation for all curves in all layers of the graph and output results.
Hot Key
Ctrl + B
Toggle Bold on & off
When worksheet or matrix cells are selected, or text object is in edit mode.
Ctrl + G
Greek interpretation of characters
With text object selected in in-place editing mode, this key toggles. When selecting entire text, all becomes Greek.
Ctrl + I
Toggle Italic on & off
When worksheet or matrix cells are selected, or text object is in edit mode.
Ctrl + U
Toggle Underline on & off
When worksheet or matrix cells are selected, or text object is in edit mode.
Ctrl + ">"
Sel Text: Increase Font (or Ctrl+Shift+".")
Select text in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + "<"
Sel Text: Decrease Font (or Ctrl+Shift+",")
Select text in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + "+" in Num keyboard
Ctrl + Shift + "="
Sel Text: Superscript
Select text in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + Shift + E
Format: Fit Page to Layer
Apply the last-used theme to fit page to layer directly without opening dialog.
Ctrl + "="
Sel Text: Subscript
Select text in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + "-" in Num keyboard
Sel Text: SuperSubscript
Select text in in-place editing mode.
Ctrl + ' Ctrl + P
Add a full height prime symbol.
When in-place edit mode is turned on for text label or rich text format is selected for worksheet. And if superscript is already turned on, it will be added as a combining prime.
Ctrl + Shift + ' Ctrl + Shift + P
Add a full height double prime symbol.
When in-place edit mode is turned on for text label or rich text format is selected for worksheet. And if superscript is already turned on, it will be added as a combining double prime.
Hot Key
Ctrl + Alt + M
Data->Mark Data Range
Select data plot in graph window.
Ctrl + Alt + N
Data->Clear Data Markers
With a data range marked in graph window.
Ctrl + Shift + M
Data->Analysis Markers->Hide
When a range of data is marked and do an analysis
Move Lock Position
Hot Key
Ctrl + Shift + F
Data->Lock Position->First Point
After performing fitting on graph
Ctrl + Shift + K
Data->Lock Position->Layer Icon
After performing fitting on graph
Ctrl + Shift + L
Data->Lock Position->Last Point
After performing fitting on graph
Project Explorer
Hot Key
Ctrl + Enter
When editing the Comment for the windows in the Project Explorer sub-panel, press Ctrl + Enter to exit edit.
Ctrl + Shift + Mouse-drag the selected windows
Duplicate Windows in Project Explorer
Horizontal Scroll
For Origin 2024, it supports horizontal scroll by mouse wheel including in Graph, Workbook, Matrix, Images windows.
Hot Key
Shift + Wheel
Scroll right and left in the window.