4.37 FAQ-397 What is the most efficient way to organize my Origin C functions?Organize-OriginC-Func
Last Update: 2/3/2015
When you develop custom Origin C functions, you may of course want to use them in future versions as well. It may then be better that you save all such functions in a sub folder which is not under the Origin installation path, and not under the User Files Folder of your current version. Thus for example, you may want to save them in a custom folder location such as under your "My Documents" area in a sub folder named "My Origin C Functions".
To use your Origin C files, you must add it into Origin C workspace, and get them compile and linked.
- Right click the User branch on left panel of the Code Builder and choose Add Files... or choose File: Open menu. Note: There is a "Add to Workspace" check-box in the Open dialog. It must be checked.
- Click Build button to do compilation and linking.
- You can also save all Origin C files in User branch to an Origin C workspace file (*. ocw). Choose File: Open Workspace to open it in the future.
If you want your Origin C functions to be available in every Origin session, in Code Builder, with your Origin C files in workspace, right click on Origin C Workspace node and select Build on Startup.
Please refer to this tutorial for more details on organizing and accessing Origin C functions.
Keywords:oc, code, build, link, workspace, start, system, user, custom, location