18.11.1 2D FFT

We define the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (2D DFT) as follows:

F(u,v) = \frac{1}{{MN}}\sum_{x = 0}^{M-1} {\sum_{y = 0}^{N-1} {f(x,y)} } e^{ - i2\pi(ux/M + vy/N)}

where f(x,y) is the input signal.

Along with the complex result, the amplitude, phase, power, Log10 amplitude and Log10 power of the transformed data can be computed.

If you wish to view the zero-frequency component (also known as DC component) in the middle, the DC Shift Center checkbox should be selected.

To use 2D FFT:

  1. Make a matrix book active.
  2. Select Analysis: Signal Processing: FFT: 2D FFT from the Origin menu.

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