29.8.1 2D Waterfall Graph


Data Requirements

Select at least one Y column (or a range from at least one Y column). Ideally, select at least two Y columns (or a range of at least two Y columns). If there is an associated X column, X column supplies X values; otherwise, sampling interval of the Y column or row number is used.

Creating the Graph

Select required data.

Click the Waterfall button on the 2D Graphs toolbar.

Waterfall Bar Menu.png


WATERFAL.OTP (installed to the Origin program folder).


The waterfall graph is ideal for comparing variations between multiple data sets created under similar conditions. The graph has a pseudo-3D effect, enabling you to see variations in the Z direction.

Each data set is displayed as a line data plot which is offset by a specified amount in both the X and Y direction. For details on how to customize this plot, please refer to this help topic: Customizing Waterfall Plots.