Merge multiple workbooks
1. merge_book;
2. merge_book fld:=project keep:=0 single:=0;
3. merge_book match:=wkblong key:="book*" rename:=sname;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
The level in which the books will be merged. Option list:
Whether to keep the source Workbooks.
Whether only merge the default first workbook, that is to say, if 1, only the books with single worksheet will be merged.
Specified merge only matched worksheet. The match options is the following list. Option list:
The specified match key.
Specified the rename option Option list:
Specified the output worksheet page.
See the syntax here.
This function is used to merge the workbooks to a new workbook. Each workbook will convert to worksheet in the new worksheet page.