2.14.15 xop
Brief Information
Run operations such as NLFit, ANOVA etc using a tree
Command Line Usage
See the Examples section for details.
X-Function Execution Options
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Display Name
Variable Name
I/O and Type
Default Value
Execute Mode
It specifies the execute mode on the operation tree.
Option list
- init:Init Tree
- This method is used to initialize a Tree.
- update:Update Tree
- This method is used to update a Tree.
- run:Output Tree
- This method is used to out a Tree.
- report:Generate Report
- This method is used to output a Tree and generate a report.
- cleanup:Clean Operation Object
- This method is used to clean up the Operation Object
Class Name
This variable specifies the class name.
The available class names are:
- DescStats: Statistics on Columns
- DescStats_1: Statistics on Rows
- NormalityTest: Normality Test
- ANOVAOneWay: One-Way ANOVA
- ANOVATwoWay: Two-Way ANOVA
- ANOVAOneWayRM: One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA
- ANOVATwoWayRM: Two-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA
- FitLinear: Fit Linear
- FitPolynomial:Fit Polynomial
- MR: Multilple Linear Regression
- FitNL: Nonlinear Curve Fit
- ROCCurve: ROC Curve
GUI Tree
This variable specifies the input/output GUI tree. It varies according to different operation class.
Out Tree
This variable specifies the output tree. It varies according to different operation class.
Dialog Theme
This variable specifies the dialog theme.
Need Fit Baseline
Specify whether to fit the Baseline.
Some analyses, such as NLFit, ANOVA, etc, are quite complicated and they have been implemented through a framework of Origin C called the operation framework.
This framework allows complexities that the X-Function framework is not yet designed to handle.
On the other hand, the operation framework allows these operation based classes to be called from Origin C, and thus an X-Function (xop) has been created to run these operation classes.
Just like many other X-Functions, xop has been designed to be used in LabTalk.
More examples on these two pages: Statistics with Labtalk and Analysis LabTalk Script Examples
Example 1: xop to run "Linear Fit" from worksheet
Perform a linear fit on A(X)B(Y) in the active sheet and generate a report sheet.
// first import some data
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Linear Fit.dat";
impASC filename$;
// use the FitLinear class to create a GUI tree "lrGUI"
tree lrGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=FitLinear iotrgui:=lrGUI;
// specify the input data in the GUI tree
// specify some settings of the linear fit, for example, fix intercept to 0.1
// generate a linear fit report with the prepared GUI tree
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=lrGUI;
//Clean up operation objects after fit
xop execute:=cleanup;
Example 2: xop to run "Linear Regression" from graph
Perform Linear Regression from a graph with multiple dataplots in a single layer and generate all fitted lines on graph.
// first import some data
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Linear Fit.dat";
impASC filename$;
//create a graph with the data
range data = [<active>]1!(1, 2: wcol(wks.ncols));
plotxy data plot:=201 ogl:=<active>; // Plot source data as scatter
//use the FitLinear class to create a GUI tree "lrGUI"
tree lrGUI;
// initialize the GUI tree, with the FitLinear class
xop execute:=init classname:=FitLinear iotrgui:=lrGUI;
//Specify all data plots on graph to be input data in the GUI tree
ii = 1;
doc -e d //loop all plots in the active layer
%A = xof(%C); //Specify XY datasets
lrGUI.GUI.InputData.Range$(ii).X$ = %A;
lrGUI.GUI.InputData.Range$(ii).Y$ = %C;
range rPlot = $(ii); //define a labtalk range for each dataplot
int uid = range2uid(rPlot); //get the uid of the range
lrGUI.GUI.InputData.Range$(ii).SetAttribute("PlotObjUID", $(uid)); // set the uid for plot
ii = ii + 1;
// perform linear fit and generate a report with the prepared GUI tree
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=lrGUI;
// clean up linear fit operation objects after fitting
xop execute:=cleanup;
Example 3: xop to run "Statistics on Columns"
Perform descriptive statistics on data with grouping in the active sheet and create a report tree.
// first import the desirable data into a new book
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\body.dat";
impASC filename$;
// use the DescStats class to create a GUI tree "statGUI"
tree statGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=DescStats iotrgui:=statGUI;
// specify the input data in the GUI tree
// specify the grouping data
// specify some settings of the Statistics on Columns,
// for example, you want to know who is the tallest in two kinds of genders respectively
// generate a report tree with the prepared GUI tree
xop execute:=run iotrgui:=statGUI otrresult:=statOut;
//Clean up operation objects after fit
xop execute:=cleanup;
// show the report tree which includes the group labels to check the results
// Or you can get the results and the group labels by this way
Example 4: xop to run "One-Way ANOVA"
Perform One-Way ANOVA on raw form data and generate a report sheet.
/// first import the desirable data into a new book
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\ANOVA\One-Way_ANOVA_raw.dat";
impASC filename$;
// use the ANOVAOneWay class to create a GUI tree "onewayGUI"
tree onewayGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=ANOVAOneWay iotrgui:=onewayGUI;
// need to update the GUI tree since by default data in the tree has an indexed data form.
// now we need a raw form GUI tree.
// It is an attribute in LT and needs to access by a special node ".Use".
onewayGUI.GUI.InputData.Use = 1; //0 for Indexed, 1 for Raw
xop execute:=update iotrgui:=onewayGUI;
// specify the input data in the updated GUI tree
// generate a One-Way ANOVA report with the prepared GUI tree
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=onewayGUI;
//Clean up operation objects after fit
xop execute:=cleanup;
Example 5: xop to run "Nonlinear Curve Fit"
Perform global nonlinear curve fit on A(X)B(Y)C(Y) in the active sheet and generate a report sheet.
//First import the desirable data into a new book
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Gaussian.dat";
impASC filename$;
//Use the NLSF class to create a GUI tree "nlGUI"
tree nlGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=FitNL iotrgui:=nlGUI;
//Specify function and input data, then update operation tree before fitting.
//Set fit mode as Global Fit
//It is an attribute in LT and needs to access by a special node ".Use".
xop execute:=update iotrgui:=nlGUI;
//Change parameter table to show Fix and Dependency which are not shown by default
//Fix y0 at value of 0 for both datasets
//Share w
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=nlGUI;
//Clean up operation objects after fit
xop execute:=cleanup;
Example 6: xop to run "Multiple Linear Regression"
Perform Multiple Linear Regression on data with three independents and one dependent in the active sheet and generate a report sheet.
// first import some data
filename$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Curve Fitting\Multiple Linear Regression.dat";
impASC filename$;
// use the Multiple Linear Regression class to create a GUI tree "mrGUI"
tree mrGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=MR iotrgui:=mrGUI;
// specify the input data in the GUI tree
// specify some settings
// to see the whole tree node, use command "mrGUI.=" after running this example
mrGUI.GUI.Quantities.Parameters.ConfInterval = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Quantities.Statistics.ReducedChiSq = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.ResAnalysis.Stad = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Residuals.Graph3 = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Residuals.Graph4 = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Residuals.Graph5 = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Residuals.Graph6 = 1;
mrGUI.GUI.Residuals.Graph7 = 1;
// generate a report with the prepared GUI tree
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=mrGUI;
//Clean up operation objects
xop execute:=cleanup;
Example 7: xop to set Positive State value for ROC curve
fname$ = system.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\sodium.dat";
impasc fname$;
xop execute:=init classname:=ROCCurve iotrgui:=rocGUI;
// specify the input data in the GUI tree
// specify the grouping data
/// StateValue is for old compatibility usage, the items are separated by space
StringArray stateList = {"RMSF"};
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=rocGUI;
Example 8: use Units row as grouping when using XOP to do statistics on rows
tree statGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=DescStats_1 iotrgui:=statGUI;
statGUI.GUI.InputData.Range1.X$=col(1):col(4); //data
statGUI.GUI.InputData.Range1.F$="A[U]:D[U]"; //grouping
statGUI.GUI.Output.Report.Book$ = ""; //use this ONLY to create a new different book or set "" for active
statGUI.GUI.Output.Report.BookName$ = ""; // this is the book longname
statGUI.GUI.Output.Report.Sheet$ = ""; //use this only to create a new sheet or set "" for active
statGUI.GUI.Output.Report.SheetName$ = ""; //this is the sheet longnanme
xop execute:=Report iotrgui:=statGUI otrresult:=statOut; // use Execute:=RUN (to get tree only) or REPORT (to get usual Report)
xop execute:=cleanup;// Clean up essential before running another calculation
Example 9: xop to run "Statistics on Columns" on matrix object
tree statGUI;
xop execute:=init classname:=DescStats iotrgui:=statGUI;
statGUI.GUI.InputData.Range1.X$=[MBook1]MSheet1!1:0; // all matrix objects
statGUI.GUI.Output.Report.Book$ = "Book1"; // must not use default value, default is output to source book, but now source book is matrix
statGUI.GUI.Output.FlatOut.Book$ = "<report>"; //output to to the same book as report sheet
xop execute:=report iotrgui:=statGUI; //get report
xop execute:=cleanup; // Clean up essential before running another calculation
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