Opening your Resource and Workspace Files

To open your resource and view your dialog in Microsoft Visual C++ activate the ResourceView</span> tab in the Workspace window, expand the [+] next to your resources folder, expand the [+] next to the Dialog folder, and then double-click on the resource ID string of your dialog (or your tab or wizard page).

Opening Your Resource and Workspace Files image92.gif Opening Your Resource and Workspace Files image88.gif

To open files and view them in the Microsoft Visual C++ workspace activate the FileView tab in the Workspace window, expand the [+] next to your resource's files icon, expand the [+] next to the Source or Header Files folder, and then double-click on the desired file's icon.

Opening Your Resource and Workspace Files image93.gif Opening Your Resource and Workspace Files image91.gif

The Origin Dialog AppWizard creates and adds a source file (*.c or *.cpp), a resource file (*.rc), and two header files (*.h) to the Visual C++ workspace. In the above example, the source file HelloWorld.c contains template Origin C code to launch your resource in Origin, the resource file HelloWorld.rc contains Microsoft Visuall C++ resource commands, and the header file HelloWorld.h contains a template Origin C code implementation of a Dialog derived class also used to launch your resource in Origin. The header file HelloWorldRes.h contains the resource IDs for your dialog and is used by both Visual C++ (to construct the resource-only DLL) and by Origin (to launch your dialog).


Note: The resource file (*.rc) is already open in Microsoft Visual C++ and can not be opened (again) as a text file without first closing the current workspace. Select the File:Close Workspace menu item to close the workspace and then select the File:Open menu item and browse to and open the *.rc file as a text file if you want to view the Microsoft Visual C++ resource commands.