Origin provides these cell linking syntaxes for adding links into worksheet cell. Use them to access or display the linked resource.
Insert a link to another cell, given by CellName, so to display its contents in the current worksheet cell.
range://RangeName [DisplayedText]
Insert a link to a range, given by RangeName, which can be book, sheet, column, etc. If clicked, sheet will be activated. If the option DisplayedText is included, the displayed text in the cell is this text, but not the range.
range://[Book2]Sheet2!Col(B)[3] range://[%H]1! %([%H]1!wks.name$)
Insert a link to a graph, given by GraphName, so the graph will be displayed in the current worksheet cell. If double-clicked, the corresponding graph window will be activated.
matrix://[MatrixBookName]MatrixSheetName! MatrixObjectNumber
Insert a link to a matrixbook, a matrixsheet or a matrix object so the matrix object will be displayed in the current worksheet cell, as an image. If double-clicked , the corresponding matrix window, sheet or object will be activated.
notes://NotesWindowName [DisplayedText]
Insert a link to a Notes window, given by NotesWindowName. The contents in this cell will show as a link, if clicked, the corresponding Notes window will be activated.
Insert a link to a LabTalk variable, and the value of this variable will show in this cell.
Insert a link to a LabTalk string variable, or combined literal and string variable. The string will show in this cell.
str://MyBook$, str://%G, or combined literal and strings by str://Summary on %([%H]1!wks.name$) of %(MyBook$) in %G
http://URL [DisplayedText]
Insert a live URL into worksheet cells. The link will become active when finishing editing, and the corresponding page will be opened in a web browser if clicked. If the option DisplayedText is included, the displayed text in the cell is this text, but not the URL.
http://www.originlab.com Homepage
help://HelpPage [DisplayedText]
If the option DisplayedText is included, the displayed text in the cell is this text, but not the help link.
Insert a link to an image file, given by FilePath. And the linked image will display in the current cell.
path://FilePath [DisplayedText]
Insert a link to an external file. The file is opened when the link is clicked. Supported file types include image files, text files and MS Excel files.
path://"C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin2023\Samples\Import and Export\United States Energy (1980-2013).xls"
labtalk://Script [DisplayedText]
Insert one line of executable script into the cell. The script is run when the link is clicked. Note that by using worksheet -r for example, the user can run a more complex worksheet script.
labtalk://";type -b Hello World!"