

Convert a number from one measurement system to another.


double convert(double d, string str1$, string str2$)



The number to be converted from one measurement system to another.


The unit for the number in one measurement system.


The unit for the result in another measurement system.

Available measurement systems and units for this function are listed in the

following tables. Note that, all the units are case-sensitive.

  • Weight and Mass
Units Meaning
"g" Gram
"sg" Slug
"lbm" Pound Mass (Avoirdupois)
"u" U (Atomic Mass Unit)
"ozm" Ounce Mass (Avoirdupois)

(2019 SR0)

"cwt" (or "shweight")

(2019 SR0)

U.S. (short) hundredweight
"uk_cwt" or "lcwt" ("hweight")

(2019 SR0)

Imperial hundredweight

(2019 SR0)


(2019 SR0)

"uk_ton" or "LTON" ("brton")

(2019 SR0)

Imperial ton
  • Distance
Units Meaning
"m" Meter
"mi" Statute Mile
"Nmi" Nautical Mile
"in" Inch
"ft" Foot
"yd" Yard
"ang" Angstrom
"pica" Pica (1/6 inch)
"Pica" Point (1/72 inch)

(2019 SR0)


(2019 SR0)

Light year
"parsec" or "pc"

(2019 SR0)


(2019 SR0)

U.S survey mile (statute mile)
  • Time
Units Meaning
"yr" Year
"day" Day
"hr" Hour
"mn" Minute
"sec" Second
  • Pressure
Units Meaning
"Pa" (or "p") Pascal
"atm" (or "at") Atmosphere
"mmHg" mm of Mercury
"psi" PSI
"Torr" Torr
  • Force
Units Meaning
"N" Newton
"dyn" (or "dy") Dyne
"lbf" Pound Force

(2019 SR0)

  • Energy
Units Meaning
"J" Joule
"e" Erg
"c" Thermodynamic Calorie (4.184 J)
"cal" IT Calorie (4.1868 J)
"eV" (or "ev") Electron Volt
"HPh" (or "hh") Horsepower-hour
"Wh" (or "wh") Watt-hour
"flb" Foot-pound
"BTU" (or "btu") BTU
  • Power
Units Meaning
"HP" (or "h") Horsepower
"W" (or "w") Watt

(2019 SR0)

  • Magnetism
Units Meaning
"T" Tesla
"ga" Gauss
  • Temperature
Units Meaning
"C" (or "Cel") Degree Celsius
"F" (or "fah") Degree Fahrenheit
"K" (or "kel") Kelvin

(2019 SR0)

Degress Rankine

(2019 SR0)

Degrees Reaumer
  • Liquid Measure
Units Meaning
"tsp" Teaspoon
"tbs" Tablespoon
"oz" Fluid Ounce
"cup" Cup
"pt" (or "us_pt") U.S. Pint
"uk_pt" U.K. Pint
"qt" Quart
"gal" Gallon
"l" (or "lt") Liter
  • Area

Minimum Origin Version Required: 2019 SR0

Units Meaning
"uk_acre" International acre
"us_acre" U.S. survey/statute acre
"ang2" (or “ang^2") Square angstrom
"ar" Are
"ft2" (or "ft^2") Square feet
"ha" Hectare
"in2" (or "in^2") Square inches
"ly2" (or "ly^2") Square light-year
"m2" (or "m^2") Square meters
"Morgen" Morgen
"mi2" (or "mi^2") Square miles
"Nmi2" (or "Nmi^2") Square nautical miles
"Picapt2" ("Pica2", "Pica^2" or "Picapt^2") Square Pica
"yd2" (or "yd^2") Square yards
  • Information

Minimum Origin Version Required: 2019 SR0

Units Meaning
"bit" Bit
"byte" Byte
  • Speed

Minimum Origin Version Required: 2019 SR0

Units Meaning
"admkn" Admiralty knot
"kn" Knot
"m/h" (or "m/hr") Meters per hour
"m/s" (or "m/sec") Meters per second
"mph" Miles per hour
  • Abbreviated Unit Prefixes

The following abbreviated unit prefixes can be used for any metric unit.

Prefix Multiplier Abbreviation
exa 1e+18 "E"
peta 1e+15 "P"
tera 1e+12 "T"
giga 1e+9 "G"
mega 1e+6 "M"
kilo 1e+3 "k"
hecto 1e+2 "h"
dekao 1e+1 "e"
deci 1e-1 "d"
centi 1e-2 "c"
milli 1e-3 "m"
micro 1e-6 "u"
nano 1e-9 "n"
pico 1e-12 "p"
femto 1e-15 "f"
atto 1e-18 "a"

(2019 SR0)

1E+24 "Y"

(2019 SR0)

1E+21 "Z"

(2019 SR0)

1E-24 "y"

(2019 SR0)

1E-21 "z"
  • Binary Prefix

Minimum Origin Version Required: 2019 SR0

Prefix Value Abbreviation
yobi 2^80 = 1208925819614629174706176 "Yi"
zebi 2^70 = 1180591620717411303424 "Zi"
exbi 2^60 = 1152921504606846976 "Ei"
pebi 2^50 = 1125899906842624 "Pi"
tebi 2^40 = 1099511627776 "Ti"
gibi 2^30 = 1073741824 "Gi"
mebi 2^20 = 1048576 "Mi"
kibi 2^10 = 1024 "ki"


Return the result number after units conversion, or -1 for error.


convert(2011, "yr", "day") = ;  // 734517.75
convert(1, "W", "C") = ;  // -1, error
convert(10, "kJ", "EeV") = ;  // 62415.097523028

double nKTemp = 273.0;
string strK$ = K;
string strF$ = F;
double dFTemp = convert(nKTemp, strK$, strF$);
dFTemp = ;  // 31.73