Origin provides a collection of X-Functions for importing data from various file formats such as ASCII, CSV, Excel, National Instruments DIAdem, pCLAMP, and many others. The X-Function for each file format provides options relevant to that format in addition to common settings such as assigning the name of the import file to the book or sheet name.
All X-Functions pertaining to importing have names that start with the letters imp. The table below provides a listing of these X-Functions. As with all X-Functions, help-file information is available at Script or Command line by entering the name of the X-Function with the -h option. For instance: entering impasc -h in the Script window will display the help file immediately below the command.
You can write your own import routines in the form of X-Functions as well. If the name of a user-created X-Function begins with imp and it is placed in the \X-Functions\Import and Export subfolder of the EXE, UFF or Group paths, then such functions will appear in the File|Import menu.
The following sections give examples of script usage of these functions for importing data, graphs, and images.