Plot : 3D Surface : Multiple Color Fill Surfaces or Multiple Colormap Surfaces
Create 3D surface plot from multiple matrix objects
Minimum Origin Version Required: 8.5 SR0 The option to hide the Graph window is available starting with version 9.0.
plotms ml:=[MBook1]MSheet1! type:=mesh;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Option list:
Many 3D graphs can be created from Matrices. When a matrix sheet has more than one object, these objects can be plotted in one layer, such as Multiple Color Fill Surfaces graph.
This X-Function is used to plot all the matrix objects in the specified matrix sheet. Two graph types are selectable: color fill surface and colormap surface.
The following example will show how to plot color fill surfaces of the generated matrix objects in the matrix sheet, and then hide the grid lines and set transparency to 50%.
newbook mat:=1; int nmats = 10; range msheet=1!; msheet.Nmats = nmats; matrix -v x+y;// first one fill differently range mm=1;mm.label$="x+y"; double ff=0; loop(i, 2, nmats-1) { = i; ff = (i-1)/(nmats-2); matrix -v (5/ff)*sin(x) + ff*20*cos(y); //set LongName range aa=$(i); aa.label$="$(5/ff,*3)*sin(x) + $(ff*20)*cos(y)"; } //fill last one with random = nmats; matrix -v rnd(); range mm=$(nmats);mm.label$="random"; matrix -it;//show thumbnails
Ten matrix objects are generated.
plotms -d