Plot: 2D: Trellis
Create a multipanel trellis plot using group variables
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2017
1. plot_group type:=scatter horz:=col(2);
2. plot_group type:=3 vert:=!3 color:=!4;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Specifies the input range.
Specifies the graph type you want to plot.
Option list:
Specifies the group column(s) that is used to categorize the input data and will be displayed in horizontal arranged panels. By default, there is a 50 panel limit, as determined by system variable @NOP.
Specifies the group column(s) that is used to categorize the input data and will be displayed in vertical arranged panels. By default, there is a 50 panel limit, as determined by system variable @NOP.
Specifies the column used to color-map the plot.
Specifies the template used to create the group plot. Default template used is grouped.otp (installed in Origin EXE folder).
This X-Function creates a trellis-like graph. Input data is grouped into multiple panels by specified group column(s). Please refer to trellis graph for more details.