Analysis: Signal Processing: Wavelet: Continuous Wavelet
Compute one dimensional continuous wavelet transform coefficients
This feature is for OriginPro only.
1. cwt ix1:=Col(1) ix2:=Col(2);
2. cwt ix1:=Col(1) ix2:=Col(2) type:=maxhat;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
Specify the input signal
Specify the scale vector. All scales should be real and positive.
Specify the type of wavelet.
Option list
If wavelet type is Morlet, this variable specifies the wave number, which should be not less than 5 and not larger than 20. If wavelet type is DGauss, this variable specifies the order of derivative, which should be a positive integer less than 9.
Specify whether to create the pseudo-frequency and used as the vertical tick label for image plot created by the coefficient matrix. 1 means create pseudo-frequency.
Specify a range for outputting the pseudo-frequency.
See the syntax here.
Specify a range for outputting the coefficients.
Check this if you want to output the coefficients to a matrix. Then you can specify the output matrix.
Specify whether to create plot for the result.
1. To perform cwt to data in Column 2 and scale vector in Column 3 with default setting, use the script command:
cwt ix1:=col(2) ix2:=col(3);
2. To perform cwt using a pre-saved analysis theme called MyTheme, use the Command Window:
cwt -t "MyTheme"
3. To perform cwt and create and output the pseudo frequency for image plot:
cwt -r 2 ix1:=col(1) ix2:=col(2)upf:=1 pf:=[<input>]<input>!<new>, mcoef:=<new>;
For more examples, please refer to XF Script Dialog (press F11).
For more informatioin, please refer to our User Guide.
dwt, idwt