1.4.4 OA Wks-GetWave


Retrieve continues data from a worksheet to create dynamic data. First Col Index is zero offset.

Connector Pane

OA Wks-GetWave.png

Controls and Indicators

CI ref c.jpg Origin.Worksheet is a reference to Origin.Worksheet.
CI num c.jpg First Col Index is the index of the first column that will be used to create dynamic data. It is zero offset. And default value is 0.
CI num c.jpg Num of cols means how many columns involved into creating dynamic data. Default value is -1, which indicates that all of the columns will be used to create dynamic data.
CI err c.jpg error in contains error information that occur before this VI or function runs.
CI ref i.jpg Origin.Worksheet Dup is a reference to Origin.Worksheet.
DynamicdataIn.png Dynamic Data Out returns the dynamic data which transferred from the data of several columns of a worksheet.
CI err i.jpg error IO contains error information.
Note: This VI is available since Origin 8 SR4.