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OriginLab Corporation - Data Analysis and Graphing Software - 2D graphs, 3D graphs, Contour Plots, Statistical Charts, Data Exploration, Statistics, Curve Fitting, Signal Processing, and Peak Analysis      

Intermediate Training

Course Description

This one day course introduces you to more advanced topics such as advanced data analysis, and automating repetitive tasks.

This course will benefit customers who have a basic understanding of Origin, as well as those who have completed the Basic Training.


Experience performing basic tasks in Origin such as importing and graphing data. A clear understanding of your own data analysis and customization needs is desirable, so that the instructor can tailor the training to best meet your needs.


Please see our list of certified instructors

Course Outline

  • Customizing Data Import.
  • Post Processing of Imported Data.
  • Creating and Customizing Multi-layer Graphs.
  • Data Exploration and Pre-selection.
  • Advanced Nonlinear Fitting, including Creating Custom Fitting Functions.
  • Analysis Themes.
  • Customizing Reports and Creating Custom Tables in Graphs.
  • Recalculating/Updating Results.
  • Analysis Templates and Custom Reports.
  • Peaks and Baseline

Note: The instructor will tailor the topics to meet your specific needs.

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