2 Single-User Node-Locked LicenseSingle-User-Node-Locked-Lic
You have a Single-User Node-Locked license if your serial number is:
xFxxx-9xxx-70/71/72/73xxxxx, or
If your serial number is:
xxxxx-2xxx-79xxxxx, or
then you have a Concurrent Network license and the information on this page is NOT relevant to you.
A Single-User Node-Locked package entitles you to install Origin on (1) computer. You will need to get a Primary Product Key for this computer from the OriginLab website, and the license is computer-specific. Certain license packages can get (1) Home-use Product Key for your notebook or home computer. This Home-use license runs in conjunction with your Maintenance plan and will remain active as long as you renew Maintenance.
If you want to replace the licensed Origin computer, you will need to deactivate the license before you can get a new one for the new computer.
NOTE: This instruction is for Origin 2017 and later. If you have version 2016 or earlier, please refer to this page.
License Activation
Watch the video tutorial - Licensing Node Locked Origin
Important Notes!
- From Origin 2017, Origin has a new license system. You don't need administrator privileges to complete the node locked license process.
If your Origin is older than 2017, please refer to this page
- Once the licensing process is completed, the license is saved to the local computer and thus no further internet access is required.
Get Product Key
If you newly purchase the product, Or, upgrade your Origin (2016 or earlier version) to a newer version (2017 or higher) during Maintenance
- You will receive an email containing your Origin serial number and a registration link,
or a printed License Certificate containing your Origin serial number and a registration code, or a Registration Code from your Origin distributors
- If you receive the email,
- Click the registration link to go to the OriginLab website. You will be asked to log in or join. Log in if you have an account or create an account as needed.
- After logging in, your registration code and serial number information will be displayed on the web page. Click the Register button to register this serial number and generate your product keys.
- On the Origin Product Registration|License request history page that opens, (2) product keys are generated; (1) for your office computer and (1) for your Home-use computer.
- If you receive the printed License Certificate or Registration Code from distributors,
- Open OriginLab product registration page https://www.originlab.com/reg manually. Log in or create an account as needed.
- On the Register my product page, enter the registration code as requested and click Continue button to register this serial number and generate your product keys.
- On the Origin Product Registration|License request history page that opens, (2) product keys are generated; (1) for your office computer and (1) for your Home-use computer.
/Tip_icon.png?v=8477) | You can always check the product keys by clicking Manage My License(s) under your portal and selecting the serial number link. You can then check the product key information on the Origin Product Registration|License request history page that opens.
If you upgrade your Origin (2017 or higher version) to a newer version during Maintenance
Starting from Origin 2017 different versions share the same product key. So no need to find a new product key for the newer version. See here-> "If yes..." section for detail steps of upgrading.
Activate Origin with Product Key
- Start Origin. A License Activation dialog opens.
- With Enter Product Key below and click Activate selected, enter your product key and click Activate.
- The license process will then be done in background. If successful, you will get a success message.
If the background licensing process fails, please continue with the following steps:
- If the licensing process fails for some reason (for example, no internet connection), a Notepad window opens with a link in it. Proceed to the next step.
If you do NOT see a Notepad window, this may indicate a firewall issue. In this case, the user should disconnect from the internet (via the operating system or by physically disconnecting the network cable from your computer). When no internet connection is detected, this will force the opening of the Notepad window and you can then proceed to the next step.
- Copy this link to a web browser that has an internet connection. The link will bring you to the OriginLab website.
- When you log into your account, the license text will be generated and displayed on the web page.
- Copy the license text and paste it back to Origin's License Activation dialog. Click OK. If this step fails, please run the software as administrator (Right-click the Origin program icon and choose Run as administrator) and try again.
See Also
License Deactivation
Watch the video tutorial - Deactivating a Node Locked License
If you have version 2016 or earlier, please refer to this page.
If licensing is successful, the product key will be marked as “Locked” in the portal and it cannot be used on another computer.
When you plan to transfer your licensed Origin software from one computer to another, you will need to deactivate the license from the original computer and then activate the license for the new computer using the same product key.
If Origin can still run on your computer
- Start Origin. Select Help: Deactivate License to open the License Deactivation dialog.
- Click the Deactivate Now button.
- The license deactivation process will then be done in background. If successful, you will get a success message.
If the background deactivating process fails, please continue with the following steps:
- If the background deactivating process fails for some reason (for example, no internet connection, originlab.com is blocked by the firewall, etc.), a Notepad window opens with a link in it.
- Copy the link to a web browser that has an internet connection. The link will bring you to the OriginLab website displaying the license information.
- Make note of the Deactivation Code (DC) .
- Go back to Origin. Enter the Deactivation Code in the deactivation code edit box at the bottom of the License Deactivation dialog. Click the Deactivate License button.
- A Notepad window opens with a link in it. Copy the link to a web browser that has internet an connection.
- Click the Continue button on the website. When you see a success message, one license is released for re-use.
If your licensed Origin computer is no longer available
- Go to the OriginLab website (www.originlab.com) and log in.
- On the Welcome page, click the "Manage my License(s)" link.
- On the Manage my License(s) page, click on the serial number that you are deactivating and then on the "Go" link in the Deactivation column.
- On the Deactivate Origin from a device page, confirm the information and click Continue to deactivate. If the deactivation succeeds, you will get a success note and the product key can be re-used.
- If the deactivation fails, the page automatically transfers you to the System Transfer Request Form. Fill out the form as requested and submit it.
See Also
Update Your License after Maintenance Renewal
Starting from Origin 2017, different versions share the same license, which means that the newer version will inherit all license information from the old version, including product key and its usage status. This makes the upgrade easier.
After your Maintenance renewal has been processed, complete the following steps to obtain an updated license.
- Go to OriginLab website (www.OriginLab.com). Log in.
- On the Welcome page, click the "Manage my License(s)" link.
- In the Manage my License(s) page, check the Version column in the serial number table to see if there is newer version available to upgrade.
- If yes, follow the instruction below to upgrade to newer version
- If you choose to install the new version on the computer on which the current Origin is licensed, please follow the steps to install and activate the new version.
- Download the new version from the OriginLab website. Install it.
- Start Origin. The license process will then be done in background automatically. If successful, you will get a success message. If failed, a Notepad window opens with instruction. Follow the instruction to activate Origin manually.
- If you want to install the new version on a new computer, please follow the steps to install and activate the new version.
- If you don't use up all product keys of the current version, you can install the new version on your new computer and use the available key to activate it. See the detailed activation instruction in Activate Origin with Product Key section.
- If you use up all product keys of the current version, you must deactivate at least one license that is not used any more before you can re-use the product key to activate new version of Origin on the new computer. See the detailed deactivation instruction in License Deactivation section.
- If there is no newer version, it means that you have already registered the latest version. You can follow the instruction below to obtain an updated license for your Origin.
- Start Origin. Select Help: Activate License.
- In the License Activation dialog, the product key is pre-filled. Click the Activate button.
- After the activation process is completed, select Help: About Origin to confirm the updated maintenance expiration date is correct.
You are always recommended to upgrade your Origin to the latest version during Maintenance.