Alphabetical Listing of Objects

A complete listing of all LabTalk objects is provided in the following sections:

Ascimport Break Copy Create Curve
Datasets DB Doc Draw Ed
Excel Export Export.Image Fdlog FFT
File Gadget GetPts Image Image.Export
Image.FileDlg Image.Import Img Ini Integ
Layer Layer.Axis Layer.Axis.Arrow Layer.Axis.Break Layer.Axis.Breaks
Layer.Axis.Grid Layer.Axis.Label Layer.Axis.Refline Layer.Axis.Reflines Layer.CMap
Layer.Plotn Limit LR Macro Mail
Mat Menu NLSF Note OPack
GConnector Page Page.cp Python(object)
R Rserve RT Run(object) Sort
Spectrum1 Stat String StringArray Sum
System System.Annotation System.Axis System.Circle System.CopyPage
System.Dash System.DataDisplay System.Date System.Dialog System.Display
System.Excel System.FileExt System.Font System.Graph System.Grid
System.Line System.Line4 System.Math System.Network System.Notes
System.Numeric System.Operations System.Page System.Path System.Polygon
System.Polyline System.Print System.Project System.Rect System.Script
System.Symbol System.Tick System.Toolbar System.Wks Type
Vmatrix Vr Vw Wbk Wbk.DC
Wks Wks.Col Wks.DB Wks.DC Wks.Export