
LabTalk Object Type:

Utility Object

The RS (RServe) object provides script access for running basic R commands and exchange data with R console through a remote server.


Method Description
RS.Init(address, port, user, password)

Initiate the Rserve application, please refer to this page for parameters setting.


Close the Rserve application.


Execute one or multiple RServe command lines via string strCommand.

RS.Send(OriginDataset, RVariable,type)

Send Origin dataset OriginDataset to RServe as Variable RVariable, data type can be -1 = auto, 0 = vector, 1 = matrix, 2 = data frame.

RS.Receive(OriginDataset, RVariable)

Receive RServe Variable as Origin dataset OriginDataset, data type can be -1 = auto, 0 = vector, 1 = matrix, 2 = data frame.


Set Rserve buffer size (at least 32768 (32KB)).


Set the timeout in seconds optionally for connection.

RS.GetReal(LabTalkVar, RVariable)

Assign the numeric value of R variable RVariable to Origin variable LabTalkVar.

RS.SetReal(LabTalkVar, RVariable)

Assign the numeric value of Origin variable LabTalkVar to R variable RVariable.

RS.GetStr(LabTalkVar, RVariable)

Assign the string value of R string variable RVariable to Origin string variable LabTalkVar.

RS.SetStr(LabTalkVar, RVariable)

Assign the string value of Origin string variable LabTalkVar to R string variable RVariable.

1. Logical vector FALSE,TRUE in R will be received as 0, 1, respectively in Origin worksheet.

2. Origin's missing values "--", empty cell "" will be sent to R as NA.


Please view this page for examples.