It returns the active Layer object. The active Layer object corresponds to the active layer in the active window (graph, worksheet, matrix, or layout).
Layer ActiveLayer( )
The active Layer object.
//with a new project, try new wks, new graph, new matrix, new layout and a new notes window //when notes window is active, the ActiveLayer is not changed, so you should see the last active //layer when a notes window is active void Project_ActiveLayer_ex1() { Layer lay = Project.ActiveLayer(); if(!lay) { out_str("the project is empty"); return; } Worksheet wks = lay;// try casting into a worksheet if(wks) { printf("Active sheet has %d columns and %d rows\n", wks.GetNumCols(), wks.GetNumRows()); return; } // if not a worksheet, try a graph GraphLayer glay = lay; if(glay) { printf("Active graph as %d data plots\n", glay.DataPlots.Count()); return; } out_str("Active layer might be a matrix or a layout page"); }
Project::ActiveCurveBase, Project::ActiveCurve, Project::ActiveFolder