The Origin installation provides a collection of custom building-block Virtual Instruments (VIs) that enable the user to create their own VIs to communicate with Origin. These custom VIs can be used for operations such as opening and closing communication with Origin, exchanging data back and forth between Origin and LabVIEW, and sending commands to Origin.
In order to access these Origin sub-VIs in the LabVIEW Functions Palette, select Tools: Copy Origin Sub-VI to LabVIEW vi.lib\addons\Origin... to automatically copy these files and optionally delete any older versions of these files.
Alternatively or for Origin 8.0 and earlier, you may copy the LabVIEW Libraries from <Origin Program Folder>\Samples\COM Server and Client\LabVIEW\Palette to the vi.lib\addons\Origin subfolder under the LabVIEW installation folder. Specifically, please copy the following files: