Read and set straight line and arrow format options
LabTalk Object Type:
The line object is a subobject of the system object. The line object properties allow you to read and set straight line and arrow format options stored in the SYSTEM.CNF file. These properties are set in the user interface through the Object Properties dialog box. Note that setting these properties through script will overwrite the values in SYSTEM.CNF when the Origin session terminates. Note: Changing default arrow characteristics will affect only new objects created with the Arrow tool of the user interface.
Length of beginning arrow heads in point size.
Arrow head shape by order on Arrow tab of Object Properties: 0 = none, 1 = filled triangular, 2 = chevron, etc.
Width of beginning arrow heads in point size.
Length of ending arrows heads in point size.
Width of ending arrow heads in point size.
Not currently implemented.
Line color following the Origin color palette: 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = green, 4 = blue, etc.
Line type: 0 = solid, 1 = dash, 2 = dot, etc.
Line width in point size.
Label System.Circle, System.Line4, System.Polygon, System.Polyline, System.Rect,