LabTalk Object Type:
The draw object maintains properties for current settings in label object management.
0 = globally disable all object.auto properties. For more information on the object.auto property, see User-created Visual Objects.
Get/Set the status of Show Formulas. 0 = Show Formulas is off, 1 = Show Formulas is on.
Name of the last created label or named object.
1 = Edit Mode (aka Button Edit Mode), 0 = normal mode
Real-time objects flash while processing data: 1 = enable, 0 = disable. Mostly used with RTM objects. For more information on RTM objects, contact OriginLab or your Origin distributor.
This method is the reverse of the draw.set() method. Instead of updating all the properties of all the sub-objects in a tool from a source object, this method updates the source object properties from the tool sub-object property values. GrpObj is the name of the tool containing the source sub-object property values. The object which is updated with the tool's sub-object property values is specified by the tool sub-object's name. The sub-object's name must start with an "_@". It is assumed that the characters following the "_@", and before any numeric digits, are the name of the object to receive the sub-object property values. The property values are assigned by matching the sub-object's control or label names with the object's property names. Note: The object's properties must be writable.
This method updates all the properties of all the sub-objects in a tool from a source object. GrpObj is the name of the tool. DefObj (optional) is the name of the default object that contains* the source values. *The properties of the tool sub-objects are updated from one of the following source objects:
The property values are assigned by matching the source object's property names with the sub-object's control or label names. Note: The tool's sub-object properties must be writable.
The following script is equivalent to selecting Edit:Button Edit Mode.
draw.mode = 1;