Worksheet Column OperationTo perform operation on worksheet column, you can use Column class or Worksheet class.
Add ColumnInsert ColumnAdd or Insert Column
To add a column to the end of the worksheet, the AddCol method in Worksheet class is available, and also the InsertCol for inserting a column before a specified position.
// Add column with default name
int nColIndex = wks.AddCol();
// Add column with namestring strName;
int nColIndex = wks.AddCol("AA", strName); // Returns the index of column
// If the column named AA already exist, name enumeration automatically
Column col(wks, nColIndex); // Construct column object by column index
// Insert a new column as the first column
int nPos = 0; // The position to insert
string strNewCreated; // the real name of the new column
// The name will be auto enumerated if name MyCol already existed
if( wks.InsertCol(nPos, "MyCol", strNewCreated) )
printf("Insert column successfully, name is %s\n", strNewCreated);
Delete Column
The Worksheet::DeleteCol method is capable of removing a column from worksheet.
// Delete the column by index
Rename and Label ColumnRename ColumnColumn Label
To rename (short name) a column, Origin provides the SetName method.
Column col = wks.Columns(0); // Get the 1st column in worksheet
BOOL bRet = col.SetName("MyNewName"); // Rename the column
Column LabelWorksheet
Worksheet column labels support Long NameLong Name Label, UnitsUnits Label, CommentsComments Label, ParametersParameters Label and User-Defined labelsUser Defined Labels. We can use Origin C code to show/hide labels or to add text to the specified column label.
Worksheet wks;
Grid gg;
// if Parameters lable not show, show it.
bool bShow = gg.IsLabelsShown(RCLT_PARAM);
if( !bShow )
wks.Columns(0).SetLongName("X Data");
wks.Columns(1).SetLongName("Y Data");
wks.Columns(0).SetComments("This is a test");
// put text to Parameters label for two columns.
wks.Columns(0).SetExtendedLabel("Param A", RCLT_PARAM);
wks.Columns(1).SetExtendedLabel("Param B", RCLT_PARAM);
 | RCLT_PARAM is the type of Parameters column label, other types see OriginC\system\oc_const.h file ROWCOLLABELTYPE enum.
Hide/Unhide ColumnHide Column
To hide/unhide column(s), you can use the Workhseet::ShowCol method.
wks.ShowCol(1, 1, false); // to hide column 1.
Move and Swap Columns
Move Column
To move columns or swap columns, the super class of Worksheet class, Datasheet class, provides the method MoveColumns and [[OriginC:Datasheet-SwapColumns|SwapColumns] respectively for such purposes.
// Move three columns - starting with column 5 - to the first column
// Example requires first worksheet in project with at least 7 columns
Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
wks.MoveColumns(4, 3, MOVE_COL_TO_FIRST);
// Reverse the column order in the active worksheet
for(int ii = 1; ii <= wks.GetNumCols() / 2 ; ii++)
wks.SwapColumns(ii - 1, wks.GetNumCols() - ii);
Add Sparkline to Column
To add sparkline to column(s), Origin C provides the wks_set_show_labels with the RCLT_SPARKLINE label type.
// Configure active sheet to show Sampling Inverval and SparkLine in order
// append to the curernt Labels
Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
wks_add_show_labels(wks, vn, false);
Data Type, Format, SubFormatColumn Properties
Get & Set Data TypeColumn Designation
Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
Column col(wks, 0);
// Get column type, can be:
// 0: Y
// 1: None
// 2: Y Error
// 3: X
// 4: L
// 5: Z
// 6: X Error
int nType = col.GetType();
out_int("Type: ", nType);
// Set column type. See more define OKDATAOBJ_DESIGNATION_* in oc_const.h
Get & Set Data FormatColumn, Data Format
// Get and set data format
// The default format of column is OKCOLTYPE_TEXT_NUMERIC.
// Set the format of column to Date
if( OKCOLTYPE_DATE != col.GetFormat() )
Get & Set Data SubformatColumn, Data SubFormat
// Get and set data subformat
// The options of the sub format will be different according to the above format,
// numeric, date, time and so on.
if( LDF_YYMMDD != col.GetSubFormat() )