This video will show you how to store the images and 3D data in matrix in Origin. It will also show you some examples of using matrix, such as cropping image and setting matrix values.
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Last Update:2/5/2013
Show Image in Tick and Data Labels
Show Image as Tick Labels
Introduction to Contour Plots in OriginPro
Using Origin's Matrix Features to Create a NetCDF-based Anomaly Plot
3D Graph Tick Label and Axis Title Orientation
Plot 3D or Contour Graph from Virtual Matrix
Contour Levels
Resize and Rotate 3D Graph
Use Metadata Variable in Column Calculation
Embedded Matrix sheet
Cell Formula
Add Data Label in 3D Graph
Plotting error bar in 3D graph
Origin 3D OpenGL Graphs
XYZ Gridding
Introduction to the Origin Workspace
Convert Worksheet to Matrix to Plot 3D Surface