File Exchange > Import and Export >    GeoTIFF Export

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Export matrix as GeoTIFF format file

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  • Purpose
    This app is for exporting matrix as GeoTIFF format file.

  • Installation
    Download the file GeoTIFF Export.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.

  • Operation
    Make the matrix window be active, then click the app icon from the Apps gallery window. Then a dialog will pop up. In the dialog, you can change the input matrix sheet, also you can choose which matrix object(s) to export, as well as customizing the exporting file location and name. If the matrix sheet has contained the GeoTIFF file information, it will use the information for the exporting files, otherwise, you can customize the information manually. And finally click OK button to export the specified matrix as file.

  • Dialog Setings

    • Input Matrix Sheet: This is for specifying where the matrix objects are from. Note, this field is readonly, that is to say, to specify value for this field, you need to use the context menu. With the context menu, you can select the active matrix sheet as input matrix sheet, or you can choose one in the project, or reset (clear) the input matrix sheet.

    • Matrix Object(s) to Export: When the input matrix sheet is selected, all available matrix object(s) in this matrix sheet will list here, and this is for choosing which matrix object(s) to export. You can just export the active matrix object (need the input matrix sheet is also the active matrix sheet in project), or export all matrix objects, or just choose some matrix objects in the input matrix sheet.

    • Base Directory: This is for specifying where the files are exported. You can save the files to User Files Folder (<User Files Folder>), Project Folder (<Project Folder>) , Project Folder with Project Explorer Path (<Project Folder> <PE Path>), or you can type the path, or browse a path by clicking the button to the right.

    • FIle Name(s): This is used for exporting file names. You can type the file names one by one separated by comma, or use # for enumable file names, or check the Auto to have the names automatically. When Auto is checked, the matrix object&rsquos long name is used for the file name, and if there are duplicated long names, the short name will be used together.

    • GT Model: There are four options for GT model, including Undefined, Projected, Geodetic, and Geocentric. If the GeoTIFF is stored in the input matrix sheet, this is disabled with the value from the input matrix sheet.

    • EPSG: Specify EPSG for GeoTIFF file. If the GeoTIFF is stored in the input matrix sheet, this is disabled with the value from the input matrix sheet. And this is not available when GT Model is Undefined.

    • Linear Units: Specify the linear unit for Projected GT Model. The available units include Undefined, Meter, Foot, Foot (US Survey), Foot (Modified American), Foot (Clarke), Link, Link (Benoit), Link (Sears), Chain (Benoit), Chain (Sears), Yard (Sears), Yard (Indian), Fathom, and Mile (International Nautical).

    • Angular Units: Specify the angular unit for Geodetic or Geocentric GT Model. The available units include Undefined, Radian, Degree, Arc Minute, Arc Second, Grad, Gon, DMS and DMS (Hemisphere).

    • Vertical Units: Specify the vertical unit. The available units include Undefined, Meter, Foot, Foot (US Survey), Foot (Modified American), Foot (Clarke), Link, Link (Benoit), Link (Sears), Chain (Benoit), Chain (Sears), Yard (Sears), Yard (Indian), Fathom, and Mile (International Nautical). 

    • TIF Options: Please refer to TIF Options for more details.

    • OK and Cancel Buttons: Click OK button to export the specified matrix objects as GeoTIFF files and close dialog, and click Cancel button to close the dialog only.


2024/8/2, v1.2, add keyword GIS
2022/5/18, v1.1, change default GT Model and EPSG to Geodetic and 4326 respectively

Reviews and Comments:

07/13/2022noissegood !