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Rectangle ...le.opx
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Get profiling data for rectangle and ellipse.

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  • Purpose
    This tool can be used to compute profile for matrix contour plot along the path of rectangle or ellipse.
  • Installation
    Download the file Rectangle and Ellipse Profile.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    With a matrix or a contour plot created from matrix data active, click the app icon from the Apps gallery window. Then a dialog will pop up, with the settings and preview. Change the settings in dialog accordingly, then click OK button.
  • Dialog Setings
    • Add Rect Button: Add a rectangle to plot for profiling.
    • Add Ellipse Button: Add an ellipse to plot for profiling.
    • Duplicate Button: Duplicate current profile.
    • Delete Button: Delete current profile.
    • Current Profile: Show current profile, and the settings shown are for current profile. You can click the Change Name button to change the name of current profile. And you can switch to other profile by selecting item from the dropdown list.
    • Turn On Speed Mode If Needed: This checkbox is used to turn on or off Speed Mode. If the data is not big enough for turning on Speed Mode, this checkbox will do nothing.
    • Show: Specify which graph to show for preview, Source for showing source graph, and Profile for showing the preview of profiling result graph.
    • Profile Quantity: Please refer to Profile Quantity.
    • Color: Color of the profile line. Click on it to change the color. To use Color Browser to choose color, check the Color Browser checkbox.
    • Width of Sample Profile: Please refer to Width.
    • Specify Rectangle By: This is for rectangle profile, and used to specify how to define a rectangle. Options include Diagonal Point and Width & Height. The former is using diagonal two points to make a rectangle, and later is using the start point and rectangle's width and height to make a rectangle.
    • X of Top Left Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile, this is specifying the X scale of top left point for a diagonal point.
    • Y of Top Left Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile, this is specifying the Y scale of top left point for a diagonal point.
    • X of Bottom Right Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile, this is specifying the X scale of bottom right point for a diagonal point.
    • Y of Bottom Right Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile, this is specifying the Y scale of bottom right point for a diagonal point.
    • X of Start Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile by making rectangle using width and height, this is specifying the X scale of start point.
    • Y of Start Point (in Scale): For rectangle profile by making rectangle using width and height, this is specifying the Y scale of start point.
    • Same Width and Height: Check to make the width and height of rectangle to be the same.
    • Width of Rectangle (in Scale): For rectangle profile by making rectangle using width and height, this is specifying the width of rectangle.
    • Height of Rectangle (in Scale): For rectangle profile by making rectangle using width and height, this is specifying the height of rectangle.
    • Specify Ellipse By: This is for ellipse profile, and used to specify how to define an ellipse. Options include Diagonal Point, Center & Axes and 3 Point Circle. The first option will define an ellipse using the two diagonal points of the enclosed rectangle, and the second using the center point and length of axes, and the third using 3 points to define a circle (major axis and minor axis of ellipse are the same).
    • X of Top Left Point (in Scale): For ellipse profile, this is specifying the X scale of top left point for a diagonal point of enclosed rectangle.
    • Y of Top Left Point (in Scale): For ellipse profile, this is specifying the Y scale of top left point for a diagonal point of enclosed rectangle.
    • X of Bottom Right Point (in Scale): For ellipse profile, this is specifying the X scale of bottom right point for a diagonal point of enclosed rectangle.
    • Y of Bottom Right Point (in Scale): For ellipse profile, this is specifying the Y scale of bottom right point for a diagonal point of enclosed rectangle.
    • X of Center (in Scale): For center and axes ellipse profile, this is specifying the X of center of the ellipse.
    • Y of Center (in Scale): For center and axes ellipse profile, this is specifying the Y of center of the ellipse.
    • Same Major and Minor Axes (Circle): For center and axes ellipse profile, make major and minor axes of ellipse to be the same, that is to make it to be circle.
    • X Axis (in Scale): For center and axes ellipse profile, this is specifying the axis of the ellipse along X.
    • Y Axis (in Scale): For center and axes ellipse profile, this is specifying the axis of the ellipse along Y.
    • X/Y of Point 1/2/3 (in Scale): For ellipse profile, define an ellipse as circle by 3 points, these options are used to specify the positions of the 3 points.
    • Start Point At: To do profiing, the enclosed curve (rectangle or ellipse) needs to be considered as a curve line, then it has to point out which point of the rectangle or ellipse to start profling along the rectangle or ellipse. For rectangle, start point can be Top Left, Left Center, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right, Right Center, Top Right, and Top Center. And for ellipse, start point can be Left, Bottom, Right and Top.
    • Direction: As described in Start Point At, when expanding along rectangle or ellipse, besides the start point, it also needs to specify the direction. It can be anticlockwise or clockwise.
    • Compute Angle: For 3 Point Circle, it has this special option for computing the angle as output.
    • Angle Unit: For Compute Angle, specify what unit to use for the angle, Degree or Radian.
    • All Profile Results to One Sheet: If checked, results of all profiles will output to the same worksheet, otherwise, one worksheet for one profile result.
    • Batch Process: If checked, the current settings will be used for batch processing of the selected matrix sheets.
    • Matrix Sheets for Batch Processing: Select matrix sheets for batch processing using the current settings.
    • Post Analysis: If checked, it allows to specify an analysis template to do the post analysis, by using the profiling result data as input data of the analysis template.
    • Post Analysis Template: Specify the analysis template for Post Analysis.
    • Data Sheet: After specifying Post Analysis Template, you have to specify the data sheet of the template. Please note, the profile data will put to the first two columns of the data sheet in template as XY.
    • OK and Cancel Buttons: Click OK button to output the profile results and close dialog, and click Cancel button to close the dialog only.


v1.3, more settings for batch processing
v1.2, allow different profiles for batch processing
v1.1, fixed bug of changing 3 Points Circle issue

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