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HTML Repor...nt.opx
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Help to edit a report according to HTML syntax in Notes window, like inserting and customizing a report table.

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Purpose: The purpose of this App is to help you edit a report according to HTML syntax in Notes window. You can get a nice table without touching the CSS part.


This App consists of an option to select a worksheet that you desired as well as a number of controls that are described below.

  • Insert Worksheet as Table: Click the button at the end of this line to select a worksheet you want to insert as an HTML table.
  • (Optionally)Insert a Report Table: Select a single table from the selected report worksheet. This option is only available when you select a report worksheet.
  • Shape Options: Let you manipulate the shape of the table, including the background color of table, the border color of table, etc.
  • Text Options: Let you format the text inside table, including the color of text, the font size of text, etc.

Insert Table

Click the app icon to open the app dialog, and change the font, color and style as you desired. You can refer to the sample at the bottom of the dialog before you click the Insert button.

Modify Table

To modify an inserted table, you can move the mouse over the table and then you will see a button show at the bottom of the table, click that button to bring up the app dialog.

Delete Table

To delete the table, move the mouse over the table and click the button at the bottom of the table, then click Detele button at the pop-up dialog.


v1.05 Fix bugs of modifying table style
v1.1 Support in Markdown and the ability to apply settings to all tables

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