File Exchange > Data Analysis >    Fit Adsorption Isotherm

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Fit Adsorp...rm.opx
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Help to transform raw data related to adsorption isotherm into a linear dataset then perform linear fitting.

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This App provides a convenient way to transform your raw data related to adsorption isotherm into a linear dataset with various types of the model provided, and perform linear fitting with the new dataset. Note that the App only supports one independent variable (x) and one dependent variable (y).


1.        Activate a worksheet with data and click the Fit Adsorption Isotherm app icon.

2.        Specify the independent variable (x) and dependent variable (y) by dragging the columns of the fitting curve to Input item.

3.        Select one of the transformed models. The model equation will be updated and the transformed linear curve will be plotted at the same time when you switch the models in the drop-down list.

4.        Optionally restrict the parameters to the value specified in the Parameter tab. The parameters are those we want to obtain through the fitting.

5.        Optionally assign a new value to the constants in the Constant tab.

6.        Click Fit button to perform a simple linear fit. The R-Square value will be updated in the table of the Parameter tab.

7.        Click Report button to output the fitting report.


v1.2 Fixed bugs of fixing parameters.

Reviews and Comments:


07/04/2022OriginLabHi, OlegTkachenko, the app supports the first model, Langmuir model, in the tutorial

07/04/2022OlegTkachenkoWhat models are available for fitting in the App?

05/13/2021caroletyCan you provide a file version that will be supported by Origin 2019b (9.6.5)?
Thank you!

01/19/2021OriginLabHi saad_megahed, I am sorry that the first version of this app was built with Origin 2020b, so we don't have an older version for Origin 2018.

Thanks, OriginLab Technical Support

01/17/2021saad_megahedany chance to have it on older version as 2018.

10/19/2020originlabHi, do you need the sample opj file? You can install this app and right click the icon to select Show Samples Folder to get the sample opj file.
OriginLab Technical Support

10/17/2020ptm.orgWould you provide the origin obj file of Fit Adsorption Isotherm instead of obx?

06/25/2020profdrfahmyThis is the very well known Hashimoto method of linearization by the integration of the Freundlich isotherm (Hashimoto, 1964),
Hashimoto, I., Deshpande K. B., and K. C. Thomas. 1964. Peclet numbers and retardation factors for ion exchange columns. Industrial and Engineering Chemical Fundamentals. 3: 213-218.
I make this on Excel and no need for any other software.