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Perform smoothing of XY data plots

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This app lets you perform smoothing of XY data plots on a graph.
The App can operate on a single data plot, or on multiple data plots by internally combining the data.


Download the file 2D Smoother.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.


To launch this app, activate a 2D XY plot with one or more data plots and click on the app icon.
The left panel lists existing plots. You can select one or more plots as input.
If Combine & Sort is ON, data will be combined and sorted before further operation.

There are 3 tabs in the dialog for various operations.
You can add one or more smoothed lines by changing settings and clicking on the Add button.

  1. Connected Line
    This method simply connects the data points using a chose line style.
    Select the line type from the drop-down list:
    • Cubic Spline: this option is enabled when there are no more than 900 points and they are strictly in ascending/descrending order.
    • B-Spline
    • Akima Spline
    • Bezier
    • Modified Bezier
  2. Trendline
    This method adds a smoothed line by performing curve fitting of the data points.
    Select the fitting type from the drop-down list.
    You can display the corresponding equation as a label next to the to the end of the trendline by checking the Add Equation as Label checkbox. Adding R-squared as label is supported as well.
    • Linear: Performs linear fitting on the data
      You can fix the intercept to a particular value by checking the corresponding checkbox.
    • Polynomial: Performs polynomial fitting on the data.
      The polynomial order can be between 2 and 6.
      You can fix the intercept to a particular value by checking the corresponding checkbox.
    • Power: Performs apparent fit on the data when Fix Y Offset at Zero is checked:
      \(\ln\left(y\right)=\ln\left(a\right) + b\ln\left(x\right)\)
    • Logarithmic: Perform apparent fit on the data when Fix X Shift at Zero is checked:
    • Exponential: Perform apparent fit on the data when Fix Y Offset at Zero is checked:
    • Piecewise Linear: Performs 2 or 3 segment linear fit to the data.
  3. Smoothed Line
    The available smoothing methods are:
    • Moving Average
    • Savitzky-Golay
    • Lowess
    • Loess
    • Whittaker (Pro)
    Note smoothed line works better for a large number of data points.


v1.5 Update DLL dependencies.
v1.4 Improved Whittaker smoothing (since Origin 2022. Pro only)
v1.3 Whittaker smoothing (since Origin 2021b. Pro only)
v1.1 Output R-squared value.

Reviews and Comments:



11/27/2024yukiOriginlabHi ztl1986, please see the Installation section on this page.

11/26/2024ztl1986How to download?

04/10/2023ZHANG Meng-mengno


03/03/2022lin bb 

02/15/2022yinmonkeyNOT Support Low Versions

12/27/2021OriginLabHi faithyoung,
很抱歉,我们只能提供最新版本的App。您可以升级到最近Origin2022 来安装使用这个App。
在我们的网页中,提供了最新Origin2022 免费试用版。欢迎你尝试下载和使用我们的新版本: