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Using repeatability and reproducibility analysis to measure the measurement error in measurement systems.

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Gage R&R analysis is a statistical tool that measures the amount of variation in the measurement system arising from the measurement device and the people taking the measurement.


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Worksheet data in Origin are organized by row index number. For instance, in a gage study, each measurement made on a part might be matched by row index number to a part number, an operator number and a replicate number.

  • Type 1 Gage Study
    A Type 1 study is used for evaluating the repeatability of a measuring process.
    Key input parameters: Measurement Data, Reference, Tolerance, Limit Type: Two-sided or one-sided (Upper Only, Lower Only), Percent of tolerance for calculating Cg, Study variation (num of SD).
  • Gage Linearity and Bias Analysis
    Assess the linearity of gauge response across the expected range of measurements.
    Key input parameters: Part Numbers, Reference Values, Measurement Data, Process Variation (optional)
  • Gage R&R Study(Crossed)
    In a crossed study, all parts are measured by all operators.
    Key Input Parameters: Part Numbers, Operators, Measurement Data, Method of Analysis (ANOVA, Xbar and R), Gage Tolerance, Study Variation (number of standard deviations), Process Tolerance (specification limit), Limit Type: Two-sided or one-sided (Upper Only, Lower Only), Historical Standard Deviation.
  • Gage R&R Study(Nested)
    In a nested study, each operator measures a unique set of parts.
    Key Input Parameters: Part, Operator, Measurement Data, Gage Tolerance, Study Variation (number of standard deviations), Process Tolerance (specification limit), Limit Type: Two-sided or one-sided (Upper Only, Lower Only), Historical Standard Deviation.
  • Gage R&R Study(Expanded)
    In an expanded study, each operator measures a unique set of parts.
    Key Input Parameters: Part, Operator, Additional Factors, Measurement Data, Model, Fixed Factors, Nested Factors, Gage Tolerance, Study Variation (number of standard deviations), Process Tolerance (specification limit), Limit Type: Two-sided or one-sided (Upper Only, Lower Only), Historical Standard Deviation.
  • Attribute Gage Study
    In attribute gage study, attribute measurement system is evaluated.
    Key Input Parameters: Part, Reference Values, Acceptance Counts, Total Number of Trials, Upper/Lower Limit Value. 
  • Create Gage Worksheet
    Optional. Generate a worksheet for recording readings from your gage study.
    Key input parameters: Number of Parts, Number of Operators, Number of Replicates, Randomization (None, All Runs, Runs within Operators).




v1.59 1/24/2025 Bug Fixed
v1.58 1/20/2025 Bug Fixed
v1.57 1/8/2025 Add measurement trellis plot.
v1.56 1/8/2025 Updated control charts.
v1.55 1/3/2025 Supported confidence Intervals for Gage Evaluation Parameters.
v1.54 1/2/2025 Supported unbalanced data for Gage Linearity and Bias Analysis.
v1.53 12/25/2024 Fixed bugs in Crossed Gage R&R Study.
v1.52 12/4/2024 Fixed Gage Bias table bugs.
v1.5 9/26/2024 Changed toolbar to HTML dialog.
v1.42: Fix bugs.
v1.41: Add 'Type 3 Gage R&R' for crossed Gage R&R.
v1.4: Add Attribute Gage.
v1.3: Redesign the app.
v1.2: Fix bugs.
v 1.1: Add Gage Study Expanded.

Reviews and Comments:
01/21/2025antonio2This is a tool important in 6 sigma, same as minitab . antonio

09/04/2024Andrewvery good!