File Exchange > Graphing >    Colormap for Map Data

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Colormap f...ta.opx
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Reorder the data from Import Shapefile App, and then create colormap map plot.

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  • Purpose
    After importing data by using Import Shapefile App, this app can then be used to first reorder the map data, and then create the map plot with filled color mapped by specified values.
  • Installation
    Download the file Colormap for Map Data.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
  • Operation
    Note: there is a sample project together with this app. You can open the sample folder by right clicking on the icon of this app, and then choose Show Samples Folder from the context menu. In this folder, You can open the sample project in Origin, and then click the "Tutorial" link on the Graph4 to open the blog page to follow the step on blog to create the graph.
    1. Import data by using Import Shapefile App first.
    2. With the imported data worksheet active, click the icon in the Apps Gallery window to bring up the toolbar.
    3. Click the first button to bring up the dialog for reorganizing the imported data. Choose one column for Names for ID if you want to have one. Generally, the Names for ID is also from the imported data of Import Shapefile App, and you should check File Name (attribute) and File Name (projection) to get such data while importing shapefile.
    4. Click OK button to generate a new worksheet with the reordered data. This worksheet has 6 columns, the first two are the map data, and the third column is to group the map data, the fourth column is ID of the Names for ID (specified in the last step) which is sorted ascending in the fifth column. If Names for ID is not specified, the fifth column is empty. And the final column is empty, which is used to input the values for colormap.
    5. Fill the value (temperature for example) for each ID in the last column, which will then be used for colormap.
    6. With the reorganized worksheet active, click the second button, the map plot will be created with color mapped by the filled values. After creating the map plot, you may have to customize the color palette, axis scale, etc., so to make the plot looks like what you desired. By default, if the filled values are missing values, those regions will be blank without any color filled.


v1.1: add labels, and fixed icon size issue
v1.2: fixed bug of invalid names for id
v1.5: bug fix

Reviews and Comments:

10/16/2024Cindy76357Very Good!




Would you please share us the shapefile you met the problem with, to help us check the details?


10/26/2021vito.paradisoEven though I follow the instructions, a message appears: Invalid shapefile data
How can I solve this problem?
