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Help to prepare data and plot 3D antenna radiation pattern.

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This propose of this App is to help user to plot 3D antenna radiation pattern from a virtual matrix. In addition,  this app can also help users to prepare a virtual matrix from the raw data.


Download the file and drag-and-drop onto Origin. A new icon named 3D Antenna Radiation Pattern will appear in the Apps Gallery window.


1. Convert XYZ Data to Virtual Matrix (xyz2vm)

XYZ Data

Click to select X, Y and Z column respectively

Output Format

Specify whether to arrange azimuth (Phi) values across column and elevation/inclination (Theta) values in the first column, or vice versa.

Further, specify in which row to put the values.


Specify the worksheet that the virtual matrix is output in.

2. Interpolate Response Data (intrpData)

Note: This app only supports the Linear method, which is a fast method of estimating a data point by constructing a line between two neighboring data points, so far. If you need to use more interpolation methods, please leave your comment.

X values to interpolate

The column to interpolate on


The XY range to be interpolated

Include X values in Output Worksheet

Specify whether to copy the X value column to the result sheet

Include Y Column Labels in Output Worksheet

Specify whether to copy the column labels and paste them to the corresponding column label row 

Output Worksheet

Specify the output worksheet

3. Plot 3D Antenna Radiation Patter (plotresp)


Specify the range for plotting, usually select the whole worksheet (whole virtual matrix)

Angle System

Specify the coordinate system used to describe the radiation pattern.

  • Elevation-Azimuth system: This coordinate system is used in a phased array system. The azimuth angle is measured off the x-axis, its value is between -180 and 180 degrees. The elevation angle is measured from the x-y plane, its value is between -90 and 90 degrees. 
  • Inclination-Azimuth system: This is the commonly-used spherical coordinate system in mathematics. The azimuth angle is measured counterclockwise off the x-axis, its value is between 0 and 360 degrees. The inclination angle is measured off the z-axis, its value is between 0 and 180 degrees. 

Data Format

Specify which way the virtual matrix data is set

Data Type

Specify the unit of input angle, the type of radiation pattern and adjust response dynamic range according to the specified value, which is available when dB has been selected in Response Type.

Normalize Response

Specify whether the input pattern should be normalized before further processing. Assume maxResponse is the maximum response value.

  • normalized response = response - max response (when dB is selected as response type)
  • normalized response = response / max response (when magnitude or power is selected as response type)  

Connect the First and Last Azimuth to Enclose the Surface

Specify whether to connect the first and the last azimuth. If checked, this app will help copy the first azimuth data at the end of the dataset to enclose the surface.

Output Result

Specify the output matrix sheet, which should include 4 matrix object ( x, y, z and response)


v1.1 new option Connect the First and Last Azimuth to Enclose the Surface

Reviews and Comments:
07/11/2022noissevery interesent in the work ist the best wo ist the noise ! @noise

12/31/2021ducnguyen102ntExcellent! Thank you

11/26/2021OriginLabHi Sixiwanzi,
This app plots the data in spherical coordinate, although there is no spherical coordinate scale. We will create a video to explain this. Once it is done, we will send it to you.


11/25/2021SixiwanziWhy can I only draw cartesian coordinates and not polar 3D. can you make a video, please?
by the way,there is no URL for report.

11/24/20210MC-497-UBXwhere is the video

09/24/2020originlabHi arimateiamagno, we also support spherical coordinate system.

09/05/2020arimateiamagnothis is only available if your data is on cartesian coordinates right?

08/22/2020aboladejeremiahPlease, upload video of these steps or send it to

Thank you very much.

07/06/2020krisfanCan you do a demo video? I still don't understand