File Exchange > Data Analysis >    Batch Peak Integration

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Integrate Multiple Peaks on the Curve with Individual Baseline Settings

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  • Purpose

            This app can perform batch peak integration. It supports defining separate baselines for individual peaks and integrates the peak by subtracting the baseline.

  • Installation

            Download the file "Batch Peak Integration.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.

  • Operation

            Activate a worksheet or graph with XY data, and then click the app icon to bring up the dialog. Then you can add/delete peaks, customize the baseline for each peak, output the result of peak 

            information into a workbook. 

Dialog Settings:

  • Left Preview Panel: It displays the source data plot in the bottom layer and the zoomed-in peak in the top layer. In both layers, the user can adjust the size and position of the window to manually define the peak range.
  • Right Panel
    • Settings tab:
      • Input: choose the dataset in the current folder for examination.
      • <: Navigate to the previous peak.
      • >: Navigate to the next peak.
      • Add Peak: Add a peak window on the plot.
      • Delete Peak: Delete the current peak window on the plot.
      • Auto Find Peaks:
        • Smoothing Window Size: Remove noise without affecting the overall curve shape.
        • Direction: Detect positive or negative peaks.
        • Local Points: Window size for local maximum peak finding.
        • Peak Filtering: Remove small peaks.
        • Remove Current Peaks on the Plot: Reset peaks on the graph.
      • Output Result: Output the peak infos into a worksheet with the current peak settings. 
      • Left X: Set the left boundary of the current peak window.
      • Right X: Set the right boundary of the current peak window.
      • Baseline: Choose different methods to define the baseline. Please refer to Baseline Mode.
      • Peak Information: Peak Positions, Peak Height, Area, Peak Width, Peak Y. 
      • Batch Process Data Source: It supports the following dataset scope: Current Worksheet, Current Workbook, Current Folder, Specify Files.
      • Batch Processing: Perform the batch processing using the datesets specified in Batch Process Data Source.
    • Save/Load tab:
      • Save: Save the settings to a file.
      • Load: Load the settings from a file.
      • Delete: Delete setting file.


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