The peaks function returns a dataset containing indices of peaks found using width and minht as a criteria. width is the number of points on either side of the test point (and is treated as an integer) and minht is in Y axis units. A peak at a given index i is minht greater than the data value at i-width or i+width.
dataset peaks(dataset vd, int width, double minht)
Returns a dataset containing indices of peaks found in vd.
With a worksheet active
col(Peak Indices) = peaks(col(B), 3, 9); // Columns are referenced by name
With a graph active
Peaks_Index = peaks(%C, 5, Y1 + .4 * (Y2 - Y1)); // %C is the active plot curve
Using Range notation
range rr1 = [Peaks]Sheet1!Index; range rr2 = [Book1]"Sheet1"!B; rr1 = peaks(rr2, 4, 10);