Find the report tree in the project given its corresponding UID
BOOL GetReportTree( TreeNode & tr, uint ReportUID, Datasheet & wks = NULL, int nType = GRT_TYPE_RESULTS )
true if the project has the requested report, false if not found
//Find the report tree in the project given its corresponding UID //Before run this example. Pls create a worksheet, set some numbers and do some analysis like Fit Linear. #include <OperationManager.h> void Project_GetReportTree_ex1() { OperationManager opManager; opManager = Project.Operations; if( opManager.GetCount() > 0 ) { OperationBase& opBase = opManager.GetOperation(0); int nOuts = opBase.GetOutputCount(); for( int index = 0; index < nOuts; ++index ) { DataRange drOut; if( opBase.GetOutput(drOut, index) ) { Tree tr; Project.GetReportTree(tr, drOut.GetUID(true)); out_tree(tr); } } } }