
LabTalk Object Type:


The excel object is a sub-object of the system object. The excel object properties allow you to read and alter settings related to using Excel in Origin, which are set in the OPTION.CNF file. Most of these settings can also be accessed in the Options dialog box.


Property Access Description
system.excel.closeAfterPlot Read/write,

Close the Select Data for Plotting dialog box after plotting the workbook data. 1 = close the dialog box, 0 = do not close the dialog box. The Select Data for Plotting dialog box is only available when dlgPlot = 0.

system.excel.dlgPlot Read/write,

Plot by highlighting workbook data and assuming column designations appropriate to a selected graph type. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.

system.excel.dragDropPlot Read/write,

Drag-and-drop plot method for adding workbook data (and Origin worksheet data) to an existing graph. 1 = line, 2 = scatter, 3 = line+symbol, and 4 = current data plot style holder.

system.excel.legendTxtSel Read/write,

Automatically search the workbook for legend text. Origin searches for text in the cell immediately above the cell that contains the first Y data values, and then continues to search upward in the workbook. 1 = enable, 0 = disable.

system.excel.openAsExcel Read/write,

Control the selection in the Open Excel dialog box (when openAsPrompt = 1). 1 = open as Excel workbook, 0 = open as Origin worksheet.

system.excel.openAsPrompt Read/write,

Display the Open Excel dialog box after selecting File:Open Excel. This dialog box determines how Excel files are opened in Origin (as workbooks or as Origin worksheets). 1 = enable opening dialog box, 0 = disable opening dialog box and always open as a workbook.

system.excel.plotMulti Read/write,

When selecting multiple datasets for plotting in the Select Data for Plotting dialog box, control the display of the data plots. 0 = plot all data into single layer graph, 1 = plot each data plot into its own layer of the same graph window, 2 = plot each data plot into its own graph window.

system.excel.saveAsExcel Read/write,

Control how internal and external Excel workbooks are saved when you save the associated project. 0 = do not open the Save Excel Workbooks dialog box. External workbooks are automatically updated when the associated project is saved. 1 = Open the Save Excel Workbooks dialog box when you select File:Save Project or click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. 2 = Open the Save Excel Workbooks dialog box when you select File:Save Project As.

See Also:

LabTalk Objects