
Read and set circle format options

LabTalk Object Type:


The dataDisplay object is a sub-object of the system object. The dataDisplay object properties allow you to read and alter Data Display tool settings.


Property Access Description
System.dataDisplay.autoFit Read/write

Automatically display all text in the Data Display tool, independent of the tool's size. 1 = enable, 0 = disable. When autofit = 0, the display of text with in the tool is controlled by the resize property.

System.dataDisplay.bkColor Read/write

Background color of the Data Display tool. Numbers from the color list or set with the color() function.

System.dataDisplay.docking Read/write

Control the Data Display tool's view: 1 = enable docking view, 0 = disable docking view. If docking view is enabled, the tool can be docked on the edge of the workspace.

System.dataDisplay.font$ Read/write

Name of font used for text display in the Data Display tool.

System.dataDisplay.minFontSize Read/write

Minimum font size, in points, used for text display in the Data Display tool.

System.dataDisplay.resize Read/write

Control the display of the Data Display tool's text when autofit = 0. 0 = fix the size of the tool's text to the current size. 1 = fix the size of the tool's text so that all the text displays within the horizontal constraints. 2 = fix the size of the tool's text so that all the text displays within the vertical constraints.

System.dataDisplay.txtColor Read/write

Text color for the Data Display tool. Numbers from the color list or set with the Color_(function) function.